The Great Emperor submarine finally broke through the sea, and everyone in the submarine also saw the scene on the sea, when they saw the scene on the sea.

  Erin and the others were instantly stunned.

  But seeing the huge fleet that was neat and tidy at this moment, it seemed a little chaotic, and there were more than a dozen [-]-ton aircraft carriers burning with blazing flames, and the behemoths slowly sank.


  On the deck of an aircraft carrier, a black monster with a height of about [-] meters was raising its thick, hard and sharp forelimbs, and then slammed down heavily towards the deck of the aircraft carrier.


  What made Irene Yun Fanlong and others stunned was that the monster's hard and sharp forelimb claws had directly pierced the hard deck of the aircraft carrier.

  Rumble boom!

  The deafening explosion of the cloud-piercing rock suddenly resounded on the calm sea at this moment, and a huge flame shot up into the sky and instantly tore through the billowing clouds.

  The tyrannical shock wave instantly set off a huge wave more than ten meters high!

  "Oh my God..." "."

  At this moment, Irene, Yun Fanlong and others in the submarine were stunned by this scene, their expressions were stunned, and their faces were unbelievable.

  "Damn it!"

  One of the experts couldn't help but scolded angrily: "What the hell is going on with these guys? Why didn't they fight back? Why let the monster destroy the aircraft carrier? Are all those idiots frightened? If it is destroyed by monsters, the entire fleet will be destroyed!".

  "Do not......"

  Irene shook her head and said, "In my opinion, it's not that they don't want to fight back against monsters, but they simply don't have the ability to fight back!".


  Everyone is puzzled.

  Irene said solemnly: "Everyone understands that these monsters are born with various extraordinary powers, and this monster called Muto may have some mysterious power that can make all weapons and equipment fail!".


  As soon as this statement came out, all the experts in the four countries, including Yun Fanlong, were full of disbelief. If this was the case, the consequences would be unimaginable!

  Doesn't that mean that when facing this monster in the future?

  All the powerful weapons of human beings are directly ineffective before they can be fired?

  If so...  

  That is the end of mankind!

  "It's over!"

  Suddenly an expert said with a pale face: "These aircraft carriers are all nuclear-powered. With so many aircraft carriers exploding, nuclear radiation will spread across the world along the sea in a few years. Will humans still be able to survive at that time?"

  Irene said indifferently: "Don't worry about this, as I said before, these monsters were born by ingesting radiation in ancient times! The amount of radiation on the earth at that time was far more than the current earth!" .

  "Ah this..."

  The expert was immediately stunned, how could he still play like this?

  I saw the male Muto let out a strange low roar.

  As if he was greedily sucking nuclear radiation, as a large amount of nuclear radiation was absorbed into his body, the peculiar aura that came out of the male Muto's body.

  Become stronger!

  "Then why don't we just watch the fleet of our four countries being destroyed by monsters like this?" an expert said with an extremely ugly face.


  Irene, Yun Fanlong and others were silent.

  Not only them.

  Even Valentine, Cai Limin, Shi Xiang, Valosky, Assas and others on the main aircraft carrier ship island were also desperate and powerless.

  no way.

  The male Muto directly paralyzed their electronic equipment. Now they can't even start the aircraft carrier, let alone fight back, so they can only watch the fleet of their four countries be destroyed by this monster!

  "It's over!"

  "Yeah, after the electronic equipment was destroyed, the current Shikoku fleet is simply a target, no, or it is simply the food of this Muto!"

  "¨"I can't imagine that such a huge fleet is actually paralyzed by monsters without an effective counterattack!"

  "Monsters are so scary!"

  "Is it possible that such a powerful fleet temporarily formed by the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation, the Western Sky Alliance and the Sand Bear Empire is about to disappear?"


  Even the countless viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help feeling endless despair after seeing the fleet's electronic equipment being directly paralyzed by Muto.


  The main aircraft carrier on the island is already dead silent.

  The captains of the fleets of the four countries, such as Valentine and Cai Limin, all looked extremely heavy at this time. If their fleets were destroyed by monsters like this.

