Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 68: Hold it for me

Two representatives of the younger generation in the high-level circle, Gao Lingze and Don Naxiu, are now at the scene, and Gao Lingze is the party involved in this incident.

Although the three on the other side were few people, they didn't mean any accommodation at all.

Instead, they just do it directly.

This is what to do! ?

Beishan's joyful chest was ups and downs, and he acted unscrupulously at the Star Curtain Auction House. Did they really have no scruples?

Now things have exceeded her estimates.

A group of bodyguards was knocked into the air, and the two young youths both had inhuman combat effectiveness!

Even that white hair has such a combat power.

Hearing the words of the fighting master next to him, Gao Lingze saw a figure flashing by and rushing directly.

Hard stubble?

Humph, Yu Haitian was the third runner-up in the consecutive blue star fighting games.

The 20th-level physique standard is nothing, his three a-level fighting skills are the root of his real reputation.

Boy, dare to do something with me here, so today you don't have to think about being able to walk away completely.

The vicious Gao Lingze now has a bit of resentment in his mentality.

The moment Yu Haitian rushed out, he attracted Mu Fan's attention. The violent aura, the extreme change from static to dynamic, all showed the strength of this majestic man who had been silent before.

Mu Fan turned his head slightly and said decisively, "Retreat into the corridor."

Then turn your hands slowly and hold it in, and squeeze it sharply.


Mu Fan really moved.

Eyes tightly locked Yu Haitian's movements.

His hands are changing fast!

Palms, fists, and fingers are constantly changing among these three types of attack methods, and the moves and strengths of each change are different.


Mu Fan took a deep breath, crossed his arms, and prepared to resist this time, because behind him was Bai Guyue, the pharmacist who had undertaken the heavy task of refining the sagebrush!

Yu Haitian is 37 years old this year, and he has 25 years of fighting experience! From the age of 12, he was sent to the martial arts gym by his father and spent two years as a training partner. Then, during a martial arts competition, the curator was used as a probing cannon fodder to find out, but he did not expect him to knock down three opponents in a row!

So his fighting road was officially opened. His more than 20 years of fighting experience made him very hot. Seeing Mu Fan's fast and steady action, Yu Haitian's eyes were swept away during the sprint, and he saw a person just kicking over there. Baimao made a quick decision in his heart.

Mu Fan stepped up to meet Yu Haitian's fists with his cross arms.

Humph, too tender!

Yu Haitian stroked an angle with his left hand and smashed it at Mu Fan.

Mu Fan exerted force with both hands.

But within a few millimetres, Yu Haitian's left hand rubbed Mu Fan's arm diagonally across, and then pressed heavily on the ground.

With the help of the whole person, he turned sideways in an instant, with his legs close together and drilled towards the white hair over there like a waterspout.

White Mao, who had just retracted his leg and kicked again, was feeling the pleasure of abuse, but he heard a sharp wind flashing in his ear.

"Grass! Bitch!"

At this time, his leg was kicked out and could not be retracted, but the fierce wind target pointed directly behind his right ear.

The timing of this trick appeared just right, and it was almost inevitable for him.

Looking at the top of the head with empty eyes, and then closed his eyes tightly, the white hair pressed his teeth directly down.

Vertical split!


A perfect one-word horse, Bai Maopi sat on the ground.

A figure drilled through the top of his head.


Beishan Xinyue covered her red lips in surprise, this white hair had this kind of reaction power, which was really inconsistent with the casual stray appearance at the auction.

Mu Fan looked at Yin Shuai over there. Fortunately, it's okay...

Coldly bowed his head, domineering one-line horse.

Now Baimao's momentum is more than Mu Fan.

Over there, Yu Haitian, who stood up in an offensive posture, frowned and looked at Yin Shuai. Why are both of them so strong?

At this time, a moan of ecstasy sounded.


Then my face was squeezed together as if I had knocked over a five-flavored bottle, and finally opened my eyes, and the voices of the white hair with tears in both eyes were trembling: "Hiss~~It hurts! My leg, my crotch... oh , Oh... so devastating a handsome guy, your humanity."

It turned out to be a coincidence. His legs were not stretched completely at all. This kind of hard vertical fork was directly split, and the tendons were probably almost stretched.

Yu Haitian fisted and pulled back, this time he was about to completely knock out the white hair, and then deal with the kid.

Obviously it was a very serious scene. Why did I want to laugh? Beishan Xinyue looked at the amused white hair on the ground, and now I really don't want to sympathize with this weak-looking party.

"Huh, what about your arrogance before? Get up from the ground."

Gao Lingze smiled all over his face, seeing the painful grunt of this white hair, he just couldn't express his pleasure.

"You let this handsome get up? Tell you I can't get up this time without two thousand."

Beishan Xinyue looked at the white hair over there in doubt, wondering what it meant.

Then she saw a black-clothed bodyguard who was blocking her suddenly popped and swallowed forcibly, her face twitching hard and not smiling.

"What do you mean?"

Beishan Xinyue asked in a low voice.


Another poker face bodyguard added that he wanted to laugh, but he just managed to suppress it.

This sexually enchanting beauty really admires the white hair who is still sitting on the ground at this moment. How big is his heart? I really don't know who he is provoking?

"Hard mouth, Uncle Yu, leave it to you."

The majestic man next to him nodded, did not speak, and stepped on the ground with his left foot. The whole person rushed out again and kicked the white hair on the ground fiercely without any mercy.

"I can't provoke this, Mu Fan, leave it to you."

The white-haired donkey, who was still humming, rolled directly on the spot for a few laps, then retreated behind Mu Fan before sitting up.

"This handsome is scared to death."

The speed of that tumbling was not even kicked by Yu Haitian's swift kick.

Now Yin Shuai and Bai Guyue both retreated into the where the outermost corridor of the corridor connects to the hall... there is only one person left.

Mu Fan!

"Now there is only one left. I don't know where you came from, but today you are probably worse than the two of them."

Swinging his hands forward lightly, two teams of black bodyguards gathered around him.

Only the strongest of the three of them remained. Yu Haitian raised his right elbow, his muscles began to violently visibly violently, and his legs began to bend and accumulate strength.

Hammer down!

One of the federal A-level fighting skills.

This move can be said to be an extremely violent move, with only two results in one blow.

Dead, or seriously injured!

Everyone looked at this handsomely dressed young man with a playful look. The young man rubbed his wrist, still with a very indifferent expression.

It is estimated that the face will be full of blood in the next second, and I have to admire it if I can hold it at this time.

Donald Xiu gently said to the side: "It's over. I don't know where it came from. I even provoke Gao Lingze directly. I really don't know what to think."

The few people nearby laughed. They have not encountered this kind of thing. Today these three people are going to be planted. The little beauty inside is really drooling. It seems that it can only be cheap.

Beishan Xinyue has quietly and blindly sent a message to her uncle in Zhongjing City. In any case, the Star Screen Auction House must not have an accident today.

Pray that these people can delay for a while.

At this time, the indifferent young man slowly relaxed his shirt.

What is this going to do?

"Fuck, come up and undress?" The white hair sitting on the ground behind was dumbfounded. What rhythm is this?

"Hold it for me."

The black high-end fabric suit was gently thrown back, and the white hair subconsciously caught it.

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