"I didn't understand."

  Irene shook her head, her delicate, delicate, angel-like face looked at the murals on the walls of the Atlantis Temple.

  She said indifferently: "Actually, when I was on Skull Island, the priest of the King Kong tribe found me. From the mythology recorded by their tribe, I learned that the name of this three-headed dragon monster from the universe is called Ghidorah, ancient humans gave it many titles, such as the Golden King, Wings of Destruction, or the Three-Headed Dragon King, etc.!"


  She looked around and said, "But no matter what, we only need to know one thing right now, that is, in the earth-shattering monster battle tens of thousands of years ago, the king Ghidorah did not die but was killed by Godzilla. Sealed somewhere on Earth, now the monsters are recovering one after another, and Godzilla has also awakened, which undoubtedly shows a problem!".

  "what is the problem?"

  an expert asked.

  "That is......"

  Irene said solemnly: "It won't be long before Ghidorah, the king who was sealed off somewhere on Earth, may also wake up, and no one knows when he will wake up!".


  As soon as these words came out, Yun Fanlong and others looked heavy. The news was indeed too frightening. They didn't know how powerful and terrifying King Ghidorah was. Ancient civilizations were destroyed, and even Godzilla was forced to sleep.

  It can be seen that the terror and power of King Ghidorah!

  If Ghidorah wakes up...

  This is undoubtedly a terrible catastrophe for all mankind!


  Yun Fanlong pointed to the various monster murals on the wall of the Atlantis Temple and said: "It seems that the monster battle between Godzilla and the king Ghidorah is not the two monsters. War!".

  "Mr. Yun is right."

  Irene nodded and said: "The content of these murals involves many monsters, such as the Titan water dragon Tiamat, the female siren Scylla, the king of the earth Behemoth, King Kong, the Balrog Radon and Baphomet, Orochi, Methuselah, or Leviathan and many other monsters!"

  Speaking of it.

  She took a deep breath: "All in all, that's the monster battle between Godzilla and Ghidorah, in fact, the battle between the two monster camps!"

  She said with a dignified face: "Judging from the awakening of the volcano demon Raton and many other monsters in the past few days, the content recorded on these murals is obviously correct, and a war of monsters spanning tens of thousands of years is coming! ".


  As soon as she said these words, not only the experts present, but also the countless viewers in the live broadcast room could not help but gasped in shock and looked shocked. It was only between Godzilla and Ghidorah, the two kings. You can imagine how tragic the war will be, but now Irene said.

  This is a war between two monster camps...

  How earth-shattering is this scene changing back?

  The world can't imagine it!

  As Irene walked, she carefully looked at the murals on the walls of the Atlantis Temple, and she said, "It seems that there are still many monsters that have not awakened, such as Leviathan, Titan Water Dragon Tiamat, Evil God. Gatangjee, or the Titan giant Typhon and the furious god Feathered Serpent, many monsters seem to be still sleeping!".

  heard here.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  To be honest.

  If all these monsters wake up at once, they really dare not imagine the earth at that time, what kind of terrifying scene would it be?

  What should humans do at that time?

  "The front is the center of the whirlpool, how about we go over there and take a look?"

  Erin asked.

  Yun Fanlong and other experts naturally had no opinion, because they were surprised to find that even if they were less than [-] meters away from the center of the huge vortex, the amazing thing was that they could not feel any suction, so Irene Waiting for someone to walk on the spacious stone bridge.


  The group passed through the tall and lifelike Atlantis warrior stone statues on both sides, and finally came to the end of the stone bridge. Yun Fanlong, Irene and others looked towards the bottom of the stone bridge. go.

  He was so frightened that his face changed, and his legs could not help softening.

  Including the other experts, their legs were also frightened and they retreated back and forth, because at the end of this stone bridge, there was a huge passage with a diameter of more than [-] meters, and the abyss passage filled with endless darkness continued downwards. The endless sea water and the sea of ​​fiery magma that have been sucked and pulled are like two torrent waterfalls of red and blue...  

  Rumbled into the depths of the passage.

  This dark passage with a diameter of [-] meters has been extending endlessly downward. It seems that this passage really leads to the legendary and mysterious inner world. The abyss and the The dark aura makes people feel palpitations just by looking at it.

  And Aileen Yunfanlong and others went backwards.

  I was afraid that my feet would slip into this endless abyss.


  At this moment, hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, when they saw the era of this dark passage with a diameter of [-] meters, like an endless abyss.

  They were all dumbfounded and stunned!

  "My God! What is this!"

  "I can't believe that there is such an endless abyss that leads directly to the bottom of the sea at the depth of [-] meters? This scene is unbelievable!"

  "too frightening!"

  "Does this dark passage really lead to the inner world?"

  "My God, the Virgin Mary, what kind of god-like power is it that can create such a spectacle that can be called a miracle of the world? Atlantis civilization, is it so powerful?"

  "This is nothing short of a miracle!"


  Everyone was frightened by this dark passage, each with their faces full of shock and disbelief. They couldn't believe what kind of god-like great method could create such a shocking spectacle. A scene that many people have never seen in their lives!

  Not only the countless netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned, but even high-level officials from all over the world were shocked by this. They did not expect that the passage to the inner world they were looking for was actually located in Yat under the [-]-meter-deep sea. In the Temple of Landis?Suddenly there was a strange idea in their hearts.

  That is......

  Could it be that the Atlantis civilization did not disappear, but entered the legendary and mysterious geocentric world through this dark passage?

  But no matter what.

  The appearance of this dark channel has undoubtedly revealed a fact to the whole world.

  That is.

  at their feet...

  Maybe the inner world really exists!

  this moment.

  World uproar!

  at the same time.

  Irene, Yun Fanlong and others in the Temple of Atlantis also looked at this dark passage in amazement. They actually discovered the passage to the inner world?At this moment, they are very excited!


  They are the first of all mankind to discover the inner world!

  Even if they die in the future, their names...

  It will also be recorded in the annals of human history forever!

  They will become the pioneers of the new era of mankind!

  But right now.

  Suddenly, the voice of an officer came from the door of the temple, but seeing his face, he said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have to go back quickly!"

  But seeing him say solemnly:

  "The monster Muto has appeared!"



  ps: The first update.

  Three thousand words chapter.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~

  To be honest.

  Originally, I wanted to pave the way for more monsters in this chapter, but the monsters I know are limited. Although I have heard the names of many monsters, I don't know much about them.


  We still need to brainstorm, what good monsters can be said in the book review area, and the author will consider adding them to the follow-up plot. .

Chapter 117


  A hoarse roar suddenly sounded, and a total of [-] aircraft carriers from the four countries including the Great Xia Kingdom and the Sky Eagle Federation were all fired up in an instant.

  Bang bang bang!

  The gun barrels on all the aircraft carriers are constantly spitting, and all kinds of artillery shells are poured into the sky crazily.

  Not only that.

  One after another high-energy laser beams are continuously lasing out of the ship's laser transmitter, and one electromagnetic cannonball is fired at a terrifying speed that exceeds the speed of sound several times.

  Whistling towards the sky!

  this moment.

  Hundreds of warships of the four countries were in full swing, and various weapons such as missiles, lasers, armor-piercing bullets, etc., were torn away from the sky as if they didn't need money.

  All kinds of mechas on the aircraft carrier immediately took off from the deck like locusts and roared into the sky, as if there were some monsters in the sky.

  The dense shells tore through the thick clouds in the sky.


  Vaguely, all the people on the deck of the aircraft carrier could see the dazzling flames produced by the explosion of the missiles behind the billowing clouds, and there were bursts of thunderous explosions.

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