Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 6 Chapter 24: Gift of liberation

There is no despair at all.

That voice didn't speak to the so-called bug at all.

Mu Fan's words are like thunder that tears through the night.

Not only did it shock everyone, it even suffocated the thought wave of that insect brain.

Who is he talking to? !

"Aga Shura, resentment...who is this again!?"

"The former Lord of Shura was named [Qi]! The current Lord of Shura is Mu Fan, if the last word is taken, it is [Fan]."

Is there a third person here?

Xuyang and Gu Yunyou in the cockpit were shocked at this moment.

They realized at this moment that their understanding of Mu Fan was so pitiful.

Could it be that the opportunity for Mu Fan to break through the last defense in front of him was in these words! ?

After all, who is...

"Hide like an ant, have you finally realized it at this moment?"

At this moment, the voice of steady and uneasy sounded gently in the public frequency.

Obviously it appeared unexpectedly.

But with a natural and unparalleled momentum.

Who is speaking! ?

The insect swarms who were fighting seemed to sense something and looked towards one direction at the same time.

Armed by Tianwu Machine God and God in an offensive posture, the two raised their heads to look at the light curtain.

The highest alarm that has never stopped, has now turned into a continuous beep that will not stop! !

In the void two thousand kilometers away behind Asura, another starry sky was reflected in the crack that had been pulled apart.

In the pure and dark cosmic wind, a palm was lightly placed on the edge of the crack, the dark blue palm was covered with twisted barbs, and a blood-colored gem was inlaid on the back of the hand, exuding the light and dark like life. Guanghua.

At this moment.

In the star field, everything is silent.

"Um... let me see, this star field... is it really different?"

In the light of laughter, the owner of that palm finally appeared completely, and the dark blue body reflected the starry sky of the universe.

Curved spikes sprout from the joints, and shoulders rise like scorpion tails.

The blood-colored gems that flicker all over...

Like eyes that have come alive.

That voice only appeared a few times, but it was deeply imprinted in Mu Fan's mind.

Blood related...Uncle.

Aga Shura·Gan!

And the strongest mecha from the same origin as Shura-[Galuo]!

The thirty-meter-high body is small and pitiful in front of the Zerg who is more than 100 meters long.

However, at this moment, no one dared to ignore that figure.

Because of all the equipment that can perform energy assessment, the threat level of this mecha has reached the highest scale.

The bloated "worm brain" core on the flesh and blood planet shrank suddenly, ejecting countless mucus.

A Ming will silently disappear in front of Shura.

In the next moment, that Ming will appear a thousand meters away from Jia Luo's side with the condensed blood-bone spear.

The bloodbone spear tore through the space, and stabbed at the unturned Jia Luo!

The bone spear pierced Garo's body.

On the flesh and blood planet, the seven brain bugs lying in the center of the slate screamed excitedly.

However, Mu Fan who saw this scene only sneered.

Gallo, who is comparable to Shura's emperor body posture [solar flare] with a single blow, will be so weak?

Will Mu Fan give up his life to drag the battlefield here?

These bugs, until now, do not know the meaning of the appearance of Jia Luo!

Jia Luo's body was like a water without support, dissolving into space silently.

"Humble creatures want to be infected with noble bodies?"

A faint voice once again appeared in the mind of every creature in this space.

That is a pervasive spiritual wave!

The ability to break through spatial barriers at any time, and to show wisdom to any race unscrupulously, only advanced universe creatures have.

Confusion flashed in the eyes of the hero who threw the bleeding spear.

Its power level can only say that it cannot keep up with the speed of the stronger.

But if the enemy were to move away unconsciously in front of its eyes, it would be impossible!

Only now, the enemy is clearly still alive and unharmed!

That can only show that I have judged the wrong direction from the beginning!

Ming Wu finally flashed in Ming Jiang's eyes.

The crazy warning from Worm Brain came at the same time.

Overhead? rear?

Pluto's body did not move, but his head suddenly rotated 180 degrees and looked back and upward.

