Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 631

This mysterious number seems to affect all transcendents.

This kind of expansion seems to have no limit-Shiina Shirashou thinks of a number casually, and his strength immediately expands. There is no upper limit for the number of thoughts. After the strength expands, the body can fully adapt and completely Able to adapt to this force.

Shiina Shirashou even directly began to think of numbers in his mind using scientific notation - the results were completely applicable.

This is the power of the transcendence... and such transcendence characteristics seem to be the lowest level among the transcendence.

[But...I don't believe this statement.

Shiina Shirashou didn't believe this.

If everything is determined according to the characteristics of the transcendence-there will undoubtedly be some contradictory characteristics of the transcendence.

For example, "all beings are equal" vs. "absolute victory", absolute victory is 50-50 vs. absolute victory, and the final win is true --- after becoming a transcender, Shiina Shirasou can call out his father's real name A...Although it's only half, but in the long river of fate, maybe even the stolen half can be called out.

Another example is the transcendence characteristic of "absolutely undefeated"-in the end, it was really easily defeated, and the time used was not β.

If you insist on explaining it, there is only the term'priority'.

He actually knew that his odds of winning were almost zero... but he decided to fight.

Everyone... even his father thought he could defeat the copy, and the copy could defeat his father, so it was reasonable... he had a chance to defeat his father.

The possibility of losing is great, but if you don’t try it, the chance is always zero.

But if you give it a try, even if the chance of victory is only β...that's also a chance of victory.

Penglai Island.

Someone went and returned.

When he went, he was Su Wangyou.

When he came back, he was Shiina Shirashou.

Inherited the surname that the true mad failed to inherit, abandoned his own name, and changed the'character' that no one had understood in twenty years into his own name...

Zhen Si was really waiting for him on the beach - after becoming the transcendant, Shiina Shirasou could already call out his name. If the name is completely taken away, he cannot be called out, but he has not been taken away completely. The name is just used to suppress the copy.

Zhen Sha turned around.

The two met each other, some drew a sword, and some made a fist.

Real name taken away from the end of the scroll

This is the end of the matter... Language is of no use.

Both Shiina Hakushou and Zhen Si gave up the idea of ​​using words to discourage each other - after witnessing the miraculous fate, no language can move the transcendant.

There is only one weapon to persuade the opponent, and that is to fight and then win!

"Come on---Let me see what you are capable of!" Zhen Si's face slowly showed an expression of interest, and he stood there, signaling Shiina White to attack.

So Shiina Shiro attacked the past first, without hesitation.

He punched.

This fist casually vented the strength between the gaps, and it was enough to crush this universe into nothingness.

This punch is enough to cut off the long river of fate, and the power of this punch...No one who transcends dares to imagine.

Perhaps'infinite power' is not the top transcendence characteristic, but in terms of'power', there is indeed no transcendence comparable to it...

Is it really so?

However... the expression of interest on Zhen Si's face disappeared almost in a visible range.

He also chose to stretch out his fist, then... in the direction of Shiina's white head, he smashed it.


Yes, head-on.

Is there any power that can be stronger than'infinite'?

Zhen Si gave the answer.

[Very strong power... If you talk about power, at least at this moment, your power is indeed the strongest among transcendors.] Zhen Si thought so casually.

The two fists collided, and the invisible ripples rippled, breaking through one point after another, and finally spread to the river of fate, setting off a huge wave.

The first generation looked at the huge waves and shook his head helplessly.

"You can't win at all..."

"Whether it is pure power or the ultimate victory or defeat, because what that man symbolizes... is'absolute victory'."

[But... I will not lose.

In an instant, Zhen Si's power began to swell. After β seconds, his power swelled to trillions of trillions of billions of billions of billions...times, it was Shiina Shirasou who couldn't imagine using scientific notation ————It's not that it is impossible to imagine, but that the calculation ability of the transcendant is also limited, especially in the short time of β seconds, he cannot imagine that number.

[I... represents victory!

Shiina Shirasou gritted his teeth... an irresistible force passed.

He took a step back, two steps, three steps...

The next moment, I really want to exert my strength.

His fist smashed through the arm of Shiina's white head, and then penetrated his heart.

It seems to be answering that question.

Is there any power that can be stronger than'infinite'?

Zhen Si gave an answer.


'that's me'.

There was no lingering prestige or momentum, and even the surrounding air did not fluctuate.

No one would know... There have been two attacks that could destroy the universe 100 million times.

Shina retracted his hand... Shiina Shirashou knelt down again, and then fell down.

He won.

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