Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 636

Ye Guzui was silent for a while... and then took out a broken gun.

And it... aimed at Ye Guxiu in front of the computer desk.

Chapter 5 A Gunshot

"This gun..." Shiina Shiina cast his eyes on the gun, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Indeed, as you said, the future of the transcendence cannot be observed, and the transcendence will not be affected by the past — but the rules of the transcendence are used to be broken by the characteristics of the transcendence, are they not? "Ye Guxian slowly pressed the trigger with his index finger.

"You know, I really took a lot of effort to make this took me a few months, almost all my pocket money and time, I used springs and small explosives inside, and the bullets were glass balls. The accuracy is almost zero, and only one shot can be fired. After one shot, this gun will fall apart on its own." Ye Guzhuang slowly stepped forward, reaching the side of the other Ye Guzhuang, and aimed the gun at it. The other's temples.

"This gun can't kill even a newborn baby. It is as powerful as a child's play--but even such a gun can kill a person."

Ye Guzhuang looked at Zhen Si's gradually dignified expression and smiled.

"The six-character surpasser's magic weapon'inscribed miracle grip' is gone. This gun happened to take over that position, and then it has been strengthened by me... This gun that can only be fired once has its own name. ."

"The gun of reality."

Shiina's expression... finally changed completely!

The look in his eyes instantly became terrifying, not because he was afraid of defeat, but because...

"Why do you—why do you want to do this?"

Ye Guzou did not pay attention to Shiina Shishi completely - he knew that his time was coming, so he chose to introduce his most proud masterpiece at the last moment of his life.

"This gun has only one effect. You can guess what it is after thinking about it." Ye Guzong slowly revealed a devilish smile, "————It can affect the'past' of the transcendent and project it on Above the current'transcender'."

This is the effect of this gun - originally this gun couldn't affect the transcendencer, but after Ye Guzuo's transcendence characteristics were strengthened... it worked.

As long as Ye Guzuo shoots...he and Shiina Masanori will both die.

Yes, as long as he shoots.

This world’s worst gun, with the characteristics of the world’s weakest transcendence, will kill the world’s strongest and most invincible transcendence.

The'weakest' will defeat the'strongest'.

Ye Guzhuang didn't believe in the layout of the starry sky Su Wangyou and Shiina Zhensi - he planted the deepest and deepest backhand and made a lore.

There is no front, no sheath, inverse, transcendence's characteristics of'strengthening', breaking cause and effect, even cause and effect... and this broken gun.

One link after another, if any link is missing, Ye Guxuan's plan will completely fail.

In the process of implementing the plan - as long as Shiina Zhenshi was slightly impatient, Ye Guzuo's plan could be interrupted at any time.But the inherent arrogance and self-confidence made him choose to do nothing.

In the end, Ye Guzhuang completed all the puzzles and completed his plan - the hidden deepest and deepest lore, which is about to be shot.

Ye Guxuan's calm voice echoed in this room.

"General... Shiina."

Shiina caressed his palm slowly, then applauded.

Slap... slap... slap...

The speed of his applause was extremely slow, as if carefully recalling all the details of the Ye Gu Music plan, and finally... an expression of admiration appeared on his face.

"Not bad." He praised: "Really good, although it seems full of loopholes-but facing a fanatic like me, this plan is perfect."

This person called himself a madman without hesitation - it is true.

Except for Shiina Shina, there will be no transcendence in the world that allows Ye Guzuo to complete his plan.

This is a killer move specially used to deal with Shiina Masashi, and only transcendors who firmly believe that they are "undefeated" will be caught.

"But... this plan still has a fatal weakness."

Shiina said slowly.

Ye Guzuo's hand holding the gun tightened.


As a transcendant, he has perfect control of his body. Things like'tightening the muscles to deform the voice' will never happen to Ye Guzuo——but Shiina Mashiba still heard his nervousness. .

"That's----" Shiina smiled frivolously.

The next moment... Ye Guzuo's right hand holding the gun broke all at once!!

Blood spattered and the pistol was thrown high.

Shiina Maki didn't even move.

"You made a mistake."

He was still standing there, with a high posture, a smile on his face, and a tall posture.

"I am stronger than you think."

He said with a smile.

"Much stronger."

Afterwards, the smile faded and frost fell.

"Like now--you will never have a chance to shoot."

But Ye Guzhuang didn't show the panicked expression he imagined.

He showed a look of'it really is.'

"Really...but you also made a little mistake."

Both Ye Guzhuang's severed hand and the gun flew high in the air-after hitting the ceiling, they fell again.

Shiina Zhensi's eyes condensed, and Ye Guzou's body was completely destroyed - but what Ye Guzou wanted to say... was still said at the last moment.

"You...underestimated my determination."

Then someone caught the gun that had fallen from the air.

who is it?

Who would come here to catch this gun?

Naturally, no one can come here from under Shiina's nose... because the person who caught the gun was originally in the room.

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