"Destroy human tyranny, the world belongs to monsters!"


  A barrage of shocking barrages kept swiping in the live broadcast room. Who would have thought that Ghidorah would directly destroy the second mecha fleet of the Sky Eagle Federation as soon as he appeared on the stage. Notice, the second mecha The fleet is equipped with most of the most advanced weapons and mechas of the Sky Eagle Federation.

  Among the various mecha fleets in the entire Tianying Federation, and even in all countries in the world, the powerful combat power of the second mecha fleet is enough to easily rank in the top three, even the most powerful Dongfang in the Great Xia Kingdom. The Dragon, and the first mecha fleet equipped with all kinds of powerful and advanced weapons of the Great Xia Kingdom, can only rank third in the ranking of the world mecha fleets.


  The second mecha fleet of Ares, even in the world, is enough to be called the most elite ace mecha fleet. The achievements of this fleet are far incomparable to the mecha fleets of many other countries. !

  But who would have thought.

  It was such a powerful mecha fleet. In the first round of encountering Ghidorah, it was destroyed by Ghidorah without even firing a single shot?If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, I'm afraid people all over the world wouldn't believe it!


  At the same time, Orlinn and others in the Black Castle in Syracuse of the Sky Eagle Federation looked sluggish, and their second mecha fleet just disappeared?


  O'Lincoln was so angry that he smashed his fist on the table, but he bared his teeth in pain, but the pain in his hand was not as good as the stinging pain in his heart!

  To be honest.

  The other mecha fleets of the Pacific Fleet were destroyed, and he would not feel distressed at all, because, with the strong technical, financial and industrial capabilities of the Eagle Federation, they could build an identical fleet in a very short time. However, the Ares Second Fleet is different. The Ares mecha fleet is definitely the treasure of the Sky Eagle Federation that has been established for hundreds of years. There are often new weapons developed.

  The first to be equipped is the Second Mecha Fleet!


  Ares Hao's second mecha fleet is full of treasures.

  but now.

  The second mecha fleet was wiped out by Ghidorah.

  This is undoubtedly a great loss for the Sky Eagle Federation.

  Even if the Sky Eagle Federation has huge financial resources, powerful rack and weapon manufacturing technology, and strong industrial capabilities, it is absolutely impossible to rebuild the Second Mecha Fleet. How can O'Lincoln not be angry?

  "go with!"

  Orlink said with a gloomy face: "Pass my order to launch a [-]-megaton hydrogen bomb! I must blow it up in the Antarctic!"


  The minister left immediately.


  at the same time.


  The sky was covered with overcast clouds, and a huge thunderstorm with a diameter of unknown number of meters rumbled in the air. There were golden lightnings raging in the thunderstorm, and it was Ghidorah who was under the thunderstorm!


  But seeing Ghidorah's three heads roaring up to the sky, its huge wings like bat wings spread out, and streaks of golden lightning ravaged the sky.

  On the sea below it, the torn apart aircraft carriers were on fire and slowly sinking, and explosions sounded from time to time.

  This scene is like the end of the world at dusk!

  Ghidorah's huge body slowly fell on the ice surface that was frozen into a kilometer in diameter by Scylla. nuclear radiation.

  Scylla, like a subordinate, bowed slightly and stood behind Ghidorah respectfully without saying a word. Obviously, it was in awe of Ghidorah.

  And right now.

  On the sea in the distance, there were suddenly three rows of sharp backstabs shimmering with faint blue light, like the dorsal fins of sharks, tearing the sea and rushing towards Ghidorah, and Ghidorah was naturally the first time. Found.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????


  It stopped absorbing the radiation, and the three dragon heads, Stewart, Bob, and Kevin, opened their mouths and roared at the swiftly blue backstab.


  The low roar spread far and wide, as if demonstrating against the master who was backstabbed.

  The backstab with the faint blue light quickly came to the edge of the ice surface that was frozen by Scylla. The next moment, a thick black claw covered with hard scales stretched out of the sea and slapped it heavily. on ice.

  In an instant, the ice surface was torn apart, and ice debris flew everywhere.


  Immediately afterwards, a behemoth protruded out of the sea, and then climbed onto the extremely hard ice surface. The sharp backstab on its back flashed a charming blue light.

  But seeing it open its mouth wide and roar at Ghidorah.

  The sharp backstab flashing with faint blue light, and the deep and deafening roar with the obvious elephant's trunk sound, all indicate the identity of this monster.

