As the strong light in the picture gradually dissipated, a scene reappeared in the eyes of everyone. The scene was so tragic that it was indescribable!

  It seems that the glacial continent with a radius of dozens of kilometers around the explosion point has been melted by the terrifying high temperature, and pieces of broken glaciers are floating on the sea.

  Black rain fell from the sky.

  And everyone's attention is obviously not here. Their eyes are looking for the figure of King Ghidorah. However, they searched everywhere they saw, but they couldn't find Ghidorah's figure on the big screen. It was as if Ghidorah was really vaporized by a hydrogen bomb!

  "Should he be dead?"

  "Absolutely dead! You must know that it is a [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb! With such a terrifying explosive power, that Ghidorah can still survive!"

  "Impossible to live!"


  The ministers looked at each other in dismay, and I said every word.

  Apparently none of them thought Ghidorah could survive this horrific hydrogen bomb explosion!


  Even Orlink couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that Ghidorah, who had just woken up, was still in a weak stage, and was directly wiped out by their [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb, but Ghidorah was always wiped out. good thing.


  But at this moment, a huge creature suddenly rose into the sky from the vast sea. It flashed its huge wings like bat wings, and the dragon head with three ferocious dragons roared and roared in the sky.

  The shocking low roar resounded clearly in the ears of O'Lincoln and others through the big screen. At this moment, he was looking at the three-headed dragon monster bathed in the golden thunder sea and spreading his wings like a demon king. , O'Lincoln and the ministers were all dumbfounded.


  Not even dead! ?


  at the same time.

  Located on the island of the main aircraft carrier of the Ares Second Mecha Corps, which is located a thousand kilometers away, Valentine and other commanders stared at the screen in front of them, with nervousness and tension on their faces. expect.


  When they saw the three-headed dragon monster, suddenly rushed out of the sea and screamed in the sky, all of them suddenly turned pale as if struck by lightning.

  "how can that be!?"

  "God! It didn't kill it!"

  "That's a tens of millions of tons of hydrogen bombs!"

  "This is too scary!"


  Looking at the king's figure with thick golden lightning all over his body on the screen, many officers in the command room were all terrified. Obviously, they didn't expect that their hydrogen bomb did not kill Ghidorah!

  "Report to General!"

  A person suddenly trembled and said: "The radar shows that the king Ghidorah is rapidly approaching us! It is expected to arrive in the fleet within ten minutes!".


  As soon as these words came out, many commanders in the command room couldn't help but change their expressions. Obviously, a deep sense of fear rose in their hearts.


  Valentine also frowned. Although he was surprised that Ghidorah was not dead, he still held back his composure and gave the order to retreat.

  Blind mission failed, must evacuate immediately!


  With Valentine's order to retreat, the second mecha fleet of Ares immediately began to turn around and quickly left the South Pole at full knot speed.


  Before Valentine's fleet could turn around, an ice-blue energy ray suddenly burst out from the sea and hit an aircraft carrier directly. Under countless horrified eyes, including the many mechas parked on the deck , staff, etc., the main aircraft carrier.

  Frozen directly into ice sculptures!


  This scene suddenly made Valentine and others look sluggish, and before everyone could react, a strange and low monster roar suddenly sounded.

  Everyone looked for fame, but saw a strange-looking monster appearing on a sea that was frozen into ice. This monster was Scylla!


  Valentine who reacted hurriedly shouted.

  Bang bang bang!

  Whoosh whoosh!

  So the next moment, this huge fleet with [-] aircraft carriers was instantly full of firepower, and countless missile shells were roaring at Scylla, and the high-energy high-temperature energy laser beams shot away.

  But seeing Scylla growling, a thick ice-blue ice ray was ejected from its mouth, and the ice ray quickly hit the missile shells that were shot at it, and was hit by Scylla's ice ray. back.

  Those missile shells were instantly frozen into ice sculptures.

  dropped into the sea.

