Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 609

He struggled, his inner qi passed through the bloody meridians, which was equivalent to directly washing the flesh and blood with the inner qi, and the pain of the heart was flowing through the whole body.

[Can't just fall down.

Mo Mingshi dragged the remains and roared.

"Ultimately magical power, the sun and the moon fall in the southeast, the country is ups and downs!"

Su Wangyou was slightly startled, because of this technique, he was somewhat impressed.

Extreme magic...

He quickly remembered the first method used to kill Xiao Hai, but it would take a full 129,600 years to cultivate this technique --- immediately he remembered the secret method of time.

When Su Wangyou recalled...Mo Mingshi moved.

It doesn’t matter if the name of a practice is not'shen gong' at the end, it is not necessarily strong or weak, but if the name of a practice is the word'shen gong' at the end, then this practice... must be extremely strong !

This kind of exercise surpasses the limitations of ordinary exercises, and even has some active techniques, such as the Taixuan Divine Art Profound Style-the power of this technique is obvious to all.

And now, an uprising style with the same level of Taixuan divine art is attacking Su Wangyou.

If it is said that the effect of the profound meaning of the Supreme Profound Art is to scroll the aura of the world, then the effect of this ultimate divine art is to completely release all of your inner energy.

It sounds like a fool's usage, but special internal energy will directly change the internal energy form of the martial artist. Basically powerful exercises will have their own internal energy form, such as Zhongzheng and peaceful, and the balance of all attributes can be called the best in the world. Profound internal qi, for example, Qinglian internal qi whose lethality reached its limit, and everything else was abandoned.

And extremely internal Qi... is the most special internal Qi form in the world.

The Extreme Inner Qi has a devastating effect on all creatures in the world. Even if Xiaohai is resurrected, the injuries caused by the Extreme Inner Qi will not disappear.This is the original words given by the Apocalypse·Salvation—Of course, Su Wangyou actually knows it. The Apocalypse·Salvation is also a transcendence soldier, and the Apocalypse·Salvation is just the name given to it by the Bright Church. The real name is actually the pride of the omniscient god.

————Do you think the effect of this extremely inner energy is familiar?

Yes, the low-profile version is without sheath.

It is a stupid thing to release a large amount of internal Qi. Even if Su Changge, who has obtained Xiaohai Internal Qi, is almost infinitely blue, he does not dare to play it like this. This is a great damage to his meridians - but that is. It is based on the premise that none of their internal qi has autonomous lethality.

The effect of extreme internal energy is devastating...whether it is on the enemy or on oneself.

Mo Mingshi's meridians... have been completely wiped out, and the flesh and blood are burnt.

Corresponding to this heavy price, the overwhelming inner energy surged towards Su Wangyou.

Mo Mingshi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Su Wangyou still did not evade.

[Even Lingshan can't stop my extreme internal energy. Is it young and frivolous...] [Speaking of which, I have achieved such an achievement at this age. Even the future person may not be as good as him. Well, it's a pity, he has to die here anyway...] Right now.

Su Wangyou stretched out his hand in response to the extremely strong internal energy.

Afterwards, he squeezed out of thin air, holding the invisible inner energy...

The shock of this grip is indescribable, like someone on the ground, holding a cloud against the sky out of thin air.

As if pulling a curtain, Su Wangyou took hold of the torrent of internal energy and raised it directly to the right.

Chapter 43 The Moon

The torrent of internal Qi that had pinned all the hopes of Mo Mingshi was like smoke blown by a storm, and was dispelled without any resistance.

In a blink of an eye, the inner Qi disappeared without a trace.

The thunder is loud and the rain is small. This is the case.

It stands to reason that at this time, no matter how strong people are, they should collapse. Even if they don’t collapse, they should be on the verge of despair.


I don't know if there is a warrior who can withstand such a blow, but if there is such a warrior in the world, then that warrior must be Mo Mingshi.

Forty-five transcendent soldiers, the inscribed miracle grip is the one that requires the highest willpower of the user.

"Not yet——————" Mo Mingshi shouted wildly.

Before the word'end' was uttered, Su Wangyou punched.

There is no name for the move, and no internal energy.

It's not martial arts, it's not a secret method, it's not a secret technique.

Shuttle through the galaxy at extreme speed, and then punch with extreme strength.

The fist slammed into Mo Mingshi's chest.

……will die.

Mo Mingshi felt the death breath that enveloped him.

[This punch... will kill me.

Absolutely unmatched power, like a demon god in the sky.

[Even the inscription of the miracle grip cannot stop...]

Facing death, Mo Mingshi's expression was surprisingly calm.

[But... Must survive.

Only this is certain, Mo Mingshi knew that he would never die here.

Absolutely, no.

Su Wangyou's face changed slightly.

This punch... He originally intended to penetrate Mo Mingshi's body and directly kill him, but for some reason... After that force spread to Mo Mingshi's body, it knocked him out.

Behind Mo Mingshi is the moon.

[I have studied this secret method for three thousand five hundred years and have not succeeded.

About 0.9 seconds later, Mo Mingshi would hit the moon. With his current physical state, this collision was enough to kill him.

[Within 0.9 seconds, I have to complete this secret method...]

[I will succeed because I have no choice but to do so.

There was a touch of madness in Mo Mingshi's pupils, but under the madness, the deepest and most terrifying peace was hidden.

[The grip of the miracle is inscribed, if you can hear my call...] ​​Mo Mingshi closed his eyes.

[Three thousand five hundred years...I have worked hard for this secret method for three thousand five hundred years.] Mo Mingshi's body has hit the moon.

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