...... 0

  "It's Godzilla!"

  "There's a good show to watch now!"

  "King to king!"

  "The battle of kings that spanned tens of thousands of years has finally begun!"

  "Godzilla rush! Kill Ghidorah!"


  Countless viewers in the live broadcast room recognized Godzilla at first sight when they saw this behemoth. Suddenly, a barrage of extremely excited barrages flashed across the screen. Everyone was very excited because of the appearance of Godzilla.

  Godzilla climbed up on the ice and looked at Ghidorah on the opposite side. His face actually showed a humanized anger. This way, it seemed that the enemy was very jealous when he met him, but when he saw his sturdy The tail slammed and slammed into the ice, and then opened his mouth to roar at Ghidorah, and a low roar with an elephant's nose resounded through the night sky at this moment.



  For Godzilla's provocation, Ghidorah's three heads also opened their mouths wide, roaring hoarsely at Godzilla, and the huge bat wings stretched out, as if covering the clouds and blocking the sun, streaks of golden lightning raged .

  Obviously not showing weakness!

  Bang bang bang!

  The next moment, Godzilla took a step and suddenly sprinted towards Ghidorah with rapid strides, and cracks appeared on the ice surface under his feet at this moment.

  It's like I can't stand it!


  Ghidorah was also not afraid, it flapped its wings suddenly, and the huge body weighing more than [-] tons flew up, and then rushed towards Godzilla quickly.


  Under the gaze of countless eyes, Godzilla and Ghidorah collided fiercely, and a tyrannical shock wave swept all around with a buzzing sound.

  this moment.

  The battle for the king of monsters has officially begun!



  ps: Second update.

  Ask for a monthly pass~~~ Seven.

Chapter 131

  Boom! ! !

  Under the gaze of countless eyes, Godzilla and Ghidorah collided with each other, and with a hum, a shock wave suddenly swept all around.

  The void seemed to be shaken.

  But I saw that Godzilla was in two sturdy claws, respectively grabbing Ghidorah's middle head Stewart, and the left head Kevin, but the right head Bob. .

  But it was a roar, suddenly opened his big mouth, and bit Godzilla's neck fiercely, the hard and sharp teeth directly pierced Godzilla's hard scales and flesh, and the pain immediately made Godzilla. Roar out.


  Godzilla roared, but when he saw that it released its claws that grabbed Stewart's neck, it turned to two sturdy claws and grabbed Kevin's neck. On Wen's neck, the sharp teeth also directly bit through the hard golden scales on Kevin's neck, causing Kevin to roar immediately.

  Seeing that the third brother was given special care by Godzilla, Dalang Stewart and Erlang Bob opened their mouths at the same time, and then bit Godzilla's left shoulder fiercely, and then their thick and powerful long The neck, like a whip, bit Godzilla and threw it fiercely.

  It actually smashed Godzilla's huge body to the side, and Godzilla's huge body of more than [-] meters slammed heavily on the ice. It shattered into pieces, and Godzilla fell directly into the sea under the ice with a thud.

  And Kevin shook his head and roared in pain.

  And Godzilla, who fell into the sea, did not climb up the ice again to fight Ghidorah again, so the scene seemed a little quiet for a while.


  Ghidorah did not underestimate the enemy in the slightest, and its three heads stared at the sea carefully and vigilantly, apparently preventing Godzilla from sneaking up from below.


  At this moment, a sturdy claw suddenly stretched out from the sea water, penetrated the hard ice surface, grabbed one of Ghidorah's legs, and then pulled it down hard, the hard The ice surface shattered and shattered, and Ghidorah was dragged directly into the sea.

  in sea water.

  After Godzilla dragged Ghidorah into the sea, it stretched out its two sturdy claws, grabbed Kevin's neck again, opened its bloody mouth and bit down fiercely. Wen immediately roared in pain, and when it opened its mouth to roar, a large amount of sea water poured into its nose and mouth, and it was extremely uncomfortable when Kevin was about to choke.

  Seeing this, Stewart and Bob also unceremoniously opened their mouths and bit Godzilla's shoulders fiercely, causing Godzilla to roar in pain.


  Godzilla didn't let Kevin go because of this, but the pain caused by Stuart and Bob's bite on it seemed to be transformed into anger, which made it bite Kai harder. Wen's neck.


  This made Kevin scream in pain.

  This appearance seems to be saying: "Big brother, second brother, save me!".

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