
  He You couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that I have to harvest a lot of emotional points as soon as possible, there is no emotional value, whether I exchange monsters, cultivate monsters, or plan to transform the world into a monster world, these will progress. Slowly, maybe when an alien civilization comes to earth a year later, my plan may not necessarily progress to a quarter!"

  He rubbed his chin and murmured, "Speaking of which, the next step is to lay out the ruins of monsters and write a magnificent and magnificent history of monsters!"

  After a pause, he shook his head again and said, "However, before that, I have to get some emotional points. After all, arranging monster ruins to create history also requires emotional points, but now I only have seven or eighty thousand! ".

  This is simply not enough!

  and so.

  If he wants to get a lot of emotional value, he has to put Godzilla again, but this time, where is he going to put Godzilla?

  Yet the idea is just emerging.

  A system prompt suddenly appeared in his mind.

  [Detected that the Pacific Fleet of the Sky Eagle Federation has sent two major mecha corps, which are heading towards Daxia, and the target is the monster Godzilla! 】

  [Release the mission now: Defeat the incoming enemy! 】

  [Task reward: to be determined]

  【Is it accepted? 】


  He You was stunned, he couldn't help but chuckle: "How dare these guys come? Isn't the lesson from last time not enough? It seems that they are very confident!".

  But it came just in time.

  Just in time to try the power of Godzilla's atomic breath!

  So he silently said in his heart: "Accept!".

  next moment.

  With a thought, a three-dimensional globe appeared in front of him. He turned the globe and directly positioned it on the route of the two major fleets of the Sky Eagle Federation, and then successfully launched Godzilla.

  "It seems that they came prepared this time, but I just don't know how many aircraft carriers or mechas you can escape this time?"

  He You smiled.

  A good show is about to begin!



  PS: The first update.

  The data is too poor o(╥﹏╥)o.

  Ask for a wave of flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets. Currently, there are only [-] flowers, which is [-] away from [-] flowers.

  Thanks guys! ! ! .

Chapter 18

  Tiannan Mountain.

  It's still as serious and busy as ever.

  at this time.

  Tang Wanmin was working at his desk, processing relevant documents, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.


  He said without looking up.

  The door opens.

  A middle-aged man who looked to be in his [-]s or [-]s with a serious Chinese character face walked in. Tang Wanmin looked up and smiled:

  "Kainan, what's so hurried?"

  This person is the chief military minister of the Great Xia Kingdom, Zheng Kainan!

  "Not good, Your Majesty!"

  Zheng Kainan said solemnly: "Our satellites have detected that the third and fifth mecha corps in the Pacific Fleet of the Sky Eagle Federation are heading towards our territorial waters and are expected to reach the border waters tonight!"

  After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "Moreover, this time the third, fifth, and two major mecha corps were dispatched by the entire army. After all, they dispatched a total of ten mecha divisions this time, and they are just the so-called elite ace. There are two Mecha Corps, and looking at it like this, they are afraid that the comers are not good!".


  Tang Wanmin's expression became solemn.

  The [-]rd Mecha Corps is known as the elite of the Sky Eagle Federation, and the [-]th Mecha Corps is also not weak in combat effectiveness. Ten Mecha Divisions are enough to sweep many small countries!

  Even the Great Xia Kingdom would never dare to underestimate it!

  "They shouldn't be coming for us. There is a high probability that they are going for the monster, but just in case, we still have to prepare."

  Tang Wanmin said: "Pass my order and order all our sea mecha fleets to move forward. Without my order, no one can act rashly! If they fire at us, you can fight back directly!"


  Zheng Kainan nodded, then he turned and left.

  After Zheng Kainan left, Tang Wanmin stood up. He came to the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands on his back and looked at the bustling city in the dark. He couldn't help sighing:


  "It's a troubled autumn, the world will not be peaceful anymore!"


  Western Union.

  As the product of many national alliances, whether in the old era or the current mechanical era, the Western Sky Alliance is one of the most important and powerful forces in the world. The mighty power of the vast sphere of influence.

  At one time, the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation, or the Sand Bear Empire did not dare to underestimate it. In the world, the Western Sky Alliance was also a behemoth.

  Blue City.

  As a city of a small country, it should have been unknown in many international metropolises. However, as the capital of the Western Sky Alliance, the popularity of the city of Bleu in the Western Sky Alliance is the world's.

  It can be said to be famous!

  On Mount Bleu, a majestic Gothic-style palace stands halfway up the mountain. Anyone who sees this palace will hardly be shocked by its majesty and style. The palace gives people a strong sense of Western aristocratic atmosphere, it stands there so that many people are intimidated.

  This is the headquarters of the Western Sky Alliance.

  The council hall seemed a little dark. The long red carpet stretched from the entrance of the hall to the throne at the end. Thirty people sat on both sides of the red carpet. They were all noble men who held great power in the Western Sky Alliance.

  on the throne.

  A blond woman with a slightly chubby figure was sitting there.

  She has a plain appearance and is dressed in a blue lady's suit. Although her stature is relatively short, all the gentlemen here do not dare to underestimate her.

  Because she is the ruler of the entire Western Sky Alliance!

  The chief council officer of the Western Sky Alliance:

  Caroline Amanda!

  In the entire Western Sky Alliance, Caroline is undoubtedly a legendary strong woman, from the reporter who dared to fight against major chaebols for justice and fairness, to entering the main altar, starting from a small secretary, Because of her short stature, she suffered from all kinds of exclusion and ridicule.

  But in the end.

  It was she who stood at the highest point of power in the Western Sky Alliance!

  Become the first female president in the history of the Western Sky Alliance!

  At this moment.

  Caroline said with a dignified expression: "I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I just got the news that the two ace mecha corps of the Sky Eagle Federation are dispatched, and their target... is Da Xia. country!".

  As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar.

  "What are they trying to do!"

  "Are those guys trying to start a world war?"

  "They must be stopped. Once there is a war, we can't stop the torrent of Lao Maozi's mechas!"


  "Be quiet."

  Caroline raised her hand and pressed down: "However, according to some secret information I have obtained, they should not be going to Daxia Kingdom!".

  "Isn't it Daxia?"

  When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help looking at each other.

  Someone asked: "So who are they targeting?".

  They really don't understand, since the goal of the Eagle Federation is not the Great Xia Kingdom, who is it?Which country could allow the Sky Eagle Federation to dispatch the third and fifth largest mecha corps at once?This is all elite!

  "It's a mysterious monster!"

  Caroline took a deep breath, she said in a deep voice.


  As soon as these words came out, the entire hall could not help but quiet down.

  The noble gentlemen below can't help but look at me, I look at you, they are all surprised and puzzled, obviously don't understand what this means.

  Someone asked inexplicably: "Chief Caroline, what is the mysterious monster?"

  Caroline said: "I heard that a few days ago, the reason why the Third Mecha Legion of the Sky Eagle Federation suddenly retreated, it seems that it was attacked by a huge mysterious monster, and the Legion had to withdraw because of heavy losses!"

  "lost heavily?"

  When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look surprised.


  What is the monster so powerful?How could the so-called elite Third Mecha Legion suffer heavy losses, and were beaten and evacuated?

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