He asked again: "Your Excellency, the key now is what should we do with Ghidorah?".

  "What do you guys think?"

  O'Lincoln looked at the ministers and asked.

  The ministers immediately looked at each other and whispered to each other. You and I talked in a low voice. After a few minutes, the ministers exchanged opinions.

  But seeing Lowell said solemnly: "Just in case, I think we should use our highest-yield hydrogen bomb and kill it while it's still sleeping!"


  He continued: "Also, even if our hydrogen bomb can't kill Ghidorah, it will at least hit him hard, and as Ghidorah's mortal enemy for tens of thousands of years, I think when Ghidorah appears, Godzilla will We will definitely go to find it, so that Ghidorah, who was hit hard by our hydrogen bomb, will have a hard time showing his peak strength when facing Godzilla!"

  Speaking of it.

  He smiled and said: "And with Godzilla's strength, maybe he can kill Ghidorah in one fell swoop. As long as Ghidorah is dead, the rest of the monsters need not be afraid. Pulled! After all, instead of being beaten passively, it’s better to take the initiative to attack, right?”


  O'Lincoln frowned, Rowell's proposal was undoubtedly an extremely risky plan, it was fine if it succeeded, but if it failed.

  The consequences are unimaginable!


  What Lowell said in the back is right. Instead of passively waiting for the final battle between Ghidorah and Godzilla to fight the monsters, it is possible to choose their country. It is better to take the initiative and let them fight the final battle.

  Set in Antarctica!

  So he said, "Just do as Lowell says!".

  With the order of O'Lincoln, the Pacific Fleet Command of the Sky Eagle Federation quickly issued an order, and Valentine's Second Mecha Fleet, known as Ares, executed the order and was responsible for carrying a thousand A [-]-ton hydrogen bomb went to Antarctica to implement this plan.



  The night shrouded the Antarctic, the night sky was full of stars, like a beautiful scroll of stars, the colorful dazzling aurora streaked across the night sky like the skirt of a fairy, and the endless snow-like Antarctic silver was covered.

  At this moment, it is located in a [-]-meter-deep ice abyss in Antarctica.

  There was a group of people looking at the huge ice wall in shock.

  They are the personnel sent by the Eagle Federation to search for the sleeping place of King Ghidorah. At this moment, they are looking at the huge ice wall in front of them with shock, but they see that the ice wall is frozen. Wearing...

  It is a three-headed dragon monster!

  The whole body of this three-headed dragon monster is golden, the golden scales shone with a cold light like gold and iron, and a pair of huge wings like ordinary clothes spread out, with a size of hundreds of meters. This monster is impressively... ....


  These people stood in front of Ghidorah, who was frozen in the ice wall.

  It's like ants moving small!


  But seeing one of them looking up at Ghidorah in the ice wall with a shocked expression, he said, "I didn't expect that this cosmic monster king Ghidorah, who only existed in the legend of Atlantis, was really given to us by us. found it!"

  He sighed with emotion: "Just standing in front of it, I can't help but feel a small feeling in my heart, and an uncontrollable fear!".


  The others were also shocked.

  "Stop being emotional!"

  A person said solemnly: "Your Excellency has given an order, the second mecha fleet will arrive soon, and they will use a [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb to kill the king Ghidorah, let's leave quickly. Here!".

  The crowd nodded.

  So they turned and walked out.


  But they just turned around and didn't take a few steps when suddenly there was a shattering sound behind them. This sudden sound made everyone stop in an instant.

  Someone asked: "Did you just...did you hear a strange sound?".

  Everyone looked at each other.

  Someone said: "Maybe one of us stepped on an ice cube?".


  For his questioning gaze, everyone shook their heads.

  It means they didn't step on ice at all!

  Click click!

  A clearer sound of shattering sounded behind them, and everyone turned around slowly with a surprised look on their faces, and they saw that there were cracks suddenly appeared on the smooth and huge ice wall, and the cracks quickly spread to the entire hundreds of meters. The high ice wall seems to be broken in the next moment.

  "Look at its eyes!!!"

  I don't know who screamed in horror.

  Everyone is looking for fame.

  But seeing Ghidorah's originally closed three eyes, I do not know when they have opened.

  Staring at them stubbornly!


  At this moment, everyone was stunned, and a strong fear emerged in their hearts, and the cold hairs all over their bodies stood up instantly at this moment.

  A chill surged from the soles of the feet to the sky!

  because they know...

  King Ghidorah has awakened!



  ps: The third update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~

  Click on the lower right corner to see the picture of King Ghidorah. .

Chapter 128

  Click click!

  In the horrified eyes of everyone, the dense cracks eventually spread all over the huge ice wall, and the cracked ice wall seemed to shatter at a touch.

  And this moment.

  Ghidorah, who was frozen in the ice wall, its six eyes that were closed at this time did not know when to open, and the golden pupils were staring at the stunned crowd. The pupils give people a soul-stirring sense of indifference, like a king looking down at the ants.


  At this moment, everyone was stunned in place, each with a terrified expression.

  They looked terrified, their pupils shrunk to the tip of the needle and looked at Ghidorah who woke up in the ice wall. The sense of fear made their hearts tremble.


  I don't know who it was with a heart-wrenching roar, which awakened everyone who was stunned in the same place like chickens. The next moment, everyone turned around without hesitation and ran away. run wild.


  Behind them, the ice wall burst into pieces, and the roar of the monster resounded throughout the hundreds of meters deep ice abyss. .


  At this moment, if you look down from a high altitude, you will find that the ice layer within a radius of several hundred meters with the ice abyss as the center collapsed at this moment.

  A behemoth spread out its huge bat-like wings from the collapsed ice abyss, and three dragon heads with long necks stretched out from the ice abyss and roared upwards with a deafening roar.

  At this moment, it resounds over the entire Antarctic!


  As Ghidorah unfolded its huge wings, the star-filled night sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and one after another thick golden lightning flashed from Ghidorah's huge wings, unscrupulously, one after another. The golden lightning that exudes a violent breath connects Ghidorah's wings and the rolling clouds in the sky, making Ghidorah at this time.

  It looks like the demon king is coming!

  In a helicopter that was parked not far away, when the pilot saw Ghidorah, who was emitting golden lightning all over his body, like the return of a king, he was stunned and stunned.


  "Why did it come back to life all of a sudden!"

  Saying this, he hurriedly started the helicopter, because he knew in his heart that his teammates who went down into the ice abyss were obviously impossible to survive!

  So he hurriedly flew the helicopter to take off, and at the same time sent the news to his superiors that Ghidorah had woken up, and his helicopter had just taken off not far.

  It was discovered by Ghidorah.

  "Roar—' "—"

  But seeing the head named Stewart in the middle of Ghidorah roaring at the helicopter, it suddenly opened its big mouth, and a thick golden lightning shot out from its mouth, and the next moment was to hit the helicopter.


  The helicopter immediately exploded, and the parts scattered.


  at the same time.

  On the Wangyang Sea, a thousand kilometers away from the South Pole, a huge fleet of dozens of aircraft carriers is sailing to the South Pole at full knot speed. This mecha fleet is Valentine's Arui. The No. [-] Mecha Corps is a well-known Ares-class mecha fleet of the Sky Eagle Federation and even the world. It has had outstanding military exploits since its establishment.

  It has defeated the mecha fleets of many countries!

  At this moment.

  As the captain of the Second Mecha Corps, General Valentine was standing on the deck with his hands on his back, quietly looking at the calm sea that was sparkling in the moonlight in the distance.

  "Is there something on your mind, General?"

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