The 30-meter-high mecha is looking down on itself indifferently!

Ming Jiang's wings vibrated behind him, trying to get out of the way again.

However, at this moment, Jia Luo's right hand calmly stretched out to his side.

With its light grip, the black hilt suddenly condensed in the palm.

In all the shocking gazes, Jia Luo calmly drew out a double-edged giant sword that was almost as high as his body!

Noble and gorgeous!

Hollowed sword blade, three blood eyes listed in sequence.

With unspeakable evil again! !

Once the sight fell on the three huge blood-colored gems, it was difficult to look away, as if the soul had been sucked in.

"The weapon drawn from another plane..."

"This situation has only been seen on the dark southern king star in ancient ruins!"

At this moment, the prince Xuyang was even surprised to find that those Pluto generals who blocked them had all flown towards the dark blue mecha.

Jia Luo just made one move.

Draw a sword in the void with one hand.

The body shape dissipated in the same place like water mist, and simultaneously appeared on the side of that figure.

"If thirty years ago, I might have left you a whole body."

The gorgeous double-edged great sword pierced the backhand of the hero.

Before Pluto’s body squirmed and recovered, its 80-meter-high body began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye...

After a second, it disappeared completely.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to be completely absorbed by that luxurious double-edged magic sword.

A Pluto, equivalent to the emperor's body mecha, disappeared into the universe so lightly, as if it had never appeared.

Only the three gems on the spine of the sword were dripping red, like the eyes of a demon who was full of blood.

That is impressively the Jialuo Demon Sword that can fight the Emperor Dayang-[Emperor Tu]!

"Unfortunately, you interrupted our uncle and nephew's renewal."

Such an indifferent posture, kill a master.

The images in just a few seconds, I don't know what shocking waves have been caused in this space.

In the Shura, Mu Fan's mouth had a cold smile for the first time.

This is in line with the figure in Shura's memory.

This is the real lord of all evils——【Galuo】! !

Only with this kind of power can the Zerg in this place be completely annihilated!

The Four Masters once again flashed from all around at this moment, close at hand, with weapons in their hands raised high.

Under the combined attack, within less than one thousandth of a second, it was enough to penetrate the blood-bone spear through the dark blue body.

Jia Luo just made an ordinary movement at this moment.

Four steps out of the void seemingly slow and fast.

With each step, a clear afterimage is separated in place.

Four afterimages, holding four magic swords, facing four directions.

Raise the sword...


In the deep space, four red lights flashing over ten thousand meters.

A shocking scene emerged.

The four magic swords slashed the blood-bone spear lightly, and then the body did not pass.

It is an understatement, but it is enough to surpass the blow of the dimension beheading.

Ming Jiang's chest squirmed to **** his stump.

However, the squirming flesh and blood disintegrated into blood mist, merged into the stream of light, and was inhaled by the three gems on the giant blade in the blink of an eye.

The exact same way of death.

There is no bones left in the dead.

The body that stored almost astral-like flesh and blood energy was silently swallowed by the magic sword.

The four mirror images, which were completely manifested, were stacked together in countless pairs of shocking eyes and submerged in Galo's body.

Each layer of mirror image is submerged in the body, and the dark blue luster of Jia Luo's body is more solid, and the blood-colored gems on his body are also more bright red.

When the images finally overlapped into one The double-edged sword inlaid with blood gems, as if it had come alive, swept the entire space with an evil will, and finally fell to the black figure two thousand kilometers away. on.

"Emperor Tu can't wait to drink your blood..."

[Resent]'s voice sounded softly, "I have a line of Shura, and I will not surrender in battle. So I will kill you, and then bring back half of Shura's heart..."

"The key to this world is better in my hands."

Jia Luo stood on his side in the void, Tu Huang raised high and gently fell, his sword pointed at Shura far away, scarlet in his evil eyes.

"In the name of our family's glory, let your last words be granted and liberation will be granted."

Indifferent words, treat hundreds of billions of insects as nothing.


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