Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 27: Fat guy wants to take the logistics department

   Amethyst Garrison Intelligence Department, at this moment, a group of people are looking at the screen with sweaty faces.

   There is a Federal Falcon-class battlecruiser loaded with Yamato cannons, my God! Isn't this **** starship that the Capital Star Core Army has?

   Now outside the Amethyst Space Station, there is a fleet of silver gleaming quietly floating. The flagship is the Hayabusa-class battleship, followed by four heavy cruisers and eighteen destroyers. As for who the flagship is at a glance, have you seen the hammer-shaped battleship? The thick armor, the densely packed laser guns, and the exaggerated semi-concave muzzle on the top...

   Magnetic field nuclear power gun, that is the weapon that soldiers dream of-Yamato cannon! The legendary representative of the strongest firepower of the Federation Starship is a man who doesn't want such a shot!

   This is a complete combat formation! Why didn't the military send troops to come over without notice?

   "Request to call in..." The group kept praying, hurry up to connect, and if you don't connect to your own chief, if you go crazy, you will be shot.

   is connected.

   "This is the first detachment of the Special Service Fleet of the General Staff of the Federal Army, codenamed Q1." An indifferent standard reply came from the communicator.

   "This is the Intelligence Department of Amethyst Garrison, please indicate your intentions."

   "This fleet is performing a special mission, and your army has insufficient authority." A sign representing the high authority of the federal military appeared on the screen.

   All the officers in the intelligence room stopped talking. Okay, I'm really a big boss from the capital, I can't catch a conversation.

   Send a battleship closer?

   just kidding! With such a shot from the Yamato Cannon, it can bombard half of the planet. What's more, approaching a fleet armed to the teeth without authorization is simply dead.

   It's alright, just stay there. What the fleet wants to do, the people like itself can't play any deterrent effect at all.


   On the Falcon-class battlecruiser floating outside the Amethyst space station, inside the heavy steel armor, there is also a row of officers looking at the screen.

   But their goal is not the military station on the Amethyst, but the D district of the administrative city of the Amethyst.

   There are the objects of protection of their hidden fleet.

"Lieutenant Colonel, let's not zoom in on the observer again. If you let Colonel Qi know, I'm afraid I won't have a good fruit." A young officer controlled the shipborne observer on the optical brain screen, with a bitter face. Said a man with the rank of lieutenant colonel next to him.

   "Well, that's okay. Don't zoom in too much. Colonel Qi doesn't like us to observe his privacy."

   "Although our boss said it was a secret operation, how could Colonel Qi not know." Another heroic female officer looked at the screen and curled her lips.

  Qilongxiang is the key protection object of the General Staff, the seed of the future Federation Army gods, come to such a remote place all the way to see my sister, well, I am used to it.

   The officers of the group are already familiar with it. The task of their Q1 squad is to protect Qi Longxiang, whether Colonel Qi comes to the rural planet to experience life or enjoy the fun of being an assistant in the academy. In short, we must protect Colonel Qi!

   The last sentence is actually what the deputy head of the general staff said.

   The commander has spoken, it must be done.

   A group of people did not pay attention to the communication request sent by Zi Cui Xing, and focused on monitoring the security situation in Area D.


   Mu Fan, Su Xiaomi, and Qi Longxiang are already walking side by side on the way back to the hotel.

   "What? Brother Qi is the real owner of Star Peak Hotel?" When Mu Fan heard Su Xiaomi's proud show off, he looked at the gentleman over there in surprise.

After buying an unhurried pace, Qi Longxiang smiled, and explained in a gentle voice: "Well, it's my property, but I don't take care of it often. It was originally my sister's holiday. I wanted to arrange her to come and experience life. Thinking of encountering such a thing, it's fortunate that Brother Heifan took action."

Qi Longxiang’s elegant temperament made Mu Fan feel good. When he just heard Su Xiaomi explaining his identity as a martial arts master, Mu Fan didn’t see the slightest surprise on his face, although he didn’t feel any threat from him. , But the confident light in his eyes and the faint smile on his face made it extremely difficult to ignore him.

