But she was curious.

  He You was silent for a while, then he suddenly said: "Do you think this world will continue to be calm? As everyone knows, the catastrophe of mankind is coming!"


  Chu Ziqi was startled, she didn't understand what this meant?

  But the next moment, the room suddenly became dark, and then she appeared in a dark and cold universe. She looked up, and her eyes suddenly widened.

  because she saw it.

  A huge battleship with no end in sight flew over her head slowly. The aura of destruction emanating from each battleship made her heart palpitate, and the targets of these battleships... .....

  It is the earth!

  The surrounding scene returned to its original appearance, and He You came to her again and said, "The world will no longer be peaceful, and that's why monsters appear. If you don't join us, I naturally won't be able to embarrass you."

  After a pause, he said, "But think about it clearly, under the coming wave of the new era, if you are not strong enough, you will only be slapped to death under the sea by the wave of the era. I think... this You should be very clear!"

  He continued: "But if you join us, it will not only mean that you can embark on an extraordinary road, but also that you will take on the responsibility of saving the earth's civilization. With great ability, you will have great responsibility on your shoulders!"

  With that said, he turned around and sat down on the sofa.

  He smiled and said, "One minute, I'll give you one minute to think about it."

  With that said, he continued to pick up the book and read.

  Chu Ziqi froze in place.

  At this time, her thoughts were turning rapidly, thinking about what He You just said, her expression changed, obviously, she was hesitating.

  Time passed by minute by minute.


  A minute has come.

  He You put down the book, he stood up, sighed and shook his head pretending to be disappointed, and said, "It's a pity, I hope you can have good luck in the future."

  With that said, he turned to leave.

  "Please wait!"

  Chu Ziqi's voice came from behind.

  He You turned around, but saw Chu Ziqi saying, "Although I don't know if what you said is true, but...I won't give up the chance to change me! After all, there is a saying that Well, give it a try and turn your bike into a motorcycle!"

  She took a deep breath and smiled, "So I'll join in!"

  【mission completed! 】

  [Congratulations to the host for obtaining G cells*100]


  He You smiled, he came to Chu Ziqi's side, stretched out a finger and touched Bai Jie's forehead, at the same time, he said silently in his heart:

  "Implant 30 copies of G cells into Chu Ziqi's body."

  【Implantation is successful! 】

  Followed by.

  Chu Ziqi felt that an extremely wonderful and miraculous change was taking place in her body. That kind of change was as if her cells, flesh, bones and other flesh and blood tissues were undergoing a huge sublimation!

  A strong sense of power arises spontaneously.

  This change quickly disappeared.

  Feeling the powerful sense of strength in her body, Chu Ziqi couldn't help clenching her fists. She could feel that the sequelae left by her injury from half a year ago had disappeared without a trace at this moment!

  "Thank you!"

  Chu Ziqi flushed with excitement.

  "you are welcome."

  He You waved his hand.


  Chu Ziqi said, "I haven't asked what your name is? What should I call you?".

  At this moment.

  She admired He You.

  Just raising her hand and tapping on her forehead healed her injuries that even many doctors couldn't do. This is nothing short of a miracle!

  He You thought about it.

  "Just call me number zero," he said.

  "Yes, Mr. Zero."

  Chu Ziqi laughed.

  The complete recovery of the injury made her feel very good.

  "Now that I'm in the organization, what should I do?" she said.

  He You said: "Continue to do what you should do, and I will contact you when the organization needs you. Remember, don't reveal any relevant information to outsiders!".

  "rest assured."

  Chu Ziqi smiled and said, "I understand this!".

  He You nodded, then turned to leave.

  But not even a few steps.

  Behind him, Chu Ziqi asked again, "Mr. Zero, does that monster exist on Earth, or...are there other monsters that haven't appeared?".

  He You was silent for a while, and he said indifferently:

  "The King..."

  "It will come back eventually!"



  PS: Fifth more.

  New book asks for flowers, asks for monthly ticket, asks for evaluation ticket! ! ! .

Chapter 17

  The king will eventually return?

  Chu Ziqi didn't understand what He You said. Could it be that these monsters originally existed on Earth?The current monster is just waking up?

  A thought here.

  She couldn't help but feel terrified. From the previous video, she could already see the horror of monsters, including He You now showing the monster's ability in front of her, and the infinite regeneration of cells, which undoubtedly showed the destructive power of monsters. Terrible, if all the monsters wake up in the future.

  Until then.

  Overlord of the Earth...

  Or human?

  Could it be that there really was a monster civilization on the earth in that very distant period?

  But when she wanted to ask again, she found that there was still No. [-] in the room, as if No. [-] had never been to her room at all.


  Chu Ziqi was shocked for a while.

  what is this?

  Does the legendary dragon see the beginning but not the end?


  The light flashed.

  He You's figure appeared in his room, and then he said silently in his heart:

  "G-cells are all implanted."

  The voice fell.

  He felt that his own flesh and blood was undergoing incomparably wonderful sublimation and changes again at this moment, and a magical sense of power filled his body.


  This change disappears.

  He You clenched his fist and felt that his strength increased greatly. He pinched his skin again and found that the skin was stronger and more elastic than before.

  "Now I have not only increased my strength, but also my speed has become more agile and fast, but my whole body is undergoing a huge sublimation transformation. However, now I still have not really surpassed the ranks of mortals, even if a small A small bullet in the head would have killed him instantly."

  Now He You's physical fitness has certainly been greatly enhanced.

  He has far surpassed most people, but now he is still a mortal body after all. However, he remembers that the system said that as long as the monster's development progress reaches a certain level, he will be able to acquire some of the monster's skills.

  "If I master Godzilla's atomic breath, or even the world-extinguishing red lotus fire, or Ghidorah's gravitational light, or Hypageton's ability, then I am the real treadmill. Enter the extraordinary ranks!"

  He couldn't help but feel excited when he thought that in the future, he would breathe out atomic breath, release golden gravitational light from his hands, and have the power to turn the world around.


  Looking at his pitiful emotional value, He You temporarily dismissed the idea. According to the system's settings, if he wants to obtain Godzilla's skills, he must increase the development progress of Godzilla to 50. % will do.

  Otherwise, no talk!

  But a pity.

  Now Godzilla's development progress has only reached 28%.

  It is still 50% away from 22%!

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