Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 610

[Think about it, think about it again, spread out all the forces you receive, evenly... spread it!Mo Mingshi opened his eyes.

He said: "That's it."

Logically speaking, Mo Mingshi should run through the entire moon at this time.

but no.

Mo Mingshi's body was stopped there stiffly, as if a force was blocking him, forcibly stopping him on the surface of the moon.

Cobweb-like cracks spread quickly.

How fast is this fast————The answer is that within three seconds, the entire moon is covered by this dense cobweb.

[This secret...]

Mo Mingshi thought so, more and more cracks appeared on the moon.

[It's better to just call it... Let him be flooded.

All the strength of Su Wangyou's fist was transmitted to the moon through Mo Mingshi's body, and then spread quickly, every inch of strength was continuously scattered and cut, and finally spread evenly to the entire moon.

This is an almost perfect unloading secret method, and the whole world cannot find a stronger unloading secret method than this - but this punch was made by Su Wangyou.

In the next second, the fifth-largest satellite in the solar system, the natural satellite that has accompanied the earth for 4.5 billion years, the moon rabbit lunar in the poet's mouth... completely burst.

The moon... is gone.

Neither Mo Mingshi nor Su Wangyou thought that this punch would actually cause such consequences.

Huge moon fragments splashed all over - they lost their hometown and wandered in the universe until they perished.

Mo Mingshi slowly stood up - he stood on a piece of the moon, facing Su Wangyou far away.

"I didn't expect that your punch could destroy the entire moon." Mo Mingshi slowly shook his head.

Su Wangyou was silent. He knew that Mo Mingshi was seizing the time to recover his inner qi and mend his meridians, but he didn't care, just like Mo Mingshi who had been with Su Wangyou, he knew he was invincible.

"With this punch, I wanted to kill you... I didn't expect this to happen."

"Really." Mo Mingshi also fell silent.

He was silent longer than Su Wangyou.

Finally, his hoarse voice sounded.

"One day...I will die, but it must not be today."

Internal air, surging.

"Absolutely, it can't be today!!"

Su Wangyou's eyes were cold, and finally he pulled out the sheathless!

"That's not for you!"

"Ha————" Mo Mingshi sneered, "I smashed the moon...I am angry, are you finally planning to use your full strength?"

He let out a long breath.


The word'Bar' has not yet been exported...

Su Wangyou has reached him.

Before zero and two seconds, they were separated by 40 kilometers.

After ten and two seconds, Su Wangyou raised the sword in his hand and pierced Mo Mingshi's chest.

Mo Mingshi couldn't even react, and Su Wangyou's voice came into his ears.

"I haven't used this trick for a long time... If it's useful and wrong, please bear with me."

What is he saying?!

[I was in a illusion?

Mo Mingshi opened his mouth, unable to make a sound.

Su Wangyou...When did he come to him?

But said that Su Wangyou is here...

The left arm is horizontally in front of the body, and the forearm is slightly tilted.

Move your right foot back and bend.

The left foot is stretched forward and bent.

Move your right arm back and extend your palm.



Su Wangyou's voice resounded through Nebula.


A palm was slapped on the hilt of the sword without sheath.

Mo Mingshi's face changed wildly because he found that...The sheath hadn't passed through his body.

Logically speaking, such a sharp weapon can easily penetrate Mo Mingshi's body, but... Su Wangyou killed Science.

No sheath did not run through the Mo Ming world, but just led him... towards the sun.

The forty-fourth chapter can't die yet!

Can't resist.

The time, strength, and opportunity to resist are all zero.

Mo Mingshi was carried without a sheath... and rushed towards the sun.

Pass through the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona.

Through the troposphere, radiation zone, core.

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