Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 123: Shura Chisel

The battlefield was extremely silent, and a red line traversed the ten-kilometer-long war zone.

The people of the mecha units at the rear were still stunned, even as if they had forgotten that their companions were still fighting in the front.

What about that broken mecha with a red cloak!

How did it disappear!

Everyone looked down at their radar dial.


How could it be possible that this mecha disappeared under their noses? !

"Look, behind those winged beasts!!"

Ariksai's voice was shocked and shouted directly in the communication channel. For the first time, your commander's voice appeared out of shape.

He was trembling all over, because he looked through the high-altitude optical monitor that covered the entire battlefield, and the black mecha that he was watching directly crossed a full ten kilometers in the sky in the next second.

He appeared behind the Nami Gelai wing beasts.

Bowing and holding a knife, the blood-colored cloak shook.

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! Flutter!

Follow the red line on the instrument.

All the mechas on a straight line burst into fragments instantly, and the Winged Beast did not even make a sound, all, all of them were divided into two and fell from the sky!

Only then did the sprayed blood rain stain the sky red.

Gilbert's hands controlling the mecha were also shaking.

After hearing the commander's reminder, they turned around and just saw the hell-like scene in the sky.

Seven mechas exploded in an instant, but the wing beasts died more than three times.

The broken mech just now killed both parties without any scruples!

The angry Gilbert wanted to directly order the fire to kill the black mecha on the spot.

But his trembling hands and fiercely beating heart pulled his sanity back completely.

Because he didn't want to ruin the fate of the entire army.

The two mechas of Lanfeng and Lanshui, which were not moving on the side, were still motionless.

This horrible scene destroyed their proud confidence as the leader of the Shan Lan Society in the most thorough way.

Everyone's eyes were projected on the black figure ten kilometers away, the scarlet and broken cloak turned into a demon in their eyes at this moment, and even the wing beast dared not approach it.

But the scarlet and fluttering figure behind this road didn't mean to turn his head at all, as if it had just done an insignificant thing.

The knife was still held in his hand for being unsheathed, the red tail flame rose again, and Shura disappeared into the sky!

As for the Ariksai in the headquarters, seeing this scene, a fact that he didn't dare to think suddenly came to his mind: this mecha, which is not an enemy or a friend, seems to be aimed at... King Lu Qiao! ?

The red light in Shura's eyes locked tightly in one direction. There was... Mu Fan!


Wang Nuonuo shook his head, the blur in front of his eyes finally gradually became clear, and there was a mess in the cockpit.

"Grandpa! Wake up soon, are you all okay."

"Nuo Nuo, I am here, cough cough, it's really fateful."

A violent cough came out from the side, and the voice was old and grateful.

Color was already hung on Wang Ji's face, which was scratched by broken parts.

"...Where am I?"

"Wake up! We landed!"

Wayne, who was waking up at the sound, patted Harry's face, and the middle-aged man's face also had joy at the moment.

Because they finally successfully landed on the ground.

"See if you have any injuries." Wang Ji reminded everyone.

"Grandpa, the captain doesn't seem to wake up yet..."

At this time everyone noticed the captain lying on the console. Wayne unlocked his seat belt and walked over to help him up.

Only then did he see that the captain was already full of blood, his eyes closed tightly.

"Wake up!" Wang Ji also held up.

Wayne stretched out his hand and took a test. "He is still breathing. It is estimated that his brain was hit when he descended."

Wang Ji stared at his captain, made up his mind, and then turned to look at Wayne, "Mr. Wayne, I... Sigh."

"Wang Dong, you don't have to say more, the captain is for our injuries, we will not leave him."

"Harry, come here, let's set up the captain."

The fat man shook his head, got up and walked over.

Two of them stood up the captain.

Wang Nuonuo tried to press the pop-up button of the cabin door.

With a bang, the hydraulic door opened.

Several people looked at each other, with joy in their eyes, and walked out of the private spaceship that had completed its mission.

They did not notice that when they appeared, a camera on the outside of the tall building next to it suddenly turned.

Hei found these people for the first time and prepared to send the information to Mu Fan, but the signals around Mu Fan were still blocked.

Wang Nuonuo forcefully tore off one piece from the skirt and wrapped the captain's forehead.

"How far is it from the emergency shelter?" Harry asked.

"The distance of 2 kilometers, it seems that the residents around here have also received news to evacuate, but fortunately there are no monsters chasing them. Let's go." Wang Ji looked at the buildings in front, and behind the two tall buildings is Rocky The stagnation point of heavy industry.

At this moment, Wang Nuonuo happened to use his sleeve to wipe the dust off his head and got up, and glanced back unconsciously.

A huge black tentacle rose high in the distance, smashing the 100-meter-high building with one blow.

"Look at the back!"

Everyone turned their heads, this time their eyes were completely covered with despair!

Because of the size of the monster and the few tentacles that raised again, it indicates that the direction it is heading... is here!


"Run quickly!"

"I'm afraid... it's too late. We will look for shelter as soon as possible!!!"

Wayne boarded the sculpture next to him, and coupled with the terrain that was already higher than there, he could already see the beasts galloping around, because the smoke and dust began to fill the sky!


Mu Fan stretched his hands apart, panting like a cow, his eyes fixed on the first fierce beast that had appeared.

A huge triangular rhinoceros is half the size of a mecha, but looking at the hard skin and amazing momentum when running, people don't dare to doubt the power of this rhino.

The most important thing is that when the first head rushes out, a diagonal front arrow formation begins to appear behind him.

The ground trampled by the row of fierce beasts immediately shook.

And every tentacle of that swaying giant sky-shaking shadow will smash several buildings into pieces.

The distance of several hundred meters is only two steps away from this terrifying king Lu Squid.

Near, near.

Mu Fan leaned forward and strode hard!

The road under his feet cracked, and Mu Fan actually began to stride to face the herd and start to countercharge!

One step, the ground cracked.

The next step is already ten meters away.

The herd of beasts has spread into the sea, and the big king Lu squid further behind, four tentacles landed heavily, spanning hundreds of meters, and the next second, the other four tentacles raised high!

There is only less than a hundred meters between the boy and the beast.

Under this dome, no one knew that such a young man was advancing toward the suffocating herd in such a tragic manner.

Because the military’s attention is focused on the terrifying King Lu Qiao, and...

That bright red light falling from the sky like a meteor!

boom! ! ! !

The smoke blew up and even the movements of the great king Lu Squid were suffocated, because these fierce beasts faintly felt a terrible breath.

The smoke dissipated.

Mu Fan stood behind, a mottled black mecha half-kneeled in front of him, and the incomplete cloak behind, the astonishing and eye-catching scarlet rose high in this world!

With a sound of metal rubbing, the left arm of the mecha slowly raised.

The dark red scabbard in that hand is on his side...

PS: Thanks to the book friends "Meteor in the Black Sky" and "Ranjiaba" for rewarding 1888 coins!

Thanks to the book friends for "come to talk intentionally", "Fat brother ZJM", "Yin Xidian", "Purple de Sky ~ Yu Tian" and "A Floating Cloud in the Sky" 100 coins rewards!

Thanks to book friends "" "Miss Monster" 10 coins reward! (To be continued.)

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