Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 6 Chapter 25: The glory decision is coming!

Last words?


Looking at the worm brain star body that was desperately fleeing, a whole hundred pairs of green "color" light appeared again around it.

Mu Fan's mentality was neither sad nor happy at this moment, and his eyes were indifferent.

That is the indifference to the enemy's life, and it is also the own life...


There is nothing wrong with complaining.

Engraved in the blood is the glory passed down from generation to generation.

Asura's line, there is only death in battle, no surrender.

Of course he has no objection to complaints.

Mu Fan didn't even think about it, his raised eyes were calm, and his voice utterly shook the sky like thunder.

"The blood flowing with blood tells me that the fate of the Shura clan is survival and death."

"Last words, that is the behavior of the weak and cowards."

"My life is here. I want it, come and get it!"

Shura's **** eyes looked at Jialuo, and at this moment, the blood flames of blood rolled up!

This is both Mu Fan's will and Shura's will.

Shura, named after the race, has been the master of Shura from the day he was born.

And Jialuo, at best, is the Lord of Shura Dark World.

The identities of the two have been destined since the day they were born.

That pride of blood engraved into the soul makes it impossible for Shura to bow his head to face Jia Luo!

And Mu Fan's words finally aroused the interest of resentment.


The inky black cloak appeared behind Kaluo, gently rolled up under the endless cosmic wind.

Resentful eyes looked through Galo's **** eyes and looked at the enemy of life.

Years of grievances can finally be over today.

"As expected of his son...I finally saw Kai's shadow."

With the body of the Demon Sword Tu Huang, the three eyes of **** opened at the same time!

The dark blue flame ignited from the tip of the sword and gradually swallowed his body.

Indifferent words echoed in the ears of every living body, like the master of a realm.

At this moment, Bai Zun Ming will walk out of the dark vortex, and the "worm brain" has shrunk into a small star with a diameter of no more than five kilometers.

Hundreds of billions of insect swarms shrank to the figure in the sky, revealing ferocious and cruel eyes!

At this moment, thirty gods will escape into the void at the same time.

Thirty blood "colors" rushed towards Garo! !

As for Asura's in all directions, there are also thirty princes impacting.

The remaining Plutos guarded around the Worm's Brain and began to accelerate the separation of the fleshy astral body that had shrunk thousands of times.

The Demon Sword Tu Huang drew out a month and a half and pulled it behind him.

The sword shadow has not dissipated yet.

The hideous figure has penetrated the sword shadow, dragging an ink blue glow that spreads millions of meters in an instant in the deep space.

"Su, Xiu, Cang, Anger, "Chaos", Ya, this battle of Shura Realm Lord, the battle for the highest glory, you can witness with your own eyes."

"The Glory Decision, there can be ants coveting!!"

If Mu Fan survived Shura for a day, then he and Jialuo would not be able to ascend to the top of the realm.

This battle is the highest glory of the race! !

Ants, An Neng profanity!


The voice of Hong Zhong Dalu "swayed" in all warships and mechas, and "swayed" in the minds of all living entities.

In the fissures flowing with endless cosmic wind.

The outline of the six-dimensional body is extremely close to that of Shura, the whole body is dark red, and the mecha with gray patterns on the body walks out of the Shura domain.

The edges and corners do not have Shura and Jialuo hideous.

But in all monitoring equipment, the energy level...

At the same level! !

That is a level above the peak of the imperial body!

Each of them is unimaginable shock to such talented talents as Xuyang and Gu Yunyou.

"What a terrifying world is behind the door Mu Fan opened!!"

Six mechas.

In retrospect, Mu Fan once saw the four stations and once encircled the original Qi together.

But now, they have not chosen to shoot.

Obviously, this moment is also a sacred moment for them!

When the decisive battle is put into the word Glory, the meaning of that representation is completely different.

Six dark red mechas twisted and disappeared in place at the same time.

————The Forbidden Soul·Six Realms Arena!

Su appeared at one of the vertices of the hexagon of the infinitely expanding battlefield. The ghost and tiger spear covered in dark patterns in his hand was raised high, stabled hard, and a dark pattern instantly spread across the battlefield.

Xiu, Cang, Anger, Chaos, Ya, and the remaining five mechas appeared at the other five apexes. They also raised the weapons in their hands, and the whole body began to appear the silent black "color" after the space collapsed.

Lift up at the same time, and stab into the void below! !

