to the end.

  All cities within a radius of [-] miles have stopped functioning!


  After the electromagnetic pulse emitted by the male Muto paralyzed all electronic devices within a radius of [-] miles, the urban area was directly "stopped".


  Countless people who watched this scene were stunned, and the countless commanders of the Red Sun Kingdom's military were stunned, each with a stunned expression on their faces.


  What they didn't expect was that the male Muto directly paralyzed their weapons!

  I saw the male Muto flutter his wings and fly again to the top of a [-]-meter-high building. His mouth made a steady stream of strange and indescribable low voices. Obviously, it must be summoning something. .




  Just when everyone didn't know why, suddenly everyone in the entire prosperous East Imperial City with a radius of thousands of kilometers could clearly feel the earth under their feet.

  Like an earthquake!

  "Look over there!"

  "Damn it! What a big monster!"

  "That's... a female Muto!"

  "It's over..."


  At this time, people in many high-rise buildings suddenly looked horrified and saw that outside the urban area in the distance, a huge black monster figure was walking towards the urban area step by step, and every step it fell, the ground shook. , the earth cracked, followed by cracks like spider webs.

  The [-]-meter-high building that stood in front of it along the way was as vulnerable as a building block, and was easily knocked down by the monster. The smoke billowed, and countless large and small stones scattered.

  Smoke billows.

  When the female Muto's huge black body of [-] meters passed by a building, the people in the building hid in the dark and covered their mouths and dared not breathe, especially the pair of female Muto's twinkling scarlet The triangular eyes with colored rays of light give people a terrifying feeling. Such a gesture seems to be afraid of being discovered by the female Muto.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  Where the female Muto has passed, behind her, there will be a trace of being destroyed into ruins. Countless people are shocked to see this scene.


  It made a peculiar low roar from its mouth, as if responding to the call of the male Muto, but saw the male Muto flap its wings and land on a moving building.

  In the eyes, the two behemoths whispered and rubbed each other's cheeks. It can be seen that there is a red on the belly of the female Muto. Large and small eggs, apparently, this is a pregnant female muto.

  The two monsters roared, as if saying something.


  Everyone saw that the female Muto lifted her two forelimbs that were thick and hard, with a height of [-] meters in a building, and then slammed heavily on the ground, the ground collapsed instantly. When it broke apart, one after another sturdy cracks spread rapidly around the center of the female Muto's former value, and the earth collapsed in a radius of hundreds of meters.


  Bang bang bang!

  Then, everyone saw that the female Muto kept lifting her two strong and powerful forelimbs, hitting the ground again and again.

  The gravel collapsed and the ground shook.


  A big pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters and a depth of [-] to [-] meters appeared in the center of the city, and then the female Muto pointed her butt at the big pit.

  The bulging belly kept shrinking, and a steady stream of eggs were expelled into the big pit below. Obviously, the female Muto used this place as a breeding base for her eggs, because she felt that there was a strong nuclear radiation here. .


  But at this moment, suddenly on the distant coastline, there was a low roar with the sound of an elephant's trunk, and a deafening roar rang out.

  Countless people looked for fame.

  But seeing a huge figure like a lizard slowly stand up from the sea, many people can even clearly see anger from its face.


  But seeing it roaring up to the sky, the low roar like a king spread far and wide, obviously, this monster was chasing and killing...


  Female Muto and male Muto apparently spotted Godzilla as well.


  The two monsters also let out low roars at Godzilla.

  next moment.

  The male Muto flapped his wings and soared into the sky, dashing towards Godzilla without fear, breaking the speed of sound in the blink of an eye.


  Seeing the male Muto rushing towards him, Godzilla couldn't help grinning and showing a contemptuous smile, but when he saw it roared, he rushed towards the male Muto.

  Bang bang bang!

  The earth trembled violently, like an earthquake!

  this moment.

  The battle of the century between Godzilla and Muto begins!



  ps: The first update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~

  Click on the bottom right corner to see the Muto

Chapter 121

  Bang bang bang!

  But seeing Godzilla like a moving hill, he took a step and rushed towards the male Muto. Every step it fell could make the earth tremble violently, like an earthquake, and the sound of bang bang resounded at this moment .


  It opened its mouth wide and roared at the male Muto.

  It's like a demonstration!

  The male Muto fluttered his wings and charged towards Godzilla at an astonishing speed exceeding the speed of sound. There was a faint whistling of the wind.


  Under the gaze of one after another, the two giants, Godzilla and the male Muto, collided with each other. In an instant, a tyrannical shock wave that was extremely ferocious, like an overwhelming sea, swept away in an instant.

  Bang bang bang!

  The shock wave containing tyrannical power slammed into the surrounding high-rise buildings, those high-rise buildings vibrated violently, and the glass instantly shattered.


  And Godzilla was actually hit by the male Muto, and he went backwards and backwards, if not Godzilla grabbed the buildings on both sides in time.

  I am afraid that it will be directly knocked down by the shock of the male Muto, which contains terrifying power. However, Godzilla can't wait for Godzilla to stabilize its huge body.

  The male Muto fluttered his wings again, and his sharp and sturdy forelimbs slammed into Godzilla's chest. Centimeter scars come.

  Blood splattered.


  Godzilla let out a painful roar, but seeing that it was in the thick but short claws, it grabbed the male Muto, but the male Muto flew up to the sky with one wing, making Godzilla's claws. intersection.


  Godzilla roared angrily at the male Muto, and he couldn't help but look a little frantic, but the next moment, there was a sudden muffled sound behind it, as if a mysterious huge object was rapidly approaching.

  Godzilla turned around, and before it could see clearly, the female Muto's huge body of [-] meters was like a black chariot moving at high speed.

  Under the gazes of countless eyes, the female Muto slammed into Godzilla fiercely, and her powerful strength exploded. Godzilla's huge and heavy body was directly knocked back by the female Muto. go.


  Godzilla's huge body fell with a bang, and I don't know how many buildings and buildings were smashed down by it, and thick smoke and dust spread out in an instant.

  But seeing the female Muto let out a low roar, it came to Godzilla, who was lying on the ground, and raised its sturdy forelimbs like a giant pillar.

  It is to hit Godzilla's head fiercely.


  Godzilla's sharp backstab quickly flashed a charming blue light, and then Godzilla turned his head and opened his mouth towards the female Muto.


  The next moment, a sturdy blue energy ray with obvious energy spread in the shape of a flame jet sprayed out from Godzilla's mouth, containing a terrifying temperature, and shot towards the female Muto.

  The atomic breath hit the female Muto heavily, and the huge impact contained in the atomic breath immediately made the female Muto retreat back and forth.


  The atomic breath, which contained a tyrannical impact, hit the female Muto, forcing her to retreat again and again, and finally slammed into a [-]-meter-high building. The huge body directly knocked the building to collapse.

  The female Muto also stepped backwards.

  at this time.

  The male Muto swooped towards Godzilla at an astonishing speed from a high altitude, and the sharp barbs on his forelimbs hit Godzilla fiercely.


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