Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 81: Aftermath of selection

? Is this... a humanoid monster?

When crossing the sky, the violent air current was divided on the face, and Mu Fan, with an unrelenting momentum, firmly engraved this scene in the hearts of countless people.


Both feet fell heavily and a puff of smoke was thrown up.

Mu Fan squatting on the ground slowly got up and raised his head.

The mottled blood stains on that face and the calm eyes made Zhang Yuanren stunned.

There is such a cruel person, who is this?

Soon, he got the answer he wanted to know.

"Congratulations to Candidate 1578 for reaching the finish line in third place."


It turned out to be him!

Zhang Yuanren didn't expect that the person behind him turned out to be Mu Fan, who came out of the same test site. Fate was really nonsense.

As for Tatariq on the side, he looked at Mu Fan with interest, but after Mu Fan glanced indifferently, he was no longer interested and just walked calmly to the rest area.

Tatarik's silver-gray skin did not attract his attention at all.

Closing his eyes, Mu Fan leaned on a wooden stake.

He was thinking carefully about the trick "gift liberation".

Under what stimulus, the heart can suddenly hit that terrifying beating frequency.

When that kind of power that doesn't belong to me at all emerges, why can I naturally use unfamiliar moves!

Is the picture that reappears in my mind whether it has something to do with my own life experience?

For Mu Fan, who is only 17 years old, all these are issues that need to be digested.

The top three have been set!

When the strongest three have reached the end, the candidate who is farthest away is still 100 kilometers away.

They even thought in despair that they should be eliminated.

But with the gathering of the crowd, soon there were many people in the middle echelon, and a gun battle broke out!

Two candidates who got firearms in mystery backpacks chose to shoot for their own victory without hesitation. When the gunfire sounded, a large swarm of birds was raised nearby.

There is no doubt about the power of the firearms sneak attack, but as the first two candidates who were killed appeared, the rest of them reacted at the same time and began to evade quickly.

When the distance exceeds ten meters, the power and accuracy of these miniature pistols are greatly reduced.

What's more, these gun candidates were not professional firearms proficient at all, and were quickly attacked and killed by others who swarmed them.

Candidates began to reduce staff quickly.

The middle echelon is extremely close to the plantation belt, which is already within the high-altitude surveillance range.

The military dispatched a rescue team after the crowd rushed.

"Three people died and four were seriously injured."

"The remaining number...50!"

The exam is over!

The candidate who was in the last place was ready to be eliminated. This was a candidate from a small agricultural planet. It was far beyond his expectations to be able to reach this point.

But as an aircraft painted with military logos landed next to him, two soldiers appeared and told themselves "Congratulations, you have successfully passed the final race."

It turns out that the goddess of victory has always been her own family!

The examinee cried with joy, and finally had to be forced into the aircraft by two soldiers.

Army Reserve Special Recruit Final Finals——

It's over!

In such an incredible way, the final selection was completed.

When fifty candidates logged into the armored vehicle collectively, the news began to spread rapidly from this rainforest in the center of the planet.

Compared with the fifty candidates in this glory, many people are still concerned about the unsuccessful... and the dead.

"Speed ​​to contact the unsuccessful candidates, it takes a long time to participate in the competition, how much money should I say?! Of course, the more the better, the highest? Two million stars, try to recruit five people." A new nobleman The businessmen in the circle were yelling at Tianxun. In his opinion, two million stars were enough to make people around him look at him, but he didn't expect that the old nobles around him who were waiting for information didn't even look at this person.

Nouveau riche, a turtle that never enters the stream.

"Contact the people who lost in the finals, one million people, and sign a five-year or ten-year contract after they are recruited, and the cost is extra." A very imposing middle-aged man instructed the steward next to him.

"Yes, sir."

Some people even dress seemingly ordinary, but only the real upper class can recognize the meaning of the dark flower on his chest.

Purple Frost Flower Badge!

The true aristocracy of Amethyst, a status symbol of the Purple Frost Family, this is a true direct subsidiary of the Violet Family from Capital Star.

Now this person was bowing and listening quietly to the instructions in the Tianxun.

"Three to five levels of authority? Is there a requirement for the level of mecha equipped?...Understand, sir."

After hanging up the news, the ordinary man who had bowed to his knees a second before immediately turned his face without anger and prestige, snapped his fingers, and several young people in luxurious clothes came nearby, all bowing their heads and waiting for instructions.

"Communicate with the selected candidates and all the 120 eliminated candidates in the final match. Tell them that if someone opens the conditions, the Purple Frost Family will all increase by 50%."


What is the real background, the domineering aristocratic family at this moment is undoubtedly manifested.


The temperature in the afternoon is the hottest time of the day, but at this moment countless people are running, and they have not affected their rushing pace because of the high temperature.

If the information transmission slows down by half because of the high temperature, you won't have to eat this bowl of rice in the future.

For some candidates from poor backgrounds, the transmission of information may be slow for a long time, but organizations with a certain degree of influence often receive the news as soon as possible.

"What, dead? What did the military say." This is a second-rate small business meeting.

This year, a young man who was trained in their regiment went to take the exam. This young man was also a distant cousin of the regiment leader.

"The military gave a pension, saying that the corpse was sent...then it was gone."

"If people die like this, what's the use of giving me a sum of money! Contact me a lawyer, I want to sue them, this is murder!"

"Chairman, the military also said, please do your best to cooperate, otherwise...they can't guarantee what will happen..."

"...Damn it!" The middle-aged man finally gave up in despair.

The future hope of their Chamber of Commerce died in this inexplicable examination.

All hope was quietly stifled.

This kind of thing is constantly happening in the small and small planets nearby, but the real civilian candidates, I am afraid that their families will not experience real pain in a few days!

The strength and indifference of the military, under the crushing of the powerful state machinery, all resistance is flat.

In the small nebula belt 5.7 light-years away from the amethyst, a heavy battleship with a rusty appearance is cruising at a constant speed, and a huge ink wolf head emblem is painted on the battleship.

Unlike the common wolf head, the wolf head in this mark is slanted, with fangs exposed, and even coveting at the corners of the mouth.

These details are vividly represented by this pattern.

This is a wolf that is rushing to eat!

This is a wolf who is always attacking!

This is the famous wolf attack mercenary group in the mercenary world!

This battleship is the prerogative of the top mercenary group, and it is also the legendary battleship Sirius that the wolf raid mercenary group has established in countless battles.

A person in the command room suddenly hurried over and bowed his head behind a large seat.

With a soft voice with inexplicable sentiment:

"Leader, the two bloodmakers... are dead."

The rhythmic sound of knocking on the armrest suddenly stopped.

PS: Thank you book friend "Ice Crystal Myth" for rewarding 1888 coins!

Thanks to book friends "Ranjiaba", "Ji Qianqiu", "Healthy and Happy Every Day" and "Spinning Pot" for rewarding 588 coins!

Thanks to book friends "Book Friends 160315000952951" and "Book Friends 160326232822788" for 200 coins reward! Thanks to book friends "" "Our Little Carrot Head", "88", "Undoubted Youth Brilliant", "Yesterday's Beauty", "Which Day I Encountered", "Gentleman, Cannon", and "Ling Han" 100 coins rewards!

Thanks to book friends "Spinning Pot", "Little Snow Is Coming", "1", "Ideal Flying", "Miss Monster", and "Soviet Armored Infantry" for 10 coins rewards! (To be continued.)

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