In the next moment, a thick atomic breath shot out of Godzilla's mouth in an instant, and with a terrifying force, it suddenly hit the male Muto in the air fiercely. However, this atomic breath was compared to the previous one. The energy apparently takes on a flame-spray-like shape.

  Unlike before, after it was ejected from Godzilla's mouth, it was an extremely solid shape, similar to a laser-like energy ray.

  Obviously, this shows that the electromagnetic pulse emitted from the male Muto is weakening the power of Godzilla's atomic breath all the time!


  Although the power of Godzilla's atomic breath was greatly weakened by the male Muto's electromagnetic pulse, the atomic breath still hit the male Muto with great power, causing the male Muto to let out a sound. The peculiar painful low roar, the huge body was also shaken by the atomic breath, but it still flew away gradually.


  Seeing the male Muto flee, Godzilla opened his mouth and let out a low roar at the male Muto, as if to say, "Don't run away, little bunny!".

  But in the end.

  The male Muto still disappeared into the thick cloud.

  After the male Muto disappeared, Godzilla also dived into the deep sea again and swam in the direction where the male Muto left, apparently chasing after the male Muto.

  After Godzilla and the male Muto disappeared, the sea fell into silence again, although the battle between Godzilla and the male Muto was short.

  But this still left a lot of shock to the experts from the four countries such as Irene and Yun Fanlong in the submarine, as well as the generals such as Valentine and Cai Limin in the ship island. After all, it was the first time they were so close Looking at the two giant beasts, the battle was so fierce in front of them.

  Valentin and the others were extremely fortunate in their hearts, fortunate that Godzilla did not enter the form that exuded a terrifying red light like in the imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom before, otherwise their fleets.

  It will definitely be melted directly into molten iron!

  "Fortunately, Godzilla appeared in time, otherwise, our fleet would be silent in this vast sea, and even we would have to die!"

  Cai Limin said happily.


  Varosky frowned and said, "The direction the male Muto and Godzilla left just now seems to be the Red Sun Kingdom. Could it be that their goal is the Red Sun Kingdom?".

  "Probably not..."

  Some people don't believe it.

  After all, the Red Sun Kingdom is a small country, what can attract monsters to go there?


  At this time, Irene's voice sounded in the communication channel in the command room of the island: "I think the destination of Muto and Godzilla is probably the Red Sun Kingdom, whether it is Muto or Godzilla, they are all based on Nuclear radiation feeds on it, don't forget, the Red Sun Kingdom, which is closest to us, stores a lot of food that monsters like to eat!".


  Hearing this, the Kanjima command room was suddenly quiet.

  What food do monsters like to eat?

  Apparently it goes without saying!

  "is it?"

  Varowski smiled and said, "If that's the case, let Muto and Godzilla destroy them. Don't the monsters just live by ingesting radiation?".

  Valentine, Cai Limin and the others looked at each other, and then all nodded in unison. Since those guys with a century-old craftsmanship don't know what to do, let Godzilla and the male Muto handle it!


  Kingdom of the Red Sun.

  The capital is the Eastern Imperial City.

  As the capital of the Red Sun Kingdom and one of the most prosperous international metropolises in the entire Eastern World, the Eastern Imperial City is undoubtedly prosperous to the extreme!

  Although the sky above the Eastern Imperial City was already gloomy and gloomy, the streets of the city were still full of people.

  The whole city is bustling and prosperous!

  "Look at the sky!"

  "What it is!"

  I don't know if it would be a sudden exclamation of surprise, and the people around couldn't help but look up, and saw a black spot in the gloomy sky that was rapidly descending and enlarging, but in the blink of an eye, that huge black figure.

  With a bang, it slammed heavily on the roof of a building with a height of [-] meters. With a bang, the building shook violently. Immediately, countless large and small stones fell, and countless stones banged on the ground. on the street.

  The ground was smashed into cracks, and there were even unlucky people who were directly smashed by a stone, and the blood splashed out with a chirp.

