Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 635

"What's the name of this sword now...?" The person who asked this was not Shiina Masa, but Ye Guzou - it was obvious that the sword was in his hand and Ni was also used by him, but he actually asked the other way around. Shiina Masashi!

————Shiina Masayoshi actually gave an answer.

"If you talk about reversing everything... this knife should be called'Lian Karma', or something similar." Shiina shrugged, "Anyway, it's such a function, but speaking of it, cutting the cause and effect is useful. What's the use of connecting cause and effect?"

"Do you want to know?" Ye Guzhuang asked.

"I want to know." Shiina replied so freely.

"Okay, then let me cut you, and then I will tell you the answer!"

"Cut me with a stab... Are you trying to connect to my cause and effect?" Shiina Masaki casually guessed, and replied readily: "Then you cut it over!"

Hearing Shiina's words, even if Ye Guzou was already on the verge of winning, he couldn't help but exclaimed because of the opponent's skill... No matter how many times he repeated it, he would feel admiration, what an exaggerated measure.

Ye Guzhuang didn't hesitate anymore, slashing directly on the opponent's body, connecting his own cause and effect with the opponent.

And at this step, Ye Guxuan... finally heaved a long sigh of relief.

He smiled and said: "You are really too confident, Shiina, if you don't cooperate a little bit, you will never lose to me."

"Oh?" Shiina raised his eyebrows and said, "Your little trick is complete, can you beat me?"

"Small means...?" Ye Guxiu's eyes were very complicated, "This is not a little means...Do you know what my transcendence characteristics are?"

Don't wait to speak really wanton... He took the initiative to say: "Strengthen————"

"My transcendence characteristic --- is strengthening."

He said... took a gun out of his pocket.

One is very broken, very bad, it is estimated that even a baby may not be able to kill a broken gun.

But it was this broken gun that could not even kill a baby... it was going to kill the strongest transcendence in the world.

Chapter 4 Ye Guzhuang's Lore (Part 2)

(In fact, in the PS, Su Wangyou has already been taken away from his real name, he has become the'nameless,' and the transcendence characteristics have also been taken away, but as a narration... it is better to use Su Wangyou, otherwise it is difficult to understand, and it is also difficult to write strange)

At the beginning, when Ye Guxuan was about to return to Su Wangyou twenty years ago, he asked him for two things-the same is without sheath, but Ye Guxuan did not take it at the time, but left it. He took Su Wangyou, and he didn't start with it until now.

And the other thing... is'a broken gun'.

This was a dungeon settlement when Su Wangyou was in Zuguang, because the evil demon outside the sky obtained the Mohist’s'mechanism' and completed the hidden mission [evolution again], resulting in the lowest evaluation of Su Wangyou's mission—— ——That was also the only time Su Wangyou received such a low evaluation, and when the final settlement... he got a [Nobody Wanted Broken Box].

And what came out of this box was this broken gun.

A broken gun that can't kill anything.

Su Wangyou wanted to sell this gun to the mall at the time--it was probably not worth a few dollars, but he didn't know why, so he kept it.

Ye Guzhuang asked Su Wangyou for the broken gun. Although Su Wangyou didn’t know why Ye Guzhuang insisted on asking for this useless thing, he still gave the gun to Ye Guzhuang. .

Su Wangyou wouldn't know... Ye Guxian was the one who secretly drove Mo Lishou down this road.

And now, Ye Guzou took out this gun.

Shiina Zhenshi didn't pay much attention to this gun---his attention was still on what Ye Guzou had just said.

"Your transcendence characteristic is strengthening?" Shiina touched his chin, "It sounds really weak..."

Indeed, compared with the explosive transcendence characteristics that sound strong,'enhancement' is really not that powerful.

But... it depends on who uses it and how it is used.

Ye Guzuo launched his own transcendence characteristics, the goal is to connect cause and effect and...this broken gun.

Shiina Maki had already guessed what Ye Guzuo was going to do at this meeting, and there was always a solemn expression on his laughing face.

He felt...After even the cause and effect were strengthened... really put him and Ye Gu to'Lian' together.

The chain of cause and effect between them has become extremely strong, and this level of chain of cause and effect can be quickly summarized in four words.

With the total death

Yes, through the chain of cause and effect strengthened by Ye Guzuo's transcendence characteristics, the lives of these two people are really connected!

This is also the reason Shiina Masaki's expression is solemn--but it's just that.

"Let me remind you a little bit----I can break away from the chain of cause and effect, but it will take a while." Shiina Masayoshi propped his chin, and said: "I have guessed what you think-you Want to trade your own life for mine?"

The lives of the two are connected by a chain of cause and effect, which also means that as long as Ye Guzuo dies, Shiina Shina will die too — Shiina Shina is a little surprised, in his opinion, Ye Guzuo It's not like the kind of person who has to give up his life to do this level.

"You have to give up your own life to this degree--Do you have this kind of consciousness?" Shiina muttered in a low voice.

Afterwards, Ye Guzuo's voice resounded across the stars.

"Of course I have--"

Shiina was taken aback, then waved his hand and said with a chuckle: "Then I really underestimated you, but...Have you considered a problem?"

He slowly walked forward and stood in front of Ye Guxiu.

"For the transcended, it is not easy to want to die... How do you plan to kill yourself?"

This question sounds stupid--but it does exist. The vitality of the transcendent is almost infinite, and the body and soul are gone without the body, and it doesn't matter to the transcendent.

Want to kill a transcendant...hehe.

At least 90% of the transcendors did not have the ability to kill themselves, and in Shiina's view, Ye Guzuo did not have this ability.

Shiina was really determined - Ye Guzou couldn't kill himself at all, and his wish to die with him was destined to be empty.

Ye Guzuo didn't answer, just snapped his fingers.

The time and space around the two were instantly distorted...Then their eyes were raised indefinitely. After breaking through that point, the two came to a room.

There was only one person in the room—Ye Guxuan, who had never practiced martial arts, was sitting at the computer desk, thinking hard.

At this time, Ye Guzhuang didn't even know that two transcendents had come here - one of them was still the future self, and he concentrated on doing his own thing.

"What did you bring me here for?" Shiina asked. "The future of the transcendant cannot be observed, but the past of the transcended can be changed... But even if the past of the transcended is changed, the transcended's' Now'it won't be changed, you should know this kind of thing, right?"

Ye Guzuo knew it naturally.

The transcendence transcends all the paradoxes of time and space, such as the grandmother paradox. The transcendence does not care at all. Even if the transcendence kills its parents before the birth, it will not produce the current transcendence. Half of the impact.

The ultimate living body beyond time, beyond theory, beyond rules, free from any restriction and influence-this is the true transcendence.

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