Yesterday, his more than two billion emotional points were all used to upgrade Godzilla to enter the second stage of the red lotus form, and unlocked the super uranium hotline, a very powerful skill, and it has only increased since yesterday. It's just over a billion emotional points, which is a bit slow.

  "I hope that when the monsters from the two camps of Ghidorah and Godzilla are right after the decisive battle, I can get a good harvest." He You thought helplessly.

  He felt that no matter how much emotional value he got, it seemed that his emotional value was always insufficient. He made a rough calculation. From the first time to now, he has obtained at least tens of billions of scattered points. emotional value.

  But now?

  He has almost nothing left...


  His carefully prepared battle for the king of monsters will definitely shake the world completely. At that time, nearly [-] billion human beings in the world will not dare to say absolutely, but at least most of them will provide him with A lot of emotional value, presumably at that time, his emotional value will inevitably usher in a leap-forward surge, breaking through [-] billion emotional value is definitely not a problem.

  Even hit the emotional value of tens of billions...

  It's not impossible!

  When his emotional value reaches [-] billion, maybe he will have the right to check the emotional value of Gatangieer, Hypageton and other monsters, and only hope to exchange the emotional value required by these monsters at that time. Just don't have too much, after all, he is now poor!

  Thinking like this, he looked at his billion emotional value.

  he was thinking.

  What is he going to do with his billion emotional points?

  After thinking about it, he finally decided that the billion emotional value was used to upgrade his personal strength. After all, it was more than a month ago that he last upgraded his strength. After more than a month, he really had to upgrade himself.


  He has been greedy for Godzilla's spiral hotline, super uranium energy hotline, or extremely perverted skills such as the red lotus form for a long time.

  It's just that he has been suffering from insufficient strength before, and the energy in his body is simply not enough for him to acquire these skills of Godzilla.

  Use these skills...

  That requires a huge amount of energy to support!

  "¨"Upgrade G cells."

  He You thought silently in his heart.

  As soon as the voice fell, he saw that the G cells on his attribute panel were rapidly increasing, and at the same time, his mood value was also plummeting.

  With the sharp increase of G cells, He You clearly felt that his body was being transformed and sublimated by G cells, whether it was cells or flesh and bones.

  All have been strongly evolved and strengthened, and a powerful sense of power emerged in his body, and even he felt that his induction of the special radiation energy between heaven and earth became more acute and clear.

  He You already understood.

  There are all kinds of radiation energy scattered between the sky and the earth, and some radiation energy is undoubtedly of great benefit to human beings, and can enhance the quality of the human body.

  And the emergence of G cells.

  It will undoubtedly allow him to absorb these special radiation energy.


  His G cells stopped growing.

  【Ding! 】

  [Congratulations to the host for breaking through to level [-] extraordinary]

  [Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Godzilla skill: Atomic Breath! 】

  "not bad."

  He You nodded slightly, one billion emotional points directly made his G cells break the [-] million mark, which undoubtedly means that he has now reached the sixth-level superhuman. What is even more surprising is that he did not expect that he would get Godzilla's skill Atomic Breath, the power of Atomic Breath.

  He couldn't be more clear!

  With the Atomic Breathing skill, he has undoubtedly greatly improved his combat effectiveness. I am afraid that he is not weaker than some powerful ninth-level mecha masters in this world. He looked at his attribute panel.

  [Host]: He You.

  [g cell]: 1.

  [Strength]: Level 6 extraordinary.

  [Skills]: Incandescent light, universe shift, global launch, shining barrier, atomic breath.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monsters]: King Kong, Godzilla, Mothra, Destoroia, Scylla, Muto and his wife, Radon, Methuselah, Behemoth, King Ghidorah.

  [Emotional Value]: 5888 million+.

  "Poor again..."

  Looking at the remaining [-] emotional points, He You couldn't help but sighed helplessly. He found that even he himself seemed to have become a gold-swallowing beast now.

  One billion emotional points translates into ten million g cells.

  That's a [-] to [-] conversion ratio.

  Thinking like this, he couldn't help but murmured expectantly:

  "Then we will see the performances of Godzilla, Mothra, King Kong