  This is not only a huge blow to their respective countries, but it will seriously reduce the combat effectiveness of their marine mecha fleets.

  It will also cause huge losses to the face of their country!

  "Look over there!"

  But at this moment, I don't know who exclaimed, everyone subconsciously looked for the sound, and saw three neatly arranged sharp backstabs suddenly appeared on the sponge in the distance, and the sharp backstabs were directed towards them. The side came quickly, and the sea surface was slightly raised, like a wave formed by some huge creatures swimming towards the fleet quickly (Are you, Li Hao).

  Not only that.

  The sharp backstab also flashed a faint blue light.

  "This is......"

  Seeing this scene, Irene Yunfanlong, Valentine, Cai Limin, and countless viewers in the live broadcast room were all startled, and then their faces showed surprise at the same time, because they knew what it meant.


  Godzilla is here!


  The next moment, but saw Godzilla's head sticking out of the sea, opened his mouth and let out a deep roar with an elephant's trunk, and the familiar voice spread.

  Attract everyone's attention!


  Vaguely, the sound of electromagnetic pulse sounded.


  The next moment, a sturdy atomic breath suddenly shot out from the vast sea, carrying a terrifying power towards the male Muto on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and the faint blue atomic breath ripped apart the sky.

  this moment.

  Godzilla is here!



  ps: The third is stronger.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 119


  The three neatly arranged backstabs protruding from the sea suddenly flashed with a faint blue light, and there was a faint sound of electromagnetic pulses.

  Everyone thought that the four-nation fleet would be destroyed by Muto, but when they saw the three rows of neat backstabs protruding from the sea, a little peace of mind appeared in everyone's hearts, because they understood what it meant.

  they know.......

  This is Godzilla here!


  On the three rows of sharp backstabs protruding from the sea, the flickering blue light became more and more intense, and the next moment, a dark blue energy ray with a strong but obvious energy that seemed to spread, suddenly shot out from the sea, With terrifying power, it shot towards the male Muto.

  The moment Godzilla appeared, the male Muto was keenly aware, so when he saw the thick atomic breath blasting towards him, he didn't even think about it, he just flapped his wings. Want to fly away.


  Its huge body just flew up, and the faint blue atomic breath that burst out from the sea hit it with a thud.

  The male Muto let out a painful low roar, and the huge body immediately fell down, with a bang, and smashed into the endless deep sea.

  After the male Muto was hit by Godzilla's atomic breath and fell into the deep sea, the effect of the electromagnetic pulse's paralyzing electronic equipment disappeared immediately, so the aircraft carrier fleet of Shikoku immediately resumed normal operation.


  The next moment, I saw the male Muto suddenly rushed out of the sea wet and fluttered his wings and flew towards the sky, but before the male Muto could fly high, suddenly a four-fingered claw covered with dark and hard scales broke. Opening the sea, he grabbed one of the hind limbs of the male Muto.

  Then he pulled it down again, but seeing Godzilla's upper body sticking out of the sea, its other paw pressed firmly against the male Muto's head toward the sea below, and the male Muto's entire body was Being pressed into the sea by Godzilla, the sea water made the male Muto struggle violently, but he couldn't break free from Godzilla's pressing.


  One of the sharp forelimb claws of the male Muto hit Godzilla's shoulder mercilessly, and the sharp barb on the forelimb pierced Godzilla's hard flesh directly, leaving a trail on Godzilla's shoulder. Deep blood hole.


  Godzilla roared in pain, and the movements in his hands loosened.

  The male Muto took advantage of this opportunity to break free from Godzilla's hand, but seeing his thick and powerful hind limbs kicked Godzilla's face, Godzilla let out a low growl, and suddenly he was full of face of anger.

  It just wanted to raise its hand to grab the male Muto, but the male Muto nimbly avoided Godzilla's claws, flapping his wings and quickly flew into the distance.


  But seeing Godzilla's sharp backstab, flashing a dreamy blue light again, the blue energy condensed into a blue energy group in its big mouth, the hot temperature makes the sea water are evaporating.


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