Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 131: Fate parting will eventually meet again!

Five seconds ago!

The trees on both sides retreated quickly in Mu Fan's field of vision.

Are you going to see it?

Mu Fan is full of curiosity about the unknown!

In Shura's super dynamic capturing vision, the huge mecha surrounded by blue and purple electric lights in the distance has appeared in sight.

Da Lei Xiao?

Mu Fan was taken aback, and instructor Ruan was here!

How can I explain it for a while? Never expose your existence!

Even if there is a mysterious black, now there is a more exaggerated Shura mech, and you must not expose yourself until you have absolute strength to protect yourself!

The law of hunting, a good hunter must always be in the dark!

But when the giant mecha appeared in Shura's vision, the focus of Shura and Mu Fan's attention was completely different.

The blood-red eyes were tightly locked in the black energy group that was about to be escorted into the giant breaking gate by the three in the energy cover!

A piece of jerky and intermittent language came again, "Discovered energy, level... abundant, unknown... space tunnel, danger level... unknown."

What is Shura talking about?

Mu Fan hadn't reacted yet, but felt that he was disconnected from Shura in an instant.


Dozens of metal hoses are pulled out at the same time.

Mu Fan's figure shook, but the next second his super physical fitness allowed him to stabilize his figure.

The Shura Mecha made an emergency stop, and even though the powerful thrust was filtered through the layers of this special cockpit, it was unable to resist the powerful inertia at all.

Mu Fan flew forward!

Shura's chest hatch popped open.

A metal palm covered with scars has stayed there, firmly catching Mu Fan.

Mu Fan stood on the metal palm and looked at Shura's **** eyes.

Mu Fan's eyes were also blood red.

What is Shura going to do?

Asura's eyes throbbed with blood, a jerky sound, cold and full of promise.

"Ahead...danger...unknown, I will go alone."

"When it is summoned... it will return after breaking through..."

With two **** beatings, Mu Fan felt a sense of closeness and trust from blood.

At this moment, Mu Fan felt that his heart was beating with a heart of surging energy that was close at hand.

Boom boom, boom boom!

At the same frequency, Mu Fan sensed the information transmitted by the Shura Mecha.

This is not the role of the black teacher and friend, it is more like his destined guardian.

Nodding lightly, Mu Fan whispered: "Take care."

Shura's blood-colored eyes closed for the first time, his palms were gently lowered, and Mu Fan jumped down.

He looked up at the mecha nearly ten meters high.

Two critical moments of life and death.

Aga Shura...please!

Aga Shura... take the lead!

These two simple sentences brought Mu Fan a horizon beyond the stars!

For the first time, he soberly knew that when he was lying on the ground looking up at the galaxy before, there was such a mecha quietly watching him in a distant place!

Shura, take care.

The broken mech stood up and looked up, taking a step.


The red sonic boom burst again, but perfectly avoided Mu Fan behind him.

The Shura Mecha attacked again, only cold in his eyes this time.

Fighting fire was blazing in Mu Fan's eyes! !

During this time, I will work hard enough to match you.

See you bye!

Looking up at the sky, the blood color in Mu Fan's eyes faded, calmness and calmness reappeared, and the breath gradually decayed until it disappeared.

Mu Fan quickly stepped up to the tallest giant tree, stood in the canopy of the tree, and quietly looked into the distance.


The last ride!

When the red sonic boom re-emerged and rushed within 30 kilometers within three seconds, Ruan Xiongfeng, who was trying to break the energy shield with a punch, finally noticed behind him through the eyes of the high priest of Layelai!

Gia Milo’s top radar matrix has not found anomalies behind him!

Ruan Xiongfeng suddenly turned his head!

Red waves of air soared into the sky, a pair of cold and bloodthirsty eyes descended like ghosts and gods, and suddenly came!

The last second was still nearly 10,000 meters away, and the next second was approaching!

The front end of Shura rushing forward even formed an ionosphere, blurring Shura's face.

but! The indifferent red blood glow was deeply in Ruan Xiongfeng's eyes. ,

"It turned out to be a raccoon dog!"

Ruan Xiongfeng's terrifying physical fitness and nervous reflexes made him enter a state of overloaded Thunder Owl at this moment.

Come to fight!


There was a huge horror in the boom, and the tornado connecting the world suddenly appeared in the dense forest out of thin air. It skyrocketed hundreds of meters in less than half a second.

"Found Da Lei Xiao!"

"Report, found the location of Da Lei Xiao!"

When the tornado that caught the sky appeared, the broken monitor also discovered the vision here.

This time, Da Lei Xiao, who was really like a Thor, entered a violent state.

"Just let Lao Tzu come and see if you are worthy of your name as a demon god!"

Ruan Xiongfeng trampled on the ground violently.

The distance of one hundred meters was fleeting, and the giant tornado of flashing thunder that had wrapped the entire body of the big thunder owl was horizontal in front of the energy shield and in front of Shura's eyes.

% Of energy remaining...

At this moment, Shura pressed down with his left hand and touched the handle of the knife with his right hand.

Points... shadows.

Da Lei Xiao, who had just pulled out the plasma whip with his fists, was about to swing it fiercely.

How fast can the lightning speed be?

I'm afraid no one can avoid it!

But under Ruan Xiongfeng's nose, the mecha just half the height of Lei Xiao's leg disappeared in a blur.

The plasma whip hit the ground fiercely, and the fallen leaves and damp soil instantly turned into a huge molten pit under the terrifying high temperature ionization.

Where's the mecha? ?

The eyes were swept.

Two mechas with their right hands drawn at the same time appeared on both sides, the same shabby red cloak, the same remnant body! Sprinting without slowing down at all!

Ruan Xiongfeng remembered this moment of static for less than one hundredth of a second, but found that there was no impression of such a mecha in his mind.


Plasma whip rises again.

But the red shadow across the two cloaks flashed from both sides.

There was a small crack behind him.

The energy shield capable of resisting the big thunder owl was lightly pierced under the **** prison blade in Shura's hand as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

Two red shadows flashed in from the gap.

The giant energy shield recovered again, and Da Lei Xiao who had just turned around saw the Shura machine that had appeared inside.

"It's faster than Lao Tzu!! Damn it!"

But Ruan Xiongfeng shut up soon, how did this mecha get in?

You really know each other!

However, the picture did not develop as he had speculated Ruan Xiongfeng could not see the Shura Mecha's eyes facing him.


This word also became the last sentence of the high priest Layela.

After the red and black figures overlapped, they passed over his body without stopping.

The long mecha sword swept across the body, shattering into fog with one blow...

The black mist flew into the mecha before it dispersed.

This name brought enough to contend with ten armored divisions and the high priest of the fierce beast just disappeared from the world unwillingly, and he couldn't even look at the three breakthrough doors that had begun to close behind him.

The holy thing should be safe...

The final consciousness dissipated.

(To be continued.)

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