Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 80: arrival!

? (Congratulations to the new rudder master "Akiyama Yezawa")

The blood red in Mu Fan's eyes has faded, but the fierce aura remains unabated.

Just for a moment, the bright blooming "gift liberation" surprised the audience. He didn't know that he had become the sweet pastry in everyone's eyes.

The loser group dropped 2 people at the beginning.

From then on, the attrition information was broadcast in real time.

Following the notice of the two dead, everyone's eyes were flushed when they raised their heads again.

61 people!

Eliminate 11 more people, and he is the ultimate winner.

Now anyone they see next to them will be their enemy until...

Hear the announcement of the final number of 50!

"The candidates below have started desperately. After you read this notice, the number of candidates who appeared in this plantation belt began to increase dramatically."

"How come there are so many people in the tenth place?"

"Zoom in, zoom in!"

As the screen zoomed in, a speechless screen appeared, and two tall candidates actually blocked seven or eight candidates.

The two still laughed.

The fists from the opponent kicked them randomly, unavoidably.

When the opponent uses other weapons such as daggers and stun guns, the two of them can always accurately block the backpacks in their hands on the path that the weapons must pass.

At a time, the attacks of many candidates were fruitless.

The two members of the loser group have delayed the progress of the follow-up trip.

Everyone in the college:...

What do these idiots want to do? Do they want the five colleges to only grab the top ten?

"You, what are you doing in a daze! Still standing stupidly, go and check the information of these two people quickly, this kind of examinee is simply brain drained not to be included in the key seeds.

The assistant teacher next to him walked towards Guangnao with a grieved expression. You were still scolding a second ago.

Everyone started gearing up, not only the candidates in the rain forest, but also the college people in the sky.

They seem to have foreseen the wonderful picture that the candidates will let them choose in a few hours.

After a few days of exhaustion, it was finally time to harvest results.

Now everyone in the academy has swept away the downturn of the previous few days, and everyone is in high spirits.

These last dozens of talents are the focus of their attention!

The military has a conscience!

The area that began to be rapidly compressed subsequently quickly caused waves of melee.

The personnel began to decrease rapidly.

60, 59, 58...

Zhang Yuanren maintained ample physical strength, and when the time passed two more hours, the electronic map indicated that he was only 10 kilometers away from the destination.

Hey, I should be number one.

Just as he was thinking this way, suddenly the electronic map shook, and he quickly took out a look while running.

"Congratulations to Candidate 3366 for being the first to reach the finish line!"

When he saw this message, Zhang Yuanren's eyes were red, and he was not the first!

The nasal gasp began to accelerate rapidly, and after using so many resources, he still did not get the first place. This was an unforgivable insult to him!

He looked back on a regular basis, only to discover what made him take another breath. Three or four kilometers behind him, he could see a dark figure jumping forward quickly!

How could you hurry up at night?

In shock and anger, I couldn't believe that these people would have a second Ominis night vision goggles.

The gap opened by oneself in the night is a huge gap comparable to one day for ordinary candidates. First, some people lead themselves to the end, and then some people are about to surpass themselves.

This time, Master Zhang finally had no time to think again.


The backpack on his body was thrown away angrily, Zhang Yuanren no longer concealed himself, but burst out all his strength and began to sprint.

"The second place starts to speed up!"

"The second place has doubled the speed?"

"At this time, there are still people who are still retaining the strength, incredible..."

If Young Master Zhang, who was running at full speed below, heard someone say this, he would not spit out a mouthful of old blood, he would still not be able to resist reality, and he would far underestimate the strength of others.

Under this starry sky, there are always some talents and heroes, and some people lack only a stage for display!

When the stage is enlarged to the entire starry sky, then the result will be only one——

This is an era of geniuses!

This era never lacks the birth of genius!

Running Mu Fan didn't care about Zhang Yuanren who was suddenly speeding up ahead, he just ran at his own pace.

He completely ignored the shock of the electronic map just now.

