Suddenly, on the walls around the hall, a magical flame ignited out of thin air, and the flames were burning, finally chilling the entire hall.

  at this time.

  Only then did Yun Fanlong and the others understand why the entire interior of the temple was illuminated with a crimson light. That was because, underneath the interior of the temple, there was a sea of ​​crimson magma flowing!

  The sea of ​​magma is rolling, and the incomparably hot temperature spreads out, causing the space above to twist slightly. It seems that anything that falls into the sea of ​​magma below will be instantly melted into ashes!


  This scene not only stunned Yun Fanlong and the others, but even the countless audience members in the live broadcast room were stunned and shocked.

  They didn't expect it.

  Under the [-]-meter-deep sea, not only stands an ancient temple that seems to have traveled through the ages to come to them, but also, under the interior of this temple, there is a sea of ​​magma flowing, which is unbelievable!

  Many people were dumbfounded by this scene!

  Have they ever seen such a shocking and unbelievable scene in their lives?

  Yun Fanlong, Irene and others also saw that in this hot, hell-like sea of ​​magma, there were still stone pillars with a diameter of about five meters.

  Above these stone pillars, there are monster statues of various strange shapes carved out of stone, which are extremely lifelike.

  These monsters Yun Fanlong and others also do not know, and facing them is a stone bridge with a width of ten meters. On both sides of the stone bridge, there are also statues of warriors carved out of stone. .

  "Look at it!"

  An expert suddenly pointed to the wall of the temple, and exclaimed in surprise: "On these walls of the temple, there are dense murals and texts. By the way, what are these words?" .

  "It's Atlantis."

  Erin said suddenly.


  As soon as she said this, all the experts around her turned their heads to look at Irene in shock, and said in disbelief, "Is what you said true?".

  "Should be right."

  As Irene walked, she said, "I have read all the major ancient books and history books on civilization, and I have seen some descriptions of Atlantis civilization in a book before, but in fact, I was in the square just now. When I was there, I was guessing that this ancient temple might be the ruins of Atlantis, but I wasn’t sure and didn’t say it at the time!”


  She continued: "It wasn't until I saw the words and murals on these walls that I was sure that the ancient temple we were in was probably the Atlantis that humans have been searching for for nearly a thousand years!" .


  Not only did the experts present heard the words, they gasped in shock and gasped in disbelief, and even the countless audience members in the live broadcast room were shocked.

  The ancient civilization of Atlantis is not unfamiliar to many people. In fact, historians have been studying the mysterious ancient civilization of Atlantis, but unfortunately, the Atlantis civilization remains in the world. There are not many clues. Therefore, the world does not know much about the Atlantis civilization, but this does not prevent humans from looking for the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria.

  From the old era to the current mecha era, in fact, humans have been searching for these mysterious ancient civilizations for at least nearly a thousand years!

  But a pity.

  Even now that humans have entered the era of mechas, and technology has been relatively developed, it is very helpless that humans have not been able to find any clues about the Atlantis civilization. Atlantis, which once existed on earth. The ancient civilization seemed to disappear overnight!

  and so.

  Over time, after humans have not found clues to the mysterious civilization of Atlantis, many countries have actually given up searching.

  There are even many people in the historical circle who believe that the Atlantis civilization is nothing but fiction, and it does not exist at all. How can it be found?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  but now.

  Irene said that the ancient temple in front of her was actually the site of the mysterious civilization of Atlantis. How could this not shock the world?


  This is really the ruins of the Atlantis civilization, and it is undoubtedly a heavy bomb to the entire global historiography!

  "None of these matters..."

  Irene pointed to the murals on the wall and said, "What is important is what these murals on the wall mean? Don't everyone here want to know?".

  Yun Fanlong smiled and said, "Dr. Irene, I don't know much about Atlantis civilization, you know more than me, why don't you introduce it to everyone?".

  "Then I'm welcome!"

  Irene smiled, but seeing her straight to the point, she threw a bombshell directly to the experts present and the countless viewers in the live broadcast room:

  "I just took a general look at the contents of these murals, and I can probably come up with a piece of information. This information may be related to the life and death of all human beings!"


  The experts present glanced at each other, and one of them frowned and said, "Dr. Erin, it's not something you can say casually about the life and death of all human beings, it's just the ruins of a disappeared civilization. You said it so seriously. ? It is also about the life and death of all human beings?".


