Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 26: Qilong Elephant

   Su Xiaomi just finished the Tianxun and handed it to Mu Fan. When Mu Fan raised his head, he met Sampjie who was looking back.

   "Master Hei Fan?" Sampjie was stunned, his boss let him deal with the person in front of him?

  I'm okay with his brain, he doesn't have a fever in his brain.

   "Hmm." Mu Fan narrowed his eyes, looked at Sampjie and then at the man behind him, and said in a cold voice:

   "Are you sure you want to help him?"

   I’m not sure... Sampjie’s legs are now firmly rooted on the ground. He especially wants to cry and tell his boss that I can’t beat him.

   One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Ok? Why is it not up yet?

   The young man in the khaki casual suit saw that his mercenaries had not yet arrived.

   "Go!" could not help but reminded.

   "Puff" Su Xiaomi, who had just wiped her tears on the other side, couldn't help but laugh, and she couldn't hold back seeing the expression on Sampjie's face that was almost crowded together.

   Sampjie couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore, so he rushed towards Mu Fan.

   But in the process of rushing, he revealed the meaning to Mu Fan with a legendary look.

   "Don't fight, shoot me out. Make your moves more gorgeous."

   Mu Fan actually understood Sampjie's meaning, so he took a deep breath, kicked out with his right leg, and kicked straight into the sky with his domineering aggressiveness, and the whole person stood still in a straight line.

   took a big step, hitting the ground with one foot, and when that foot hit the ground, the stone slab on the ground cracked into a spider web pattern visible to the naked eye. The whole person volleyed and flew up.

   weakened version of the half-moon residual wind.

   Mu Fan used the fighting skills seen in the PO battle net, but the force was only one-tenth or less.

   Sampjie's fist over there has already hit, and he also saw Mu Fan's majestic move, his heart was throbbing, but at the moment he was already flying in the air and it was difficult to change his movements.

   Mu Fan blinked slightly, and Sampjie felt relieved.

   The two fisted.

Su Xiaomi and the young man did not see that when Mu Fan’s shoes were about to kick Sampjie’s fist, his legs were slightly shrunk, only less than one centimeter, but this was less than one centimeter away. Sampjie’s fist was swept away by Mu Fan’s legs.

   Mu Fan suddenly exerted force when no one noticed, then Sampjie flew out at a faster speed than before, and there was no more movement after hitting the ground.

   Boom, Mu Fan's moves here are amazing. In the eyes of Su Xiaomi and the young man, he smashed Sampjie with one foot, and then stepped on a depression when he landed. Sampjie was not against an individual, but a monster in human skin.

   The young man is dumbfounded, can he provoke such a cruel person by bullying a little girl?

   At this time, the alarm bell rang loudly, and a suspended armed vehicle stopped quickly. A group of policemen with live ammunition came down above them, raising their guns and aiming at Mu Fan and his group.

   The young man's face loosened, hehe, he has been registered on the protection list in the police station.

   "Don't move!"

   Mu Fan and Su Xiaomi's movements stopped.

   Why did things happen suddenly? My own side is obviously the person who called the police, why are the guns directed at me now?

   When they saw the Ruowu smile on the face of the opposite man, the two understood that this guy might have been so confident just now.

   "I'm afraid this matter hasn't gotten better." The man smiled and greeted the person who got off the police car, who was obviously the leader of this group of police officers.

   He saw the incredible in the eyes of the two opposing people. At this time, the heart of the young man was unusually cheerful. He liked the feeling of loneliness and helplessness the most.

   "I'm afraid this matter really hasn't gotten good." At this moment, a calm male voice sounded. Although it was flat, everyone in the room heard the coldness in this voice.

   Mu Fan, Su Xiaomi, the young man and police officers all looked back.

   dressed in a sky blue woolen coat, embroidered with simple patterns on the chest with silver thread, the man looks like a twenty-seven-year-old man, with thin lips slightly pursed, his azure blue eyes calm, and he looks directly at the crowd.

   This is the person who just spoke.

   "Qilongxiang!" Su Xiaomi suddenly shouted in surprise.

   The officer in charge had impatient eyes in his eyes, and said sharply: "The police handle the case, and the unrelated people will leave."

   The man opened his head slightly to the side, first gave Su Xiaomi a relieved look, then glanced at the police officer lightly, and slowly said, "Take a step to speak."

   has a calm tone but the majesty in that language is beyond doubt.

   This is a high ranking person! The police officer judged at a glance that the man's expression hadn't paid any attention to everyone present.

   The police officer didn't dare to take it big, the pattern on the man's chest looked like that kind of ancient noble family emblem.

   Mu Fan didn't notice that Su Xiaomi's expression completely relaxed behind him. He only saw that the police officer listened to a sentence or two, his face immediately oozing sweat, then he nodded and bowed, and finally patted his chest.

   In just over ten seconds, the police officer returned with a fierce look and beckoned: "Cuff this kid up for me and drag it back!" The other police officers froze for three seconds and then rushed forward.

   The bewildered young man over there was pressed to the ground by a group of police officers. He was about to exclaim and was stuffed with a mouthpiece cloth. He shook his head angrily and wanted to talk, but slapped him as the police officer walked over.

   The corners of his mouth were bleeding, and he looked at him blankly in his eyes.

What's wrong?

   The police officer cursed in his heart: No one can help you this time, the United Galaxia Federation military general staff just showed himself his ID! The rank of colonel.

   This rank is nothing, but the department on the certificate is too scary. Military Department-General Staff Department! This is the military boss from Capital Star.

   You said the colonel is not a big boss? Lao Tzu is not blind, the 27-year-old man took out this certificate, how hard his background is! Damn it, play by yourself. Your uncle can't save you. The Colonel of the General Staff said that the military will issue a notice to the top police officer of Zi Cui Xing.

   Let's play by yourself, I don't care about it.

   kicked again, a group of policemen dragged the struggling young man into the police car, and then the police officer and the man who had just spoken smiled and said goodbye, the police car disappeared quickly.

"Qilongxiang! Why are you calling here late! I told you that I will tell my aunt when I go back, I'll come all the way back and let me see a broken hotel. I was almost robbed. Why am I so bitter? If it weren’t for Master Hei Fan’s move, I’d...uuuuuu~" Before Mu Fan could react, he heard Su Xiaomi next to him angrily. Roared, and then finally cried pretendingly, looking aggrieved.

   I saw the man tilted his head and spread his hands helplessly, walking towards the two of them.

   Then he ignored Su Xiaomi, who was like an angry little lion, and sent a friendly smile to Mu Fan, bowed his upper body slightly, and said softly, “I’m going to Qilongxiang, I just thanked my brother for protecting her sister.”

   Seeing this extraordinary person in front of him stretched out his right hand, with a sincere expression, Mu Fan also stretched out his palm, holding both hands together.

   Mu Fan grinned: "Hei Fan, you are welcome, please raise your hand."

   Fate is sometimes such a coincidence.

   When two unknowing two shake hands, no one knows how important the person opposite will play in their lives.


  PS: Thanks to the book friend "Poetry and Picturesque, Ren Xiaowei" for a total of 1804 coins for rewards!

  Thanks to the book friend for "Song of Qingfengzai" for 588 coins!

   Thanks to book friends "Dawn Wind Shadow" and "Soviet Armored Infantry" for 200 coins reward!

  Thanks to the book friend "DGcyc", "Sit to death", "Youyou VIP", "After I love you" 100 coins reward! Thanks to book friends "C Qi Da" and "Qian Chen Yue Qi" for 10 coins reward!

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