After half an hour, Zhang Yuanren, with the help of the elasticity of the tree, jumped dangerously and dangerously over a gap of ten meters wide, and finally reached the so-called end point.

"Congratulations to Candidate No. 683 for reaching the end!"

At this moment, there was a row of jet-black all-terrain armored vehicles parked quietly, and a row of soldiers carrying guns and live ammunition was under martial law.

In the middle, there was a young man in the same combat uniform sitting there quietly.

That's the first place!

Zhang Yuanren looked at him with fierce eyes, and the boy looked at each other suspiciously.

Light green eyes!

This is not a pure federal race, and after seeing that the silver-gray skin on the boy is not a camouflage color, he finally determined his mind.

Which mountain race candidate is this?

The kind of person who was born to run in the jungle like walking on the ground.

He didn't communicate with this kind of people from the countryside. Thinking of this, Zhang Yuanren cast a fierce look and was about to leave.


Suddenly a sharp piercing sound came, and Zhang Yuanren hurriedly hid, and a small sharpened wooden branch was nailed to the wooden stake behind him and trembling non-stop.

The boy on the opposite side rolled up a blowpipe and swallowed his mouth, grinning and ignored it.

Oh shit!

Zhang Yuanren, who clenched his fist, wanted to grab the pulse rifle and slam the boy.

He was even despised by a country boy.

But looking at the solemn-looking soldiers all around, Zhang Yuanren spitted fiercely, making him such a self-proclaimed nobleman able to make such a rude gesture, which shows that he is extremely angry.

When Zhang Yuanren was still worrying about the first place, he heard a strange voice coming from behind again. It was far away, but it was... fast approaching.

Turning his head, he saw a dark shadow approaching the gap that he had just jumped over.

Why didn't he climb the tree?

At a distance of 17 or 18 meters, you can start and jump directly! ?

What a joke!

But this is probably the case. In his eyes, the dark shadow did not jump up to the tall arbor deliberately left next to him, but continued to run forward.

Go forward ten meters, it is the abyss!


That black shadow stomped on the ground, and a heavy but clear voice came. It was a kind of violence that broke through the air! Zhang Yuanren and Tatarik looked up at the same time.


Another step, there are five meters!


When the right foot stepped heavily on the ground again, the loud noise attracted the eyes of the soldiers under martial law.

Mu Fan's muscles exploded with unparalleled strength, all of which was infused down his right leg.


Figures rise into the sky!

At this moment, the figure of the boy was frozen in the eyes of several people.

Across the sky, in the air, the figure is like a dragon!

PS: Thank you book friend "Akiyama Yeze" for a reward of 10000+688 coins! (Congratulations to the new rudder master!)

Thanks to book friends "Bai Yiduo", "Flying Dingding Cat" and "Platinum Writer" for rewards with 1888 coins!

Thanks to the book friends "Wandering Travellers", "Chiefs of Different Tribes", "Reaper ☆ Yan", "Poetry and Picturesque, Ren Xiaowei" and "Zhang Yanshuo" for rewarding 588 coins!

Thank you book friends for "waiting for time", "fishing", "Soviet armored infantry", "Xuewuying Yingluo", "Dead Dead", "Forever Moment", "Original Constitution", and "Quiet KSZ" for 100 coins rewards!

Thanks to book friends "Miss Monster" for 50 coins, "" 20 coins, "Dead Corpse", "Book Friends 160604124308338", "Remnant Silence 458" and "Dawn Wind Shadow" 10 coins for rewards!

PS again: Thank you for the super big red envelope of the leader "I don't want it" and "Occupy one of her", "Spend time for drinking", "After loving you" and "Afterwards" these students' red envelopes, don't drop the red envelopes. Yes, give it to me, so that the old man can still be mixed on the 24-hour hot sales list, hahaha~ I'm kidding, your heart is ready, but the red envelope is really not very meaningful to the subscription promotion. Dangdang hopes everyone will stay For a small amount of money, it is very satisfying to be able to support subscriptions. Thank you so much! (To be continued.)

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