  "Monster! It's a monster!"


  "Just save me~~~"




  After reacting from the dead silence, the next moment, the dense crowd on the street suddenly became noisy, and everyone fled in panic.

  Screams, clamors, cries, shouts, and other noisy sounds intertwined, and began to permeate like a tragic movement.

  Fear spread quickly.

  this moment.

  Countless artisans in the Red Sun Kingdom began to fear!



  ps: Fourth update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 120

  "Shocked! Monsters have invaded our capital, Donghuangcheng!"

  "real or fake?"

  "There are pictures and truths!"

  "God, this is too scary~ scary!"

  "Could it be that... our capital, Donghuang City, will also be destroyed like the new imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom? If so, it's simply unimaginable!"

  "Go and send our strongest mecha over - ah!"

  "Even sending the strongest mecha is useless, right? After all, our mecha is not as good as that of the Peacock Kingdom. Why don't you ask Dad Tianying to save us!"

  "Just him? They have been beaten by monsters and can't find the east, west, north and west, and they can take care of us? In my opinion, let's go to Dad Xia Guo for help! After all, their mechas are also very powerful! "


  When the news of the monster attacking Donghuang City, the capital of the Red Sun Kingdom, was completely spread on the domestic Internet, countless artisans of the Red Sun Kingdom immediately panicked. After all, they knew how terrifying the monsters were.

  Especially the fact that Godzilla and Destroyia attacked the Imperial New City of the Peacock Kingdom, causing the entire city to be destroyed, this happened not long ago!


  at the same time.

  East Imperial City.

  At this moment, the once prosperous and prosperous city has been spread by a sense of fear and despair. The city is full of screams, cries and other noisy sounds full of fear, and the whole city is in chaos.

  People on the street were running around in panic.

  When they saw the huge monster figure in the sky.

  All are full of fear!

  At this moment.

  But seeing the male Muto's body more than [-] meters high, standing on the top of a [-]-meter-high building, his scarlet eyes looked around, and his mouth emitted a strange indescribable low roar. Voice.

  Like calling something.

  "Whoosh whoosh!"

  But at this moment, dozens of missiles ripped apart the sky, dragged their tail flames and blasted towards the male Muto, hitting the male Muto's body with a rumbling explosion. Toto shines.

  But see the sky in the distance.

  There are thousands of flying mechs about ten meters high, which are rapidly flying towards the male Muto, and they are firing missiles at the male Muto.

  on the ground.

  Daliang's tanks and chariots with a sense of technology are neatly arranged on the street. These tanks and chariots have turned their muzzles to aim at the male Muto.

  Bang bang bang!

  The next moment, the dense cannonballs and laser energy beams, or the supersonic cannonballs fired by the electromagnetic electromagnetic gun, tore the air and screamed and blasted towards the male Muto, hitting the male Muto with a rumbling explosion.

  This caused the male Muto to let out a low growl of pain.

  But seeing it flapping its wings, it jumped up from the top of the building hundreds of meters high and dived towards the ground quickly. Its huge body weighing thousands of tons slammed heavily like a meteor on the ground.

  The hard roads were smashed out with cracks.

  The male Muto raised his sturdy forelimb and slammed it on a tank. With a bang, the tank was immediately smashed by the male Muto, and finally exploded with a bang, and the shock wave of flames swept all around.

  Tank parts are flying around.


  I saw the male Muto lift his sturdy forelimbs again, two sturdy forelimbs, faintly flickering with scarlet light, and then his two sturdy forelimbs with barbs slammed on the ground with a thud. .


  At that moment, an invisible electromagnetic pulse wave swept away in an instant. Wherever the electromagnetic pulse wave passed, all the shrouded tanks, chariots, mechas and other weapons were all misfired at this moment, flying in the sky. The flying mech is also like a bird with broken wings.

  Rapid fall.

  The last bang hit the ground and exploded.

  As the electromagnetic pulse wave spreads more and more widely.

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