
  Godzilla slammed heavily on the ice, but saw that its backstab suddenly lit up with a faint blue light, and the faint blue light quickly condensed in its mouth.

  The next moment, it suddenly turned its head to aim at Scylla, then opened its big mouth, and a faint blue atomic breath suddenly shot out of its mouth, containing a terrifying temperature, and sternly attacked Scylla. to shoot.


  Scylla couldn't escape, and was directly hit by Godzilla's fierce atomic breath. Scylla roared, and the powerful impact contained in the atomic breath directly hit Scylla. back down.

  smashed into the sea.

  After getting rid of Scylla, Godzilla got up again and charged towards Ghidorah. Ghidorah roared and rushed towards Godzilla as well.


  The two giant beasts collided again.

  Godzilla grabbed Kevin's neck, opened his big mouth, and bit down fiercely in one bite. The sharp pain came, and Kevin roared in pain immediately.

  "hold head high--"

  Stuart and Bob also opened their mouths full of spiky fangs and bit Godzilla's neck fiercely, the pain caused Godzilla to roar in pain.

  But seeing its mouth release Kevin's neck, the blue energy quickly condensed into a blue energy group in its mouth, before Ghidorah could react, a tyrannical atomic breath, thumping from brother Sla shot out of his mouth and hit Ghidorah's chest directly.

  Ghidorah's gigantic body, more than [-] meters high and weighing more than [-] tons, was repeatedly thrown backwards by the atomic breath, and finally was directly beaten and fell back to the ground, with a rumbling sound, the ice surface violently shook. tremble.

  One after another cracks spread to the entire ice surface.

  It seemed that the ice surface would shatter in the next moment.

  Bang bang bang!

  But seeing Godzilla striding towards Ghidorah, he raised his foot and stomped on Ghidorah's chest. At this moment, the sound of humming electromagnetic pulses sounded again between heaven and earth, and countless people saw On Godzilla's backstab, a dazzling light once again lit up, but this time it was no longer faint blue.



  As Godzilla's backstab appeared scarlet light, a terrifying temperature radiated from Godzilla's body. The terrifying temperature made the space around Godzilla distorted, and the ice surface under his feet was all over the place. melting.

  The crimson energy condensed in Godzilla's mouth, and in the blink of an eye, a crimson energy group condensed. The crimson energy group exudes an extremely terrifying temperature, and the temperature has reached a terrifying hundreds of thousands of degrees!

  And with the rapid condensation of energy, the temperature is also skyrocketing at an alarming rate, and there is a tendency to rush towards one million degrees Celsius.


  Godzilla is going to use the super uranium energy hotline!

  "hold head high--"

  With the temperature emanating from Godzilla's body, it was rapidly becoming terrifying. At this moment, Ghidorah could not help but let out a roar of fear. The crimson energy group in Godzilla's mouth gave it a deadly Dangerous breath, obviously Godzilla is going to kill it in one hit!

  Godzilla raised his head and opened his mouth wide. His eyes were all illuminated red by the crimson energy in his mouth. As the red energy in his mouth became more and more condensed, the crimson energy group was already reaching a critical value.

  And just when Godzilla was about to bow his head and spray the super uranium energy hotline at Ghidorah's head, suddenly, it seemed to sense something.

  It couldn't help but look up at the sky, but saw a streamer in the distance, flying towards them rapidly, flying over Godzilla and Ghidorah in the blink of an eye, and then, more than countless suns The dazzling blazing white light suddenly bloomed, instantly illuminating the night sky for dozens of kilometers in a radius, and an earth-shattering loud noise that seemed to shatter the sky, at this moment, resounded in the sky above Antarctica.


  This is the hydrogen bomb launched by the Skyhawk Federation...


  The blazing white light engulfed Godzilla and Ghidorah in an instant.

  At this moment, the world seems to be quiet for it.



  ps: Fourth update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 133


  The earth-shattering loud noise resounded through the sky, and the extremely strong sound waves shook the void, and a dazzling light that was more dazzling than countless suns burst into bloom, instantly illuminating the night sky with a radius of dozens of kilometers. For a moment, the sky and the earth are like daytime.

  And the dazzling white light that suddenly bloomed also made the countless viewers in the live broadcast room feel that they couldn't see anything clearly in the white flowers in front of them.

  "Damn it! What's going on here!"

  "A country has launched a nuclear bomb!"

  "Looking at the scene, it's not a nuclear bomb at all, right? It's obviously a more terrifying hydrogen bomb!"

  "I'm going! Which country doesn't talk about martial arts! It took advantage of the critical moment of the battle between Godzilla and Ghidorah to launch a hydrogen bomb?"

  "Ghidorah and Godzilla are dead! The power of a hydrogen bomb is a thousand times more terrifying than a nuclear bomb of the same yield! And this light yield must not be low, I am afraid there will definitely be no more than a million ton equivalent. what!"

  "Eighty percent of it is a good thing done by the Eagle Federation! After all, they dropped the hydrogen bomb before. Obviously, they want the snipe and mussels to compete for the fisherman's profit! They want to give Godzilla and Ghidorah to one. And blow up!"

  "Isn't it good to blow up?"

  "It just so happens that your grandma has a leg! You rich people rely on powerful technology and wealth to buy a mecha with various performances that are abnormally strong. We poor people can't buy a good machine in their entire life. A, don't you allow us poor people to mutate by relying on monsters?"

  "The monster hide is over!"

  "Destroy human tyranny, the world belongs to monsters!"

  "Upstairs, is this your first time?"


  One after another barrage was constantly swiping in the live broadcast room, and when the dazzling light in the screen dissipated, everyone watched it for the first time.

  Obviously want to know what happened to Godzilla and Ghidorah.

  But seeing the extremely dazzling white light slowly dissipating, a huge fiery red mushroom cloud rose into the sky, illuminating the surrounding world into fiery red.

  The sea surface was rough, and the ice surface of several kilometers that was frozen by Scylla was directly melted and disappeared, and the sea water was choppy and motionless.

  The figures of Godzilla and Ghidorah disappeared.

  Just when everyone thought that Godzilla and Ghidorah, the two ancient beasts, were killed by hydrogen bombs, suddenly, a behemoth suddenly rushed out of the sea, rushing out of the sea, and countless sea water fell like rain. .

  Everyone looked immediately.

  But seeing that it is a golden-yellow monster with a pair of huge bat-like golden wings, the monster has three dragon heads and two long thick tails, it is the king Ghidorah!

  "Ghidorah isn't dead!?"

  Countless people looked shocked. They didn't expect King Ghidorah, who had been hit by two hydrogen bombs, to not be killed?Is this vitality too strong?

  "hold head high--"

  But seeing Ghidorah's three dragon heads, making a dragon-like roar towards the sea below, but what greeted it was the breath of a blue atom bursting from the sea, which frightened Ghido. La hurriedly flapped her wings, dodged dangerously and dangerously, and then flew into the sky without looking back.


  The next moment, Godzilla's upper body broke through the sea, looking at Ghidorah, who was flying away quickly, with anger on its face, then opened its mouth and roared, and a deafening low roar spread far away. Come.


  But seeing it dive into the deep sea, it quickly chased and killed in the direction Ghidorah left.

  With the departure of Ghidorah and Godzilla, the first battle between the king and the king of the king of monsters ended with Ghidorah's defeat.


  The world knows very well that with the awakening of King Ghidorah.

  This monster war between the two camps spanning tens of thousands of years has officially started. This earth-shattering war will also open up a more mysterious and vast monster universe for all mankind, the world and the earth!

  Because the world is very clear.

  With Ghidorah's awakening, in the near future, more and more monsters will awaken one after another, and naturally more king-level monsters will appear.

  Human beings may see such a scene in the future, the monster camps of the major factions are fighting each other, and the monsters are fighting fiercely to compete for the ultimate...

  The crown of the king of monsters!

  A mysterious and vast age of monsters...

  coming soon!

  Humanity will witness the arrival of a new history!


  at the same time.

  He You, who is located in Wu'an City of the Great Xia Country, has a steady stream of system prompts appearing in front of his eyes. At this moment, his emotional value is increasing sharply at an alarming rate, from Ghidorah's awakening to Godzilla. After appearing to fight with it, this is only an hour's time.

  His emotional value soared by [-] million!

  "Open Properties Panel '"."

  He You thought silently in his heart.

  The next moment, an attribute panel showing his various information appeared in front of him.

  [Host]: He You.

  [g cell]: [-].

  [Strength]: Level 5 extraordinary.

  [Skills]: Incandescent Light, Shifting Universe, Global Casting, and Shining Barrier.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monsters]: King Kong, Godzilla, Mothra, Destoroia, Scylla, Muto and his wife, Radon, Methuselah, Behemoth, King Ghidorah.

  [Emotional Value]: 10+.

  "Did it only rise to more than one billion emotional values?"

  He You frowned slightly.

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