Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 633

Of course, most of the transcendents have already broken away from this low-level realm, and Shiina Masashi is the same.

Not only that, he also established a very strong friendship with Ye Guxue, and the two often had such dialogues.

'Can you write a strong character of a giant chicken to make me fight well?'

'Last time I spent 8,000 words to write an invincible character, and the level of revelation is ONE-ABOVE-ALL. The old man gave him a blow... Didn't you give him a punch?'

"I suspect that your character-building ability is too bad... You start and I will hit the keyboard!Let me make an invincible character!'

'Ha ha.'

'That's it, this guy is absolutely super strong, give me a punch... why is it gone?'

'You can't do it on you---are you blowing nm?!'

'...Do you want to fight?'

Nothing happened next—at least it says in the book.

The friendship between the two continued in this way until one day...

"I want a real fight."

Shiina Masashi said so.

Ye Guzou tried to dissuade him, but to no avail, he had to ask Shiina for a way to enter his universe, and projected his own will into it.

Later - Shiina Masashi succeeded. He actually defeated himself and created a creature that could defeat him, that is, the clone Shiina Masashi.

The two have the same transcendence characteristics————According to Ye Guzuo’s judgment, the priority of the transcendence characteristics of the body is still higher than that of the copy body——————But if the body is defeated, the copy is required Victory... Then the loser must be true.

No one knows what the replica will do after the victory — Ye Guzuo is even more afraid that his universe will be implicated by the replica, so he contacted the starry sky Su Wangyou, plus Shiina Masa, three People worked together to create this plan.

————The so-called "method of lifting a stone".

Su Wangyou is the method - of course he has lost all his names now.

Different from Shiina Zhensi and Xingkong Su Wangyou, these two believe in their own son, and the other believes in their own opposite side... Ye Guzou does not have 100% trust in Su Wangyou.

Who does he believe?

He believes in himself!

He knows all the secrets in this universe!

And he... is the creator!

He is connected to the'cause and effect' of all creatures in the universe. Without him, there would be no such creatures. If he died, the universe would also return to nothingness. In addition to the transcendence, Li Qinglian would not be spared. The knife... is called causality.

(Even if the Creator is dragging the creatures in the entire universe to bury them, the transcendent can bring them back to life, but if there is no transcendent in this universe... who cares about the transcendents in other universes?

Ye Guzou stood in front of Shiina Masaki, calmly said: "I won."

He exudes a terrifying aura - he is also a transcendence?!

"Oh?" Shiina showed a slightly interested expression, "You idiot can also become a transcendant————I understand, it is my backhand left by the main body, right? What you hide is really deep... …"

Back hand?

In fact, it’s not. Maybe it’s extremely difficult for other transcendents to make an ordinary person a transcendant, but for the real siblings who can overcome even the rules and even change it—it’s just a matter of effort. That's it.

Let Ye Guxuan become a transcendant is something that Zhenxuan did casually. It is far from being a secondary player, it can only be said to be a whim.

"It's not really a backhand, but as far as the current situation is concerned, it does play the role of a'backhand'." Ye Guzhuang slowly raised the headless and sheathless.

"Oh?" Shiina asked with interest: "Do you have a way to turn it over?"

"Yes, I have." Ye Guxuan replied calmly: "But I don't really want to use it, so I want to ask you - after you become a transcendant, can you treat this universe and my universe? Got it?"

Shiina shrugged and said casually: "I have no reason to take action against you---but I don't bother to lie. It's normal to destroy your world on a whim? So I can't give you this promise."

Ye Guzhuang narrowed his eyes.

[The Three Views of the Transcender, it is really...]

"It's the same arrogance..."

Ye Guzuo suddenly said loudly.

"Knowing that I have a mysterious means, but I still do nothing - you actually want to experience the battle and the feeling of being defeated."

"That's not entirely true..." Shiina nodded, and admitted in a big way, "This guy's pursuit of'battle' and'defeated' is simply carved into the bones. I inherited his real name... naturally. Pursuing these things, no wonder that guy will lose to me."

Chapter Two Ye Guzhuang's Lore (Part 1)

"Then---If you have any means, just use it." Shiina Masashi still has a pleasant smile on his face. He inherited the name, even the kind of "No matter what means you have Then the arrogance and self-confidence were inherited.

He knew that the other party had mysterious means, but he didn't care.

Because he is the embodiment of victory.

The true Shiina defeated the self who was a symbol of'victory', and finally tasted the coveted taste of defeat - and the replica had not tasted it yet.

He didn't start pursuing defeat after winning countless times like Zheng Ti, but Zheng Ti engraved the pursuit of defeat into his'real name'...

Because of this, Ye Guzhuang had the opportunity to use his own methods.

Ye Guzuo took a deep breath, the determination in his eyes skyrocketed.

[Already... can't hesitate anymore!

Afterwards, he held up No Sheath and No Front in his hands!

"Why--you want to use those two weapons to defeat me?" Shiina raised his eyebrows, "I shouldn't be so stupid as this... Although it is said to be a transcendence warrior, even the weakest. Transcendants will not be affected by things like'equipment' either."

"This--I know!" Ye Guzhuang replied coldly.

Afterwards, he made an unexpected move!

Ye Guzhuang used Wufeng to cut towards Wufeng.

Yes————Shiina Shiina was right.

Ye Guzuo used the sharpest spear in the world to stab the heaviest shield in the world.

No one knows why he did this, but he did it!

what's the result?

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