asked a lieutenant next to him.

  "I'm thinking......"

  Valentine frowned: "Is this order of His Excellency the President really correct? What if the plan fails and Ghidorah fails to be killed?".

  "Is that impossible?"

  The lieutenant said: "What we are carrying is a [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb. The terrifying power of its explosion is not comparable to that of a hundred nuclear bombs. No matter how powerful Ghidorah is, it will definitely be killed. of!"

  He said to himself: "No creature can withstand the terrifying temperature generated by the explosion of a hydrogen bomb, let alone Ghidorah is still sleeping!"

  "I hope so..."

  Valentine sighed, but for some reason, there was always a lingering unease in his heart that made his heart seem very irritable.


  Just then, a voice came from behind him.

  But seeing a man running over in a panic, coming to Valentine's heels, he said solemnly: "General! We just received news from the Antarctic team, Ghidorah Wake up!".


  Valentine's face changed, and he quickly said, "Where is Ghidorah now?".

  The man said: "According to our radar monitoring, Ghidorah is still in the South Pole and has not left. These are its coordinates. What should we do, General?"

  Valentine said solemnly: "Immediately launch a hydrogen bomb!".


  The man nodded and quickly turned to leave.


  A missile carrying a [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb sprayed orange flames, and a strong thrust erupted, as if the missile slowly lifted into the air.

  Then flew towards the South Pole.

  This missile, which is equipped with one of the strongest weapons of mankind, is expected to explode over the target where Ghidorah is located within a minute and a half.

  that moment.

  The world will enjoy the most dazzling fireworks ever!


  At this moment.

  In the sky above the South Pole, it was full of dark clouds, and the thick golden lightnings kept hitting Ghidorah's body. Ghidorah was bathed in the golden thunder sea, like a golden king, but his pair of stretched out huge The bat-like wings make it look like a devil!


  But I saw Stewart in the middle of Ghidorah, and the dragon head named Bob on the right, opening his big mouth full of fangs, and making a low roar in the sky.

  On the other hand, the faucet named Kevin on the left looked at the surrounding scene with a curious look on his face. He looked like a curious baby.


  Stewart gave Kevin a low growl.

  Like reprimanding Kevin.

  And right now.

  Stewart seemed to be sensing something, but when he saw it looking up at the night sky in the distance, he saw a streamer like a meteor flying towards them, and the tail flame of the missile almost illuminated thousands of squares. meter of the night sky.

  Kevin also raised his head and looked curiously at the missiles flying towards them, unaware that the missile was carrying a [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb. Obviously, it did not perceive the crisis. arrival.


  When the missile came hundreds of meters above Ghidorah, it suddenly exploded with a bang. At that moment, the dazzling bright light was like the eruption of countless suns, instantly illuminating the world for hundreds of kilometers.

  The blazing white light quickly dispelled the darkness.

  This moment is as bright as day.

  It was followed by an earth-shattering, earth-shattering sound that seemed to shatter the sky. It resounded, and the incomparably strong sound wave instantly resounded through the heaven and earth, as if the void of dozens of kilometers in radius was shaken!

  The world is quiet!

  Immediately after that, a golden mushroom cloud rose up into the sky, hundreds of times larger than the mushroom cloud produced by the megaton nuclear bomb dropped by the Peacock Kingdom in the new city, illuminating the sky into golden color.

(Do Li Zhao) Finally.

  It is an earth-shattering shock wave that contains terrifying energy, with the power to destroy everything, and swept away in an instant.

  Destroy everything, destroy everything!

  Click click!

  Above the Antarctic glaciers, there were incomparably thick cracks in an instant. The glaciers were shaken violently, as if the entire Antarctic continent had been torn apart by this terrifying hydrogen bomb!

  this moment.

  Really like the end of the world!

  And the strong vibration generated by the explosion of this hydrogen bomb, as well as the terrifying high temperature generated, were naturally detected by satellites from various countries in the world such as the Great Xia Kingdom Sand Bear Empire or the Western Sky Alliance.


  They immediately aimed the satellite at the South Pole, so they saw the bright light that was [-] times more dazzling than the sun, and the mushroom cloud slowly rising into the sky!


  At this moment, all countries in the world were shocked.

  Obviously don't understand.

  Who the hell fired the hydrogen bomb in Antarctica! ?



  ps: Fourth update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 129


  When the [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb exploded in the sky above the Antarctic continent, a blazing white light that was more dazzling than a thousand suns suddenly bloomed, and a tyrannical and violent shock wave swept away in an instant.

  One after another sturdy cracks spread all around like a spider web in an instant, and cracks appeared in the Antarctic continent with a radius of dozens of kilometers.

  It's going to be broken!

  And this extraordinary shock wave was naturally discovered by the geological monitoring departments of various countries in the world for the first time, so countries all aimed their satellites at the South Pole, and then they saw the terrifying scene of the hydrogen bomb explosion, the golden light. , illuminating the entire Antarctic night sky into a dim yellow, such a scene is like the dusk of the world!

  "what happened!"

  "Who fired the hydrogen bomb in Antarctica!"

  "According to this terrifying shock wave and scene, this is definitely at least a [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb! Hell, this is a [-]-million-ton equivalent!"

  "Too reckless! Do you want the whole world to be buried with you?"


  The high-level officials of various countries were amazed and dropped a [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb on the Antarctic continent, which would have dire consequences for the whole world!


  Eagle Federation.


  Black Castle.

  A minister pushed open O'Lincoln's door, but saw him say to O'Lincoln with a sullen face: "Your Excellency, General Valentine has fired a hydrogen bomb!".


  O'Lincin raised his eyebrows, so he said, "I will immediately transfer the picture that the satellite saw in the South Pole, and I will check with the ministers to see how it works!".


  The minister nodded, then turned and left.


  The ministers of the cabinet were summoned to O'Lincoln's office. O'Lincoln smiled at the ministers: "Everyone, please sit down, General Valentine has dropped a hydrogen bomb on Ghidorah, now let's see how it works!".


  The ministers sat down, under the direction of O'Lincoln.

  After a single operation, a picture appeared on a large screen in front of everyone. In the picture, it was the scene of the explosion of the tens of millions of tons of hydrogen bombs. The dazzling light suddenly bloomed. The night sky of the Antarctic continent was illuminated golden yellow.

  Followed by.

  A huge mushroom cloud slowly rose into the sky, and the terrifying high temperature spread rapidly, causing the glaciers on the Antarctic continent to begin to melt rapidly.

  On the snow-covered ice continent covered in silver, thick cracks appeared, and where the tyrannical shock wave passed, a huge wave up to hundreds of meters was set off, as if the sky and the earth were shaken for hundreds of miles!

  Such a scene is really terrifying to the extreme!

  "It was so shocking..."

  One of the ministers could not help but sigh with emotion: "I think even though the so-called golden king Ghidorah of the cosmic monster is so powerful, it was bombed by this [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb. Today it is It must be impossible to survive, no creature can survive under such a terrifying bombardment of a hydrogen bomb!".

  The other ministers looked at each other.

  They all nodded secretly, clearly agreeing with the former's words.

  For Ghidorah and these monsters, perhaps the deadly radiation produced by the explosion of the hydrogen bomb cannot harm them, but the core temperature of the explosion of the hydrogen bomb can reach an extremely terrifying hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius!

  This is scarier than the surface temperature of the sun!

  In their opinion, absolutely no creature can survive in this terrifying temperature, even if the king Ghidorah is very powerful!

  Thinking like this, everyone turned their attention to the big screen again.

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