Valentin, Cai Limin, Shi Xiang, Assas and Varosky, and other generals on the deck, all looked up at the sky shrouded in rolling overcast clouds with solemn expressions. gloomy.

  It is completely different from the previous blue-blue wash!

  "Look at the sky! 29"

  I don't know who suddenly exclaimed, and everyone was so shocked that they couldn't help but look around. Suddenly, their pupils shrank, and a huge black shadow swooped down from a height of several hundred meters was reflected in everyone's pupils.

  "Fire coverage!"

  Without the orders of Valentine and other generals, the close-range defense guns of the hundred aircraft carriers have already turned their muzzles and aimed at the huge black shadow in the air that was rapidly diving towards the fleet. The next moment hundreds of close-range defense guns The guns swarmed the barrels one after another, and the shells ripped apart the sky and roared away.

  Bang bang bang!

  The dense rain of artillery shells hit the huge shadow and immediately exploded, and the fire shone, but this still failed to stop the rapid dive of the huge shadow, the dense and powerful artillery shells launched by the fleet. , as if no harm was done to it at all.

  Under the gazes of countless eyes, the huge black shadow fell heavily on the deck of one of the aircraft carriers with a thud like a meteor. The aircraft carrier could not help but shake slightly, and the air waves swept away.

  Many soldiers on the deck were immediately thrown out, and fell into the sea below like dumplings. Even many mechas that had not yet had time to take off were immediately smashed by the huge black shadow and exploded.

  at this time.

  Only then did Valentine and the others see the appearance of this monster.

  This strange, pitch-black monster is about fifty meters tall. It has a very strange triangular head and lower jaw, and a pair of triangular eyes flashing with scarlet light.


  Its two forelimbs are unusually sturdy and huge. The front ends of the two huge forelimbs are barb-shaped. In front of its chest, there are a pair of relatively small and sharp claws. wing.

  Like this.

  It looks like some kind of insect!

  "This is......"

  At the first sight of this monster, Valentine, Cai Limin and other generals recognized its name at a glance: "Monster male Muto!".

  When the monsters such as Muto, Raton, and Scylla Methuselah woke up before, Dr. Irene mentioned their names on the Internet, and the reason why Irene knew it was naturally He You told it.

  at the same time.

  Countless viewers who saw this scene through live broadcast.

  Also boiling at this moment.

  "God, this monster dares to take the initiative to provoke the [-] aircraft carrier fleet formed by the four most powerful countries, the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation, the Western Sky Alliance, and the Sand Bear Empire? Does it want to live? "

  "Yeah, with such a powerful fleet, it can be said that it is not a problem to fight the whole world. Even if Godzilla comes, it may not be able to fight, right? This male Muto, he dares to take the initiative to provoke this man. A fleet?"

  "It's dead!"



  Everyone obviously did not expect that there would be monsters, daring to provoke such a powerful aircraft carrier fleet. It should be noted that this fleet temporarily brought together by the four countries is powerful enough to single out all the fleets in the world!

  from their perspective.

  This male Mutuo dared to come to provoke this fleet.

  It just doesn't know how to live or die!


  at the same time.

  But seeing the male Muto let out a peculiar and indescribable low roar in the sky, the pair of scarlet eyes looked at everyone present with palpitations.

  Bang bang bang!

  Missiles and shells, as if they didn't want money, hit the male Muto densely, and the explosions rumbled into groups of dazzling flames.

  A deafening explosion resounded.

  With such a dense missile bombardment, even the rough-skinned male Muto could not help but let out a painful roar, but when he saw that he raised one of his forelimbs, he slammed into a plane that had not been able to dodge in time. on the armor.

  The mecha, which cost tens of millions, exploded on the spot!

  The parts of the mecha are flying everywhere.

  Rumble boom!

  However, it was followed by more intense and violent artillery shells, missiles, lasers and other weapons, hitting the male Muto, which caused him to make a low roar and a violent explosion, which made his body crumbling.


  Under the gaze of one after another, I saw the male Muto slowly lift its two forelimbs, and then slammed it on the hard deck of the aircraft carrier.


