Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 637

The person ignored by everyone

The real owner of this room... Ye Guzuo sitting at the computer desk.

He stretched out his hand and caught the gun in Shiina's incredible gaze.

Then he pointed the gun at his temple.

His eyes met, Shiina Masayoshi saw the determination in his eyes.

"The general - Zhen Si."

He laughed wildly and then pulled the trigger.


A gunshot... resounded across the world.

Chapter VI Moment of Despair

The bullet penetrated Ye Guzuo's brain - he was killed instantly.

Afterwards, Shiina Masaki's temple also suffered the same injury as Ye Guzou.

His body slowly fell...There was still an incredible look on his face.

Who would have thought... Ye Guzou would be the last one to do it?

Inside the room, three corpses were silent.

Ye Guzhuang tried his best to plan the lore laid out through the ages, and he actually killed this most powerful transcendence ever!

He really succeeded...

Did you make it?

Shiina Maki————This man who looked like a demon really just lost it like this?

Perhaps he should be defeated. The Creator who knew all the secrets of this universe exhausted everything, even betting his own life to complete the final lore - logically speaking, no transcendant could hold it.

But... Shiina Mashiro has already taken too many'unbearable' attacks.

'Absolute suppression', one hit kills, copy characteristics,'ultimate life'...

He has faced so many transcendors, and each one looks so invincible.

But — no one can resist his punch.

No one has ever been able to knock him back one step, whether it is a frontal hard attack or a sneak attack from behind.

The fanatic who symbolizes undefeated and triumphant... will not just fall.

Yes... it won't just fall.

In the room...a person slowly got up.

The bullet was squeezed out of the temple, the wound healed quickly, the bloodstain disappeared quickly, and it was intact in a blink of an eye.

The undefeated demon... is still alive.

He is still alive!!

But Ye Guzhuang was really dead...

Shiina looked up, looking disappointed.

"I thought that if you were my creator, at least you would come up with something interesting..."

The future of the transcendent cannot be observed —— Ye Guxiu, as the creator, actually has a lot of things he doesn't know.

For example...In fact, Shiina Masa has experienced such a similar ultimate move thousands of times.

All the transcendents in the world gathered together, racking their brains, courage, and resourcefulness in order to defeat him... In the end, it was nothing.

'Absolute victory' was not blown out, and the title of'the strongest transcendence in the world' was not born out of thin air.

He shook his head, he didn't even look at Ye Guxuan's corpse, and left here disappointed.

"Sure enough, the only one who can beat me is myself..."

The battle between the two transcendents came to an end.

Shiina, who took over all of Ye Guzuo's back players and even disdain to counterattack... won.

Very unreasonable, but taken for granted.

Because this is Shiina Masashi, this is...

An absolute victory!

Shiina Masayoshi returned to that spot in his universe.

"Huh...what are you still doing here?" He showed a surprised look and looked at the'nameless' on the side.

The nameless person whose real name and transcendence characteristics were taken away by him --- Infinite power is dispensable for Shiina Masayoshi, but for the opponent, this should be all power, even transcendence The characteristics of the readers are all lost-what are they still doing here?

"Would you still want to beat me?" Shiina spread his hands, "Even my real name and transcendence traits were taken away by me...what are you using to fight me?"

The nameless man stood up slowly.

"Without the real name and the transcendence trait... can it be impossible to fight?" He was puzzled and muttered to himself.

"Ha..." Shiina frowned, "What are you talking about——————?!"

"But... I have to fight." The nameless man murmured to himself, "I have to - defeat you."

[Does this guy have a problem with his brain?

Shiina is really disappointed--he has never had the habit of shooting the weak.

So he took a step, and was about to leave—just at a slow pace.

The nameless man slowly clenched his fists.


Shiina Masashi stopped.

"I advise you to give up. If you keep being bitten by ants, even I will be angry."

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