   "Really irresponsible brother." Su Xiaomi grumbled and made a face at Qi Longxiang.

   Mu Fan couldn't help but look at this sweet girl with a sweet smile.

"At the beginning of the call, I locked your position and arrived at the fastest speed, but I was still a step late. It was I who failed to accompany you." Qi Long looked at Su Xiaomi with a petting look. With a little self-blame.

   "Okay, okay, who doesn't know you are busy." Su Xiaomi is an optimist, and he will forget the unhappiness in a blink of an eye.

   "Brother Hei Fan, like this, why don't I have a dinner together in the evening if I'm a hostess?" Qi Longxiang sent an invitation to Mu Fan.

   Mu Fan was about to agree, but suddenly felt a shock in his wrist. This was a black reminder.

   "Uh, I'm afraid it won't work at night, but something will happen temporarily." Mu Fan showed an embarrassed expression.

   "Well, I will get together another day, business matters."

   Watching Mu Fan's figure disappear, Qi Longxiang took out a small square instrument from his pocket, which displayed Mu Fan's personal information: "Hei Fan, male, 20 years old, blue star..."

   "Genius." After confirming that the intentional suspicion was eliminated, Qi Longxiang looked at the direction where Mu Fan had disappeared and gave a secret compliment.

   "What did you say?" Su Xiaomi, who did not hear clearly, looked up at her cousin curiously, her big watery eyes full of curiosity.

   rubbed the head of the curious baby pettingly, Qi Longxiang said softly: "It's okay, I will give you an explanation for the person who bullied you just now."

   Well, must be punished severely!

   Su Xiaomi raised her lovely fist in the same way.


   Five minutes later, Mu Fan appeared in his room and put on an invisible headset.

"Mu Fan, someone was looking up your personal information just now. Fortunately, this adult made your identity information seamlessly, even your parents' information is correct." The black and contented voice immediately sounded in his ears. .

   Mu Fan was speechless for a while, and even forged his identity, and forged another parent.

   "That's the brother of the girl at the front desk of this hotel. He said his name is Qi Longxiang."

"Well, I matched the information traced by this lord, and almost triggered the alarm. Qi Longxiang, male, 27 years old, his identity is shown as an assistant professor of Dingchuan Academy, and his real identity is a colonel of the General Staff of the Federal Army. Tsk. , This method is okay, and it can be dealt with by this lord." The black tone was full of admiration, and Mu Fan really wanted to remind it that it had digressed.

   "I hope the exam tomorrow will not be affected."

"Do not worry."

   Mu Fan relaxed on the Today, he doesn't want to enter the PO battle network anymore. He just wanted to lie down quietly and welcome the arrival of tomorrow.

  In a star-rated hotel in Area A, Master Harry stared at Tianxun with small eyes.

   "Mu Fan didn't bring Sky News?"

   "Then how can I tell him, and he didn't leave me an address."

   "The fat brother will be very nervous tomorrow, I can't find someone to tell him now."

   "Let’s take a look at the content of the exam. Let’s apply for the combat logistics department. I guess it has something to do with food. It’s simpler..."

   The fat man who quickly gave up looking for Mu Fan didn't even start looking through the application content the afternoon before the exam.

"Fuck, it's not a test of cooking and tasting of food. What the **** is this? Subjects required for the logistics department: "Federal Advanced Mathematics", "Advanced Accounting", "Ship Structure and Recognition Map", "Transport Ship Driving Skills Training Course" !?"

   The fat man put down the Tianxun in his hand and looked at the ceiling blankly.

   Tomorrow, the fat brother seems to be going to hand in a blank paper...


  PS: Thank you book friend "Fantasy Clouds" for the reward of 5888 coins! (Congratulations to the new deacon!)

  Thanks to the book friend for "Occupy her" for a reward of 1888 coins!

  Thanks to the book friends for "sitting to death" and "Youyou VIP" for rewarding 588 coins!

   Thanks to book friends for "Yesterday's Beauty", "Gentleman, Cannon", and "Ye Mete Light" 100 coins rewards!

  Thank you book friend "Qinghushanxia" for 20 coins and "C Qida" for 10 coins for rewards!

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