  The icy rays exuding an extremely icy aura were continuously ejected from Scylla's mouth, sweeping across the sea like an ice-blue laser, and the aircraft carrier sailing on the sea was immediately frozen on the sea.

  Can't go any further!

  After freezing all the aircraft carriers on the sea, Scylla did not attack these aircraft carriers, and just stood still on the sea surface.

  Like waiting for something!

  After about a few minutes.

  "Look at the sky!"

  In the Kanjima command room, I don't know who exclaimed.

  Valentine and the others immediately followed, and their pupils shrank suddenly, but in the night sky in the distance, suddenly there was a huge thunderstorm with a diameter of unknown number of meters, which was rapidly approaching their fleet.

  In the thunder and lightning storm, a steady stream of thick golden thunder and lightning flickered, the golden light shone on the night sky, and the violent thunder and lightning aura ravaged the world. Vaguely, Valentine and others could see the thunder and lightning storm.

  There is a terrifying figure that is flapping its wings and flying fast.

  It's Ghidorah!


  At this moment, the command room of Kanjima was dead silent. Everyone, including Valentine, was horrified and stunned like a chicken.


  The lightning storm came over the Ares fleet. When the lightning storm dissipated, Ghidorah's huge figure also appeared in the sight of Valentine and others. Ghidorah looked down like a king. They are still in its eyes, they are like ants!


  Valentine and the others saw that there were bright golden electro-optical condensations in the mouths of Ghidorah's three heads. The next moment, one after another thick golden lightning suddenly burst out from the mouths of Ghidorah's three heads. Go out and hit the twenty aircraft carriers that were frozen on the sea below.


  Valentine froze in place like a chicken, his pupils reflected the rapidly approaching golden electric light, and the next moment, a thick and violent golden thunder and lightning directly hit the twenty frozen on the sea. On the aircraft carrier, these aircraft carriers exploded immediately.

  Boom boom boom!

  The aircraft carriers exploded one after another, like dazzling flames blooming in the night, but in an instant, the second fleet of Ares with the city of the God of War was destroyed by Ghidorah's gravitational light!


  And this scene was naturally seen clearly by high-level officials from all over the world through satellites. At this moment, all the high-level bosses were dumbfounded.

  One by one looks horrified!

  Such a powerful mecha fleet composed of twenty aircraft carriers that was powerful enough to destroy a country was instantly destroyed by Ghidorah! ?



  ps: The first update.

  Three thousand five hundred character chapters.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 130

  Boom boom boom!

  When the sturdy, terrifying golden lightning burst out from Ghidorah's mouth and hit the twenty aircraft carriers that were frozen on the sea, this one could resist the bombardment of missiles. The big mothership exploded directly, and the dazzling flames generated by the motherships shone on the night sky, and blazing flames rose into the sky.

  And this scene.

  Naturally, they were watched in real time by the high-level bosses from all over the world through satellites, and all of them were suddenly shocked, and their faces were full of shock and shock.

  Not only them.

  Even the countless viewers who saw this scene through the live broadcast room were sluggish, all of them were like dumb chickens, and their faces were full of horror!

  In fact, as early as the moment King Ghidorah woke up, He You set up a live broadcast in advance. After all, this is a great opportunity to harvest emotional value.

  How could he let go?

  "God! This is too powerful!?"

  "Is this Ghidorah? As expected of a cosmic monster!"

  "Shit! Even a hydrogen bomb can't kill it! What kind of terrifying monster is this!"

  "too frightening!"

  "Yeah! You must know that General Valentine's Second Mecha Fleet is known as a super ace in the entire Sky Eagle Federation, and even has the title of Ares, the God of War, and has achieved outstanding records all over the world. Since its establishment, I don’t know how many battles I’ve been involved in, and how many countries’ mecha fleets, known as trump cards, have been wiped out by the second mecha fleet!”

  "That's right, but such a powerful mecha fleet was instantly destroyed by Ghidorah! As expected of the golden king Ghidorah!"

  "It's over! The end of mankind has come!"

  "Monster hide! Call for the monster!"

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