The second dark "color" wave...

The third way...


Sixth way!

The six vertices spread out six ripples of the tiled universe, completely enclosing the starry sky within 50,000 kilometers in diameter!

The six "colors" of blood illuminate the world.

Then the beam spreads up and down at the same time, and finally converges at two vertices.

A huge sphere with a diameter of 50,000 kilometers suddenly appeared in the vast star field.

The endless cosmic wind rushed out from the Shura domain gate, resonating strangely with the polygonal light curtain on the sphere, and began to strengthen infinitely...

This is the six-level arena jointly opened by the six sages of Asura!

A terrifying enchantment with almost unlimited carrying capacity.

Unless the entire Shura world is broken!

Otherwise, this enchantment will be indestructible before the battle of glory ends!

Insect Swarm, Shura, Kaluo, Imperial Forbidden Army...

Are shrouded in this enchantment! !

The vast swarms of insects that were galloping at the very edge were swept by a faint gray "color" light curtain, initially shaking lightly like a fishing net, and then suddenly gathered!

Pentium didn't know that hundreds of millions of insect swarms were actually bounced back.

Let those insect swarms madly spew acid "liquid", the light curtain of gray "color" and blood "color" intertwined, never moved.

On the far edge of the battlefield, Tianwu Machine God and God Armed looked at each other, and they stood side by side.

"At the last moment, I would rather witness the arrival of death than be a coward. The seventh prince of the empire, now I believe you can pay it back!"

The gods armed with both hands rolled out a giant light mirror, protecting the Forbidden Army fleet behind them.


Tian Wu Ji Shen's white hole engine began to enter a state of over-load amplification, and the sky shield was opened before the gods were armed.

The two imperial peak mechas overlap at one point at this moment.

This level of battle, even with the two people on the top of this world, can only serve as a bystander.


The light flow of the dark blue "color" is facing thirty torrents of flesh and blood.

In the cockpit as deep as the starry sky, under the gray hair, a pair of indifferent eyes swept over the thirty masters!

"You wait for the ants!!"

At the top of the dark blue "color" torrent, the ferocious mecha twisted the hilt with both hands.

Galo Heavy Tiger·A Thousand Blades!

In an instant, the surroundings of the torrent became dark blue!

If you look carefully, you can clearly distinguish that it is the color of thousands of phantoms superimposed together.

Time stood still for a moment and then recovered.

However, a stream of blue ink and blue light in the starry sky has become a thousand dao!

These thousand daos are not like a clone of Shura once making the same action.

It is an entity that Qiandao can attack from different angles at the same time! !

The enemy and the enemy's momentum suddenly changed.

Thousands of dark blue meteors blasted towards thirty torrents of flesh and blood.

The body collapsed.

Flesh and blood evaporated.

The eerie blue "color" flame burns the starry sky.

The **** eyes of **** opened at Tu Huang's sword spine.

Thousands of dark blue meteors directly washed the thirty ghosts into nothingness!

Then, in Mu Fan's eyes raised suddenly, he instantly became one.

"Give you death in the name of Aga Shura.

The blood "color" giant sword tore through the starry sky, slashing towards Shura's head.

And Mu Fan had already completely opened his body's "hair", and the transpiring blood gas was almost burning!

At this moment, Shura's heart, his heart, beating hard at the same time.

In Mu Fan's eyes, the primitive fighting intent that could no longer be suppressed in the bloodline rushed out completely.

Half a red lotus, blooming! !

The energy scale in front of you began to repeat the process of returning from 100 to 0, and then from 0 to 100!

"Karma Fire Red Lotus... burn all sins!!"

Ultimate Seven Gate Realm·Great Flame Prison.

The body flame changes from red to blue in an instant!

Different from Galo's dark blue.

That is the utterly pure blue!

Step on the void Pull back with a punch.

The universe behind him collapsed into a huge red lotus!

Shura's figure instantly disappeared in place.

The attacks of thirty masters failed at the same time, when they looked up...

Higher altitude, Youlan and Deepblue collided violently!

In an instant, it was like hundreds of thousands of planets exploding.

Flesh and blood evaporated.

Burning bones.

Just like the terrifying energy wave when the star annihilates, it spreads into a plane and "swings" across the starry sky.

The star is shattered and the swarm is annihilated.

That grand scene like the end of the universe spreads out the world like a scroll. Machine Breaking Galaxy

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