"Surprised, everyone?"

  Caroline smiled bitterly: "To be honest, when I heard the news for the first time, I couldn't believe it, but as for whether there really exist monsters on Earth, I think... It won't be long before we know. of!"

  She looked at one of the big belly blond men and said:

  "Go on, order the space satellites to detect the movements of the third and fifth largest mecha corps of the Sky Eagle Federation at all times, and transmit the pictures in real time!"


  The blond man nodded, then got up and left.


  Not only the Western Sky Alliance, but also many countries such as the Peacock Kingdom, the Red Sun Kingdom, and the Sand Bear Empire have also obtained relevant news through various means, and this news undoubtedly affects the nerves of all high-level officials.

  At this moment, the eyes of all countries are gathered in the Pacific Ocean, and the whole world can't help but get nervous. What ordinary people don't know is that a storm is quietly brewing!



  PS: Second more!

  The new book needs the support of everyone, please ask for a flower, an evaluation ticket or a monthly ticket, thank you guys, the data will explode more and more~~~.

Chapter 19


  In the commander-in-chief's office, Esmond was leisurely playing billiards wearing his signature sunglasses. Suddenly, an adjutant walked in with a communicator: "General, the call from the adults in the cabinet!".


  Esmond was startled, he took the communicator and said:

  "I'm Esmond."

  "My dear General Esmond, you'd better explain to me exactly what you want to do! Why did the [-]rd and [-]th Mecha Corps suddenly leave Honolulu, and the whole army sailed towards the territorial waters of the Great Xia Kingdom! Egypt! Smond, are you trying to start a new world war!"

  A man's low voice came from the communicator.

  Esmond sat down calmly, crossed Erlang's legs and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Senator Colin, don't worry, I don't want to provoke any world war, we are just conducting normal exercise training! ".

  "Do you think I'm so good at deceiving!?"

  Colin snorted coldly on the phone and said, "I got news that the third, fifth, and two major mecha corps were dispatched, and they also brought a [-]-ton nuclear bomb, why? Do you want to use a nuclear bomb? Will you give me fried fish?"

  He sneered: "I dare not eat it!".

  "Ha ha."

  Esmond said with a smile: "Mr. Colin, I will use a nuclear bomb to give you a gift, including all the cabinet members. I think you will be satisfied with this gift! So, before that, you should wait quietly! "

  Say it.

  He hung up the communicator, got up and continued to play billiards.


  Under the night.

  The night sky is full of stars, and the crescent moon hangs high in the sky, like a beautiful picture of stars. The moonlight shines on the sea, making the sea sparkling.

  On the endless ocean, one after another giant-level aircraft carriers sailed in a neat and uniform way. Mecha.

  Most of these mechas are humanoid mechas, and the outer armor of the mecha is perfectly streamlined, with thick and dark gun barrels shining with cold light.

  And this time.

  As the leader of the third and fifth mecha corps.

  Ludwig and Carlos were sitting in a room drinking red wine leisurely, Carlos was half lying on the bed, he smiled faintly: "I'm afraid that the eyes of the whole world are staring at this time. With the two of us?".

  Ludwig said: "Carlos, are you really sure that you can kill that monster? I want to remind you that the monster is invulnerable!"

  He showed fear: "Our Tomahawk, Patriot and other series of advanced missiles, including laser weapons, do not work against that monster!".

  Carlos glanced at Ludwig.

  He smiled lightly: "Are you afraid?".


  Ludwig's face froze, he snorted coldly: "That's because you don't know the horror of that monster, I hope that when you see that monster, you can still be like now, still calm and not scared. Gotta pee my pants!".

  "Ha ha."

  Carlos smiled and said: "I have my own way. No matter how powerful that monster is, can it withstand a nuclear bomb? Don't forget, it is still a mortal body after all!".

  "Nuclear bomb!?"

  Ludwig was startled, he stood up in surprise:

  "You brought a nuclear bomb!?"

  "That's right!"