  An invisible electromagnetic pulse wave suddenly swept away rapidly towards the surroundings. Wherever the electromagnetic pulse wave passed, all the shrouded mechas turned off at this moment, just like a bird with broken wings. , one after another fell from the air and smashed into the sea.

  Even all the aircraft carriers affected by the electromagnetic pulse wave were all turned off at this moment, and the gun barrels that were madly spewing shells instantly misfired.

  The missile that was launched also instantly turned off and fell into the sea!


  At this moment, not only Valentine and Cai Limin Shi Xiang on the main aircraft carrier island, but also many military bosses such as Assas and Varowski were stunned.

  Even the countless viewers who saw this scene through the live broadcast.

  They were also full of stunned and puzzled faces, as if a series of question marks appeared on their faces. Obviously, they couldn't understand what happened?

  Of course people don't know that.

  Although the Muto family did not have the kind of energy radioactive ray skills that Godzilla, Destroyia, Mothra, and Radon possessed.


  The Muto family has an extremely perverted ability.

  That is a special electromagnetic pulse wave emanating from the body of the Muto family. This unique electromagnetic pulse wave will cause all electronic equipment to fail, and then paralyze all electronic equipment within the range of the electromagnetic pulse wave. All electronic devices are disabled!

  The main thing is.

  This electromagnetic pulse wave of the Muto family can even directly affect the bioelectricity in the organism, making the bioelectricity in the organism's original state of equilibrium become completely disordered, and then generate a terrible bioelectric storm, and finally reach the first from the enemy's body. The effect of crushing the enemy.

  It can be said.

  This electromagnetic pulse skill of the Muto family is undoubtedly the nemesis of all energy radioactive ray skills. Even when Godzilla is fighting against the Muto family, the power of its atomic breath, spiral hot line and other ray skills will be destroyed. The electromagnetic pulse wave of the Muto family is weakened, and the even more powerful Muto Queen or Supreme Muto.

  The electromagnetic pulse waves emitted from their bodies are so powerful that they can even directly use Godzilla's atomic breath, incandescent light and other ray skills.

  Can't get it out at all!

  It can be seen that the skills of this electromagnetic pulse wave of the Muto family.

  How powerful!

  If Muto grows to a certain level, the electromagnetic pulse wave released from his body is so terrifying that it can even paralyze all electronic devices in the world, and let the whole earth enter the endless darkness!

  and this......

  It is the power of the Muto family!



  ps: Second update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~~

  Click on the bottom right to see a picture of the male Muto. .

Chapter 118

  At this moment.

  In the endless pitch-black deep sea, a submarine is rapidly floating towards the sea. Inside the submarine is naturally Irene Yunfanlong and others who have received the news of the monster attacking the fleet. They are quickly floating up to join the fleet. With the rapid rise, the surrounding sea water gradually brightened.


  Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion on the sea above everyone's heads. This explosion caused Irene Yunfanlong and the others to look at each other in surprise, and their faces couldn't help but look a little uneasy.

  One of the experts Shen Sheng said: "It seems that the monsters have already exchanged fire with our fleet, but I don't know, what monsters have the courage to attack the powerful fleet composed of our four countries? This monster really thinks he has lived too long?".

  The experts in the submarine also looked at each other in dismay.

  indeed so.

  A powerful fleet temporarily formed by the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation, the Western Sky Alliance, and the Sand Bear Empire, the four most powerful countries in the world, with its powerful combat power, can definitely single out the countries in the world.

  So they are also curious.

  What kind of monster is it that dares to attack such a powerful fleet?

  "Let's speed up!"

  Erin said in a low voice.

  "Look outside!"

  Suddenly someone exclaimed, Irene, Yun Fanlong and others in the submarine immediately looked out of the submarine, and everyone could see through the transparent glass window.

  In the vast sea outside the submarine, one after another mecha was sinking rapidly. The strange thing is that these sinking mechas were all intact.

  "What's the matter?"

  Seeing this scene, Irene Yunfanlong and the others couldn't help but look at each other with surprise. After all, this purpose is really too strange and strange.

  "Looks like our fleet is in big trouble!"

  Erin said in a low voice.

  "Speed ​​up!" she said to the captain of the submarine.

  The captain nodded.

  Then the submarine the Great Emperor quickly floated towards the sea.

  In about a few minutes.

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