  "Ha ha."

  Dr. Erin smiled.

  But seeing her say: "It is indeed as you said, the temple ruins left by the Atlantis civilization are naturally harmless to human beings!"


  She pointed to the murals on the wall and said, "However, the content and information contained in these murals are indeed related to the life and death of all mankind!"

  She said solemnly: "Simply put it simply..."

  Under the gaze of one after another, but only after seeing her look around, did she say lightly: "Atlantis civilization was extremely brilliant tens of thousands of years ago, and even Godzilla, who is recovering now, was once them. The gods they believe in, this civilization is even powerful enough to enslave monsters to work for their civilization, and they have super powers of powerful monsters!"


  Speaking of it.

  She suddenly paused: "One day tens of thousands of years ago, a three-headed dragon, a cosmic monster with golden light all over his body, suddenly descended on the earth and attacked Atlantis civilization, and the patron saint of Atlantis civilization Godzilla fought against him, and although he was defeated and sealed, Godzilla himself fell into a deep sleep due to excessive energy consumption!"

  "And the prosperous civilization of Atlantis was also destroyed by the battle between the two monsters. Another message conveyed by these murals on the wall is that the three-headed dragon monster is actually not It's not dead, it's just sealed somewhere on the earth! One day in the future, this monster will definitely wake up again! Once the golden three-headed dragon monster wakes up, it will be a catastrophe for all mankind!"

  Speaking of it.

  She took a deep breath, and in her mind she couldn't help but come up with the golden-yellow monster that appeared in the temple of the King Kong Tribe on Skull Island before, but only after seeing her look around did she say:

  "And that monster's name is..."

  "King Ghidorah!"


  As soon as these words came out, the audience instantly became quiet, including the countless viewers in the live broadcast room, all of them couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts.

  Can put Godzilla into sleep for tens of thousands of years!

  What a terrifying monster is this? !

  this moment.

  The world is afraid!



  ps: Fourth update.

  Three thousand five hundred character chapters.


  The four chapters and [-] words have been updated, please ask for a monthly pass~~ Seven.

Chapter 116


  "Fuck! Don't lie to me if I read less!"

  "Golden King Ghidorah? This name sounds domineering!"

  "I really didn't expect that the ancient civilization of Atlantis, which had mysteriously disappeared for tens of thousands of years, was actually destroyed by monsters from the universe?"

  "So, Godzilla is the guardian of the earth?"

  "Guard? Hehe, I just watched it destroyed!"

  "I don't want to die yet. I'm only twenty years old. I haven't even held a woman's hand. I haven't been in love yet. I don't want to die young!"

  "Ghidorah? Afraid of wool! It's done! Let our most powerful mecha fuck it! Let it know that we are not comparable to the Atlantis civilization, a powerful mecha that is powerful enough to destroy Break everything!"

  "It's hard to imagine that in the ancient times of the earth, monsters destroyed human civilization? I didn't expect such a secret!"


  Irene's remarks not only made Yun Fanlong and other experts from the four countries present in disbelief and shock, but even the countless viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked beyond recognition, and many people were even more heartbroken. fear.

  The news is for them.

  Undoubtedly a blockbuster!

  Who would have thought.

  On the earth where human beings have lived for tens of thousands of years, there is still such a huge hidden danger. A three-headed dragon monster king Ghidorah from the universe was sealed in a certain place on the earth thousands of years ago. corner, and the world knows nothing, and even thinks that human beings are...

  Earth Overlord! ?

  this moment.

  A strong fear and shadow could not help but shroud the hearts of all countries in the world and everyone. It could destroy Atlantis, a civilization that was said to have been once Fan Rong's strong, and could destroy such a powerful and terrifying Godzilla. , to beat the king monster Ghidorah who has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years.

  The horror of it...

  Obviously it goes without saying!

  It's no exaggeration to call this monster the destroyer of civilization!


  In the Temple of Atlantis, Yun Fanlong and other experts looked at each other in shock, and I had to say that Irene's remarks really had an unsettling impact on them.

  One of the experts frowned and said, "Dr. Erin, how did you know that this three-headed dragon monster is called Ghidorah? Did you know it before?".

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