  Carlos said: "Before leaving, General Esmond asked me to bring a [-]-ton nuclear bomb just in case. I not only brought a nuclear bomb, but also brought a newly developed super Electromagnetic gun!"

  He laughed: "It is said that the metal rods made of special metals fired by this super electromagnetic gun can penetrate a hard steel plate with a diameter of [-] meters, and can also explode, releasing more than [-] tons of explosives. energy!"

  Speaking of it.

  He said confidently: "The crazy guys also said that this metal rod can easily penetrate a [-]-ton aircraft carrier. I'm worried that I don't know where to test the power of this super electromagnetic gun. !"

  "I don't believe it. No matter how strong the monster you are talking about, it can withstand these two killers? No matter how strong the creature is, a nuclear bomb alone can blow it to ashes!"

  After listening to Carlos's words, Ludwig couldn't help but fall into contemplation. Even though the world has now regarded mecha as the main attack method, nuclear bombs are still one of the killers of all countries in the world!

  It is absolutely impossible for any creature to withstand the bombardment of a nuclear bomb!


  They also brought the newly developed super electromagnetic gun this time.

  If the metal rod fired by the super electromagnetic cannon is really as Carlos said, if it can penetrate the hard steel plate with a diameter of fifty meters in the world, maybe this super electromagnetic gun alone can shoot that monster!

  The last time he was not fully prepared, he did not bring all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, so he was attacked by the monster, and finally fled in embarrassment with heavy losses.

  But this time is different.

  This time, they came prepared, the super electromagnetic gun alone might be able to shoot the monster, not to mention, they also brought a [-]-ton nuclear bomb?No matter how strong that monster is, it will never be able to withstand a nuclear bomb!

  thought here.

  He couldn't help grinning, picked up the red wine glass and said:

  "Cheers and celebrate our triumphant return in advance!"

  "Triumphant return."

  Carlos picked up the wine glass and touched Ludwig.


  Suddenly, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a soldier rushed in in a panic. He was panting, and said out of breath with fear:

  "No no no... not good General!"

  "That monster it it it ... it appeared again!"



  PS: third more.

  Kneeling for flowers! ! ! .

Chapter 20

  "The monster has appeared again!"

  The soldier said in a panic: "It is rapidly approaching us at a speed of [-] meters per second. Two generals, what should we do now?".

  "Why are you so panicked? As a member of the elite army, you can't be more stable? Ludwig, it seems that your people are scared by monsters!"

  When Carlos heard the words, he put down the wine glass slowly, stood up and stretched his waist and said: "Up deck, I'm going to see the embarrassed escape from the third mecha army of the ace of our Sky Eagle Federation. Monster, what kind of monster is it, I hope you don't let me down!"

  Saying so, he walked out of the room with his hands in his pockets.

  Ludwig followed behind.

  When the two came to the island on the deck, they could see the supercomputer in the command room, projecting virtual panels with various information on them.

  Carlos looked directly at one of the panels. There was a monster on the panel that was swimming quickly in the sea. He said, "This ugly lizard-like guy is the mysterious monster that attacked you before?".

  "Carlos, don't underestimate it!"

  Ludwig frowned: "It's not as weak as you think! If you don't take this monster seriously, I bet you will pay a heavy price!".

  "Ha ha."

  Carlos smiled faintly.

  He said: "Pass my order, order all the missiles and laser weapons carried by all the aircraft carriers to fire, and all the mechas on the deck will take off immediately, and they can fire unlimitedly. I want to see how hard its skin is!".

  This time he is the commander.

  Ludwig just cooperated with him.


  A total of [-] aircraft carriers above the [-]-ton class of the two major armies that received the order immediately launched all the missiles they carried, only to see the densely packed missiles dragging their tail flames into the air. This scene is truly spectacular.

  Not only that.

  Whoosh whoosh!

  The next moment, the dense rain of missiles ripped apart the sky and shot towards Godzilla a few kilometers away. The dense rain of missiles streaked across the night sky.

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