Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Who dares to win

Mu Fan looked up and looked at Shura with the same **** eyes.

The blood in Mecha's eyes was cold, and the blood in Mu Fan's eyes rushed!


Mu Fan murmured.

His chest was hot and hot.

That is the jet black metal plate.

The signs engraved with the word "Fan" are constantly releasing amazing heat.

Mu Fan reached out and held it.

When he held it, the right hand of the mecha spread out his palm and slowly placed it in front of him.

This time, Mu Fan was sober and without hesitation, he took a gentle step and stepped into the broken hand armor.

There are criss-cross marks on the five fingers of the right hand.

The traces eroded by the years made Mu Fan instantly see a warrior walking on the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain.

The docking compartment of the mecha's chest popped out, and Mu Fan stepped into it.

The black metal hoses flying around appeared densely in front of Mu Fan, and there was only one area that was vacated, that is the central location!

"Friends...I'm here!"

Without any hesitation, Mu Fan stepped in.

"Hey! Hey!" More than thirty metal hoses ejected spikes at the same time, and then directly pierced Mu Fan's body in all directions.

There are even two piercings behind the head.

Om, Mu Fan closed his eyes tightly, and the entire cockpit glowed with blood.

Then, in front of the restless herd.

The mecha slowly got up.

The blood throbs in the eyes, rushing like fire!

Mu Fan felt the surging and endless power all over his body at this moment.

There was a low voice in my mind again:

"The body Aga Shura, consciousness awakening... The bloodline information database is successfully connected, and the body's energy remains 3.8%, which can maintain S-level (very high) intensity combat... 1 hour."

A thick blood enveloped the horizon, and a lot of information began to flood into his brain.

This kind of voice that emerges from the mind is different from black, and has a kind of intimacy contained in the blood.

Shura turned out to be a mecha with intelligent consciousness.

No, its current name is...Aga Shura!

This time it was what it said personally.

Energy remaining...3.8%, S-level combat time...1 hour! ?


Mu Fan spit out two words coldly.

An unfamiliar skill in the stream of information that Shura connected to crossed his mind.

The body was dark and red with dark armor, and there was almost no complete mecha on the whole body, turning around slowly.

The long sword in his hand straightened forward.

The scarlet cloak shook behind him.

The group of beasts over there was turbulent, and the king Lu Qiao seemed to be irritated, and the four tentacles that had been put down rose again.

Standing up to 100 meters high in the sky, hideous and terrifying.

But Mu Fan gently stretched out his right hand to grasp the handle of the long knife.

Slowly release the left hand.

"Three Realms...Blood Prison Knife...So...this is your name."

An unfamiliar text was flowing in my mind.


Human World...


The **** of the left hand moved slowly along the handle towards the blade.

A bloodthirsty killing intent appeared from his bones as if he were instinct.

At this moment, the outer Shura mecha was rubbed with the alloy long sheath of the blood infernal knife with the metal palm and slowly wiped away. As the fingers touched the alloy sheath, a flame began to ignite with the fingertips in the sheath. .

The low voice in the mecha suddenly started.

"Sura's sideblade."

The sporadic fire that suddenly started from the beginning, instantly turned into a blazing blood flame after the Shura Mecha's left hand slid, and the scorching high temperature caused the nearby air to begin to twist.

When Shura's sliding left hand finally fell from the scabbard, the long knife that had been completely burnt suddenly soared at this moment.

A strange blood-red light spread from the right hand, as if some energy in the scabbard resonated.

With that low, it suddenly turned into a declaration with a fierce killing intent:

"Who dares to take it!"


That blood-colored knife glow instantly rose and burned, spreading hundreds of meters along the scabbard at this moment!

A scorching dividing line suddenly appeared on the ground.

The Blood Prison Knife in his hand was raised high, slashed over his head, and slowly stuck behind him.

Hundred meters of sword beams passed the building on the right.

A black cutting line appeared, and the building crashed down along the trail.

Shura leaned over, the cloak flying high behind him, and four bright red rays of light suddenly spurted out.


Looking at the herd that started to rush again.

Mu Fan's legs stomped hard!

The afterimage disappeared in place...

All in just ten seconds.

At this moment, the people on both sides noticed the anomaly here at the same time.

Military department.

Ariksai just ordered to switch to the monitoring screen of King Lu Qiao.

This is a picture from a satellite in space.

Damn, why is the switch so slow!

Alix, who was cursing, didn't know that this was a transmission delay specially caused by an intelligent life far beyond the product of the times.

So when the screen lit up on the large central screen, everyone happened to see the black mech standing still with a horizontal knife.

"The beast tide on the other side actually stopped!?"

All the officers were shocked to see that the beast wave had stopped.

And it's still planning uneasy?

The momentum of the great king Lu Qiao's advance is actually stagnant! ?



What made these officers even more reacted later was that the mecha that was still in the sky above Area C appeared in Area A in such a flash.

Ariksai said to himself: "What kind of mech is this?"

The staff officer immediately ordered: "Calculate speed! Predict engine power!"

"Yes, sir!"

Then a trembling report sounded, and even the voice of swallowing saliva could be heard: "Report...sir, according to the calculation that the average speed of the mecha is 31 Mach, the peak speed is likely to exceed 35 Mach! The power is not in the federation's mecha engine database at all, it is impossible for mechas in the atmosphere to have this kind of speed!!"

Not an enemy, not a friend!

What does this mecha want to do!

In the next second, people in the military knew what this mecha wanted.

Because they saw the blood-colored sword light that spread from the hilt to a hundred meters long.

The head of the General Armament Department of the Amethyst Military Headquarters has a mouth long enough to fit a goose egg.

"This is impossible!"

The deputy minister who was a researcher next to him wanted to say that there is nothing impossible, but after thinking about it, he shut his mouth.

Because this kind of shape can beam energy into such a length, it means that the knife, okay, is the material of the sheath must be very special.

It is estimated that the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual effect.

But then the deputy minister closed his mouth tightly and stopped because he saw that the mecha raised the long knife in his hand and pulled it back.

The blood-red super long sword light also moved.

Then the buildings on the right side of the mecha fell all over...

Grumbling, the deputy minister also swallowed.

Seeing this scene, he instinctively felt that the mecha units of the Third Division that had not yet arrived in Area B could not be used.

"It rushed."

Ariksai spit out three words suddenly.

Pulling everyone's attention back again, in the picture, the engine behind the body suddenly disappeared.

The vice minister felt weak again, he could not help but hack the minister to death after seeing this mecha too much.

What mechas have you bought for the military? ! (To be continued.)

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