Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 69: Move again, you die

"What are you doing?"

"Afraid of getting dirty."

Mu Fan stared at Yu Haitian opposite, and rolled up his shirt sleeve with both hands.

This dress is the best he has worn, and now he still remembers that when the girl with elves and lovely eyes gave him the dress, she warned her face that it should not be soiled or broken.

Hearing this sentence, Bai Mao's face almost wrote a capital suit.

This is higher than the pretend!

Yu Haitian over there had finished accumulating energy at this moment, and his whole body bounced like a cannonball rushing into the air.

The super burst and swift speed shook Gao Lingze's hair backwards.

"Prepare to take someone."

With a command, the bodyguards beside him stood together.

When Yu Haitian jumped up, Mu Fan yanked his right elbow and then pulled his body backwards in a semi-arched manner.

Yu Haitian fists close together, and when his body jumps into the air, all his hands and feet stretch back, which is an expression of the ultimate strength.

Finally, 2 meters above Mu Fan, Yu Haitian's momentum reached its peak.

Then the fists turned into afterimages and disappeared.

Hammer down!

Like a huge rock falling from the sky, the shadow enveloped Mu Fan below.

"Smash it for me!" Gao Lingze had a tyrannical pleasure in his eyes. Under this scene, no fewer than double digits were killed by Yu Haitian!

Every time I look at it, it is an intoxicating aesthetic of violence.


Beishan Xinyue and Bai Guyue closed their eyes at the same time.

The former does not want to watch the blood splash on the spot, the latter is pure worry and fear.

But they have one thing in common, that is, the young man in the subconscious will be severely injured in the next second.

When Yu Haitian jumped into the air.

Mu Fan's waist was twisting, his bones began to make a strange twisting sound, and his right elbow was still slowly pulling back and rotating around his waist.

He cannot retreat, but can only move forward.

Now this situation is only head-to-head, and the opposite is also true to his situation.

In this case, let it be hard to shake!

Mu Fan's right elbow turned to the extreme, and his feet slammed on the ground.

With a buzzing sound, a wave of anger suddenly appeared!

The words of Donald Xiu and others who were joking stopped instantly.

Mu Fan's whole body was centered on the feet, and the whole body was whirled out, then turned to the extreme right elbow to cut through the air and swept towards the sky.

Keep up with your left hand, put it on your right wrist in less than 0.1 seconds, and close it!

work hard!

So in an extremely precise time, Mu Fan's right forearm appeared somewhere on top of his head without any deviation.

What is this for?

In the next second, people's questions were answered.


Real shadows appear!

Yu Haitian's fists slammed heavily on Mu Fantuo's forearm.

Gao Lingze's adrenaline surged up instantly, like drinking to the most exciting point.

Break his bones!

Mu Fan's body was short, Yu Haitian landed heavily, keeping his fists down.

Frozen for a while.

People are waiting to watch the scene of the boy kneeling down to the ground, but no one noticed that what Mu Fan's forearm was holding was not Yu Haitian's fists...

It's his arm!

No one saw Yu Haitian's forearm muscles shaking unconsciously.

This is a tail flutter after a loss of strength.

Yu Haitian didn't pay attention to Mu Fan's posture of arching and raising his arms. He only felt his arms hit a hard steel ingot, and then there was a faint pain inside his arm.

Mu Fan looked up, his eyes met Yu Haitian.

Yu Haitian was shocked, his majestic body flashed, then his fists fell like a torrential rain.

The momentum has not been exhausted, and the opponent's defense must be defeated continuously!

What a hard bone, this kind of tolerance... is above oneself?

How high is his strength?

But at this moment, Yu Haitian had no chance to withdraw to explain to Gao Lingze.

Because Mu Fan shook his arm and threw countless fists at the same time.

Boom boom boom!

Afterimages appeared in the air.

Except for the relish white hair that appeared in the eyes, the others couldn't see what was happening. A few seconds later, Yu Haitian made an oblique backflip and withdrew five meters away.

Mu Fan clenched his chest with both fists, his eyes calm.

"What's the matter? Uncle Yu, is this kid bracing for a broken bone?"

Gao Lingze asked curiously, but a force of flat push came and pushed him to the rear. .

Yu Haitian didn't reply at all, but with a single arm, he sent Gao Lingze to the rear.

Because at this moment, Mu Fan stomped heavily on the ground, and his whole body rushed in the air. That violent momentum made Yu Haitian's heart a crisis at this moment.

Beishan Xinyue, whose beautiful eyes on the side had been opened, saw that the boy's body turned to his side, and his waist was almost twisted, his right leg was perpendicular to the ground and cut through the sky like lightning.

After half a month, the afterimage disappeared!


Yu Haitian, who had just had time to put up his arms, was heavily bombarded by a huge force like an ancient mammoth.

Gao Lingze, who had just stood firm, instantly saw his fighting master hit four or five people and flew directly to a place ten meters away.

"Master, go!"

With his arms hanging softly on his side, Yu Haitian screamed.

Gao Lingze knew what had happened, but at this moment his eyes were red, with a crazy gambler-like psychology, he directly took out a small metal jetting crossbow from his arms.

The crossbow arrow above has already been tightened!

"I Gao Lingze will never lose!"

Pulling the trigger towards Mu Fan, the small crossbow arrow was blessed by the tension, and at the same time the tail glowed red.


This is the product of a military melee crossbow, a combination of machinery and ammunition. He removed the laser collimator. This is a self-defense weapon he carries with him.

Just less than five meters, he couldn't avoid it at such a close distance.

He wants to shoot through this person and make him kneel in front of him!

The silent high-tech crossbow pierced the air at this moment, and shot directly at Mu Fan when no one had reacted.


Mu Fan, who stood with her feet closed, suddenly raised her right hand.

The rear wing was still trembling, but this palm-sized crossbow arrow was firmly held in Mu Fan's palm.

Actually used a killing crossbow?

The situation turned abruptly for a moment, and the bodyguards who had recovered from it swarmed at this moment, and the pogo sticks all over the sky pulled down.

"These silly guys are forced to play off."

Bai Mao casually said to the wide-eyed Bai Gu Yue beside her.

Then the two saw Mu Fan's figure blurring, and then a dozen figures flew out.

When Mu Fan appeared in people's sight again, he had already appeared in front of Gao Lingze.

Gao Lingze, who had been mad before, was pressed heavily on the ground at this moment.

Mu Fan held a crossbow arrow in his right hand, and his left hand clasped Gao Lingze's neck like iron tongs. He couldn't move no matter how much he struggled.

Then Mu Fan held the sharp tip of the crossbow arrow in his right hand and approached Gao Lingze's eyebrows little by little, pierced the epidermis, continued to press down, and a little blood oozes out!

Gao Lingze's horrified eyes were all filled with Mu Fan's expressionless expression. The indifferent eyes hadn't changed a little since seeing the first he looked at himself with calm eyes , Like watching a dead person.

He didn't pretend! The indifference to life in his eyes... turned out to be true!

The muscles at the corners of his mouth were trembling, and the pain in the center of his eyebrows tore through his psychological defense step by step.

"Don't, don't, don't be impulsive, I am the young master of the Gaoling family, I have something to say."

The fear of death has never been the same as it is now.

Only this time he knew that he had really hit the iron plate.

How could it have escaped the military's crossbow? How could it be possible to break his own fighting master's arms at such a young age.

No matter how unbelievable, the feeling that death was so close now made him almost collapse.

Mu Fan watched him waiting to speak, but suddenly threw the crossbow arrow in his hand to one side!


There was a sharp and metal impact, and a silver pistol was spinning in the air, hitting the wall and then sliding to the ground.

At the same time, Mu Fan tilted his head to one side, and finally said cold words from his mouth:

"Move die."


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