Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 632

He won again.

He really...he won.

The man who symbolizes'absolute victory' - even in the face of the power that symbolizes'infinity' in the true sense, he can force the opponent down.

The afterglow of the setting sun dragged Zhensi's shadow very long - Shiina Hakuto happened to be in that shadow.

So when Shiina Shirasou raised his could only see the invincible figure like a demon god.

"It's far worse." Zhen said indifferently.

Yes, it's a far cry - even Shiina Shirasou's only good point, the direction of transcendence specialization, was ruthlessly crushed by the opponent.

"Go back twenty years... do what you should do."

Subsequently, the power of time flowed.

Shiina Shirashou closed his eyes and did not struggle.

He clearly couldn't win.

Absolutely, absolutely, you can't win.

His last, the only remaining fighting intent... After all, he was wiped out.

The transcendant who was once named Su Wangyou, now named Shiina Shirasou... gave up the fight.

Twenty years later.

When Shiina Shirana returned to the real world...

The battle on the unknown battlefield... is over.

Because of the battle 20 years ago, Shiina Shirasou was defeated, and the defeat was clean and smooth, and even the opponent's intent to fight was not aroused.

Zhen Si, who defeated his son easily, finally embarked on the path of pursuit of defeat.

The ending is obvious.

'Shiina' defeated'Zhen Si'... The replica defeated the Masami --- under the situation that Masami was single-minded to defeat.

So the clone won one half of the real name... He now has three-quarters of Shiina true name, and if he wants to be a complete transcendant, he must have the complete real name.

Where is the remaining quarter?

————In Shiina Shirashou.

and so……

When Shiina Shirashou opened his eyes, he saw'Shiina Mashiro'.

Shiina Shirashou didn't even have any will to fight, and he was directly taken away from his surname... and the only remaining name "Whiteshou".

Now... Shiina Hakushou, no... now, he should be called "He".

He lost all his names and was about to fall asleep.

The full name of'Shiina Maki' opened his arms with satisfaction and felt the world - since he appeared in the world, he has been trapped in that unknown mysterious battlefield and returned to the real world. Then... this is the first time.

"Really an interesting world..." Shiina showed an intoxicated expression, "Is this the complete real name..."

He finally got the freedom he wanted - like a tiger going down a mountain, no one knew what this guy who also symbolized victory would do.

At this moment...

A gleam of light lit up from the darkest place, illuminating the whole world in a blink of an eye!

When the light disappeared... Ye Guxuan was already standing by his side.

He held a huge sword in his left hand, and the unsheathed from his hand in his right.

Ye Guzhuang's whole body was full of blood---No doubt, that was the blood of the starry sky gods, and that huge sword... naturally had no front.

Ye Guxiu stared at Shiina Zhensi who was like a demon god---the two auras could be said to be very different. Ye Guxiu was as weak as a baby.

But Ye Guxuan was not half afraid, because he knew...

The components of victory are complete.

Summary at the end of the volume

emmmmm, to be honest, this volume ended much faster than I thought, because almost all the battle scenes have been deleted, whether it is the "four gods" of Tianguan or Ye Guzuo facing various starry sky gods The battle of —— even the big spider who ate Su Wangyou’s talent, and Li Qinglian, the guy who I played a book — especially Li Qinglian, which was originally expected to be written seven or eight chapters Yes, ten thousand words...

The same is true for the final battle. Regardless of whether it is facing'Shiina' or'Masushi', all the original battle scenes are deleted, because it is too ugly to drag on like this — whether it is from my perspective or From Su Wangyou's point of view, it was too ugly.

Forcibly write about impossible battles, and forcibly and completely invincible characters open several chapters...

Although Zhensi's character can be written, it is really ugly.

The pits to be filled... The old man thinks that he is almost filling in, almost all of these twenty chapters are filled with various settings... Instead, the development of the plot is not much, just a few pictures.

This is also the reason why I didn’t want to write later, because the reality of the world view is too large, and I don’t know how big it is than Zuguang. I have covered the starry sky gods and evil gods in one stroke, but the setting of the transcendence must be explained clearly. So many chapters...

The remaining pits about Ye Guzuo will be filled out soon.

The outline of the later period is really too clear... When I first wrote this book, the outline of the early stage and even the mid-term was very rough. Basically, it was a large volume in a few sentences, only the later outline. It’s very clear. In the last few days, I have saved five or six chapters with two changes a day... This is because I fish every day. I guess if I really let go of writing, I can save the rest in two days. All the plots are written down.

The later plot is destined to be very brief, because my original intention for writing this book is Zu Guang's era that is more inclined to'wuxia', rather than transcendors, which is a bunch of martial arts.

So... the next volume is the last volume, although there are still some things to say-but I leave it to the end of this testimonial, that's it.

The thirteenth volume, the final volume Su-forget-worry!Chapter One The Creator

Ye Guzuo... who is it?

The answer is - he is the'creator' who created this universe.

————Of course, in their universe, he was just an ordinary college student.

In fact, at the very beginning, Shiina Masashi was not a transcendant—there was absolutely no “creator” who wanted a “transcended” in the world he wrote.

But... the appearance or non-appearance of the transcendence is not caused by the Creator.

The future of the transcendent cannot be observed.

Perhaps it was accidental, perhaps it was inevitable, Shiina Masashi became a transcender.

After some transcendors become transcended, they will kill the creator of their universe for various reasons—the reasons are all understood.

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