Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 132: Goodbye, Zi Cui (1)

If you only look at the other three Layele tribesmen who have disappeared within the Boundary Gate, they are indeed safe. ☆→☆→point ☆→small☆→say,

Because the breaking door has begun to close.

That's a sign that the energy that drives the door is interrupted.

Once the breaching door is closed, there will be no further chase.

It is impossible to reverse the calculation of the threshold!

Unless you enter before the door is closed, the Shroud Mecha is no longer enough to enter the Boundary Breaking Door that is only two meters wide and shrinking.

It's a pity that he didn't see the blood prison knife that had been pulled out of its sheath.

He had no chance to hear Shura's deep words.

Because when they encounter their fateful natural enemies, they are destined to have no resistance!

Shura's eyes flashed red.

"Energy... fusion, Shura... rush!"

A torrent of red energy surged violently behind him, and the scrolling cloak turned into stars covering Shura's body in one swing.

The Blood Prison Knife floated a strange energy sheen.

Shura's eyes flickered.

The figure burst into the room, and the long knife in his hand flashed past.

The tens of meters high Boundary Gate actually appeared in the middle of the dark energy outline when it was about to close, a **** knife mark that was deeply cut in!

The trace is stalemate with the broken boundary door, dividing the two closed energy boundaries into four segments. The broken zone is beginning to violently twist, and even the ground is faintly unstable!

Shura's long sword in his right hand turned into a phantom and inserted it into the scabbard with a click.

The empty right hand stretched out into the twisted dark space, and the red stars covering the whole body sank a little bit.

When his head was about to submerge, Shura paused slightly, as if he was thinking and wanted to say something.

But the next moment Shura plunged like a bayonet into the vortex of twisting riots in the shape of a cross sword.

When the figure completely disappeared, the blood-red knife mark behind the door that had stuck to the breach disappeared.


The Boundary Breaking Door was finally closed, but it did not disappear as normal, but a black energy ball with a diameter of about three meters continued to puff up.

The fallen leaves, gravel, and soil on the ground began to be sucked in, and then the energy fluctuations further expanded.

"...This is also okay...Sure enough, one magic machine is more weird than one."

Ruan Xiongfeng stared at the mecha smashing through the gate in amazement.

"This is not a group. It's the first time I saw Laye come and these **** are so afraid of a mecha." Ruan Xiongfeng muttered to himself in a daze.

Da Lei Xiao punched lightly, and the protective shield of the city without energy burst instantly.

At this time, the location of the damaged Boundary Gate began to gather and then burst suddenly.

A wave of energy appeared, shrank, and burst into bloom again.

boom! !

"Such a strong tunnel explodes, and I have to let Lao Tzu finish it for you, **** it."

The blue and white rays of the plasma generator on the feet of Da Lei Xiao flickered and rushed into the sky.

Then he lifted his hands, and a flashing energy ball converged, soaring for tens of meters in an instant.

"Members of Zi Cui, I helped you develop this primitive area for free." Ruan Xiongfeng curled his lips, and Da Lei Xiao gathered a giant lightning ball from high in the sky, smashing it heavily with electric light.

boom! Another shock wave of energy.

Boom! ! !

Within ten kilometers was instantly shrouded in smoke and dust.

The violent tremor spread for nearly a hundred kilometers, and countless people felt that they almost stood unsteadily under their feet.

An area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers of virgin forest fell radially around the heavily bombarded area.

It took more than ten minutes for the smoke to dissipate.

Da Lei Xiao's beautiful body has been blackened, and this huge mecha is sitting on the ground with its legs crossed in a very indecent posture.

Ruan Xiongfeng was humming in the cockpit.

"Crazy Ruan! Da Lei Xiao appeared on a fringe planet in the fourth administrative district. I need you to explain to me that the core weapon of the S unit was exposed like this? What is in your bald head!!!"

An angry woman's voice sounded in the cockpit, and the tone echoed in the cockpit through the intercom like a female tyrannosaurus.

On the other hand, Ruan Da's bald head, who has always been fearless and fearless, is weak by three points before he speaks.

"Then what the hell, look, I just did a big king Lu squid and a four-headed demon servant."

"What? The demon servant! You met the Layele! How is it possible, it is impossible for them to appear in the territory of the Federal District 4!"

"They opened a door to break the world, they dug an altar of worship of ancient gods from the bottom of Zi Cui Xing, and by the way also took away a dark and sloppy thing, I have never seen it before."

"Who are you telling me about Laozi!" the female voice shouted angrily again.

"Wrong, it's me, me! You look up what the dark thing is, I will pass the video data to you through the s01 channel in a while." Ruan Xiongfeng still admires the scientific female madman in the s team. of.

"Well, good... Crazy Ruan, don't give me sloppy eyes! How did you bring Da Lei Xiao over!"

"Fuck, I have to tell the truth? I finally took a team and came over to pretend what happened! By the way, I'm telling you, I won't officially return to the team anyway, I found a direct disciple, Da Lei From now on, I am going to let him drive, do you want me to take you over to see?"

Ruan Xiongfeng said angrily.

"You bastard!" The female voice over there was already frustrated.

Touching his nose, Ruan Xiongfeng didn't say anything, and silently posted the picture of the black mecha cutting through the door.

I believe this can stop this crazy woman.


On the other side, Mu Fan jumped off the giant tree and left after watching Shura away.

Go to the outside of the forest.

The dark breath spread all over his body. At this moment, there was no sign of biological activity in the forest, and Mu Fan was marching like a fish in water.


With his feet shaking, Mu Fan didn't know what happened, but it must have something to do with Shura.

Reached out and held the warm metal sign on his chest, now the heat began to decrease.

It seems to be silently telling Shura's departure.

Rubbing the lonely word "Fan".

Shura, I am waiting for the day when I reunite with you!

Looking up at the sky, the trees fell over large areas, and fighters began to appear.

I have to leave here as soon as possible. Fatty, they don't know what happened!

Hope all of them are safe.



The interference of several electromagnetic waves sounded and calmed down.

The watch on his hand shook.

Only then did Mu Fan react, black!

"Mu Fan... that Shura is gone?" This was Hei Dili's serious voice.

"Well, how did you disappear before."

When I heard Mu Fan's words, the black and silver metal bodies in the virtual space turned red and red!

"Obviously you blocked me when you used that brand to communicate with Shura, and you even asked how Lord Ben disappeared! If Lord Ben really disappeared, you and this mecha would have been exposed how many times! So many times! The traces were all erased by this lord! Also, the little fat girl and the big fat girl are fine."

The black voice instantly exploded extremely aggrieved.

It is estimated that if Harry heard the three words Big Fatty and Hei's desperate mind.

"Uh, okay, I was wrong to blame you." After touching his nose, Mu Fan said a little embarrassed, returning to the appearance of that ordinary and optimistic boy again.

"I pretended to be stupid at this time, several times!" Hei said with a grunt.

"Planning the route, I must rush over as soon as possible."

"...The route is successfully planned. In order to match your previous landing site you must travel 80 kilometers away within an hour."


The teenager ran in the jungle, and there was a chattering intelligent life in his ears.

Clear skies are just right at this time.

ps: Thanks to book friends "Book Friends 15071408851975", "bey186" and "Bai Yiduo" for 588 coins reward!

Thanks to the book friend "Qiuye White Birch" for rewarding 00 coins! Thanks to book friends "Ranjiaba", "Fire Fox 016", "Book Friends 15116500647", "Book Friends 160706174565", "Dian vvv", and "Book Friends 16070619140095" for 100 coin rewards!

Thanks to book friends for "Book Spirit Constant Flow" 60 coins, "Ling Morning bgo", "Pingping (1, "hal" 0 coins, "Small wind blowing", "Lingshan Shi", "Stardust Dust", "Yesterday's Beauty" "The sky of Qi Yu", "Book Friends 16011540856", "Who is afraid of who", "Split the gun", "" "Book fans bitter haha", "miss strange" 10 coins reward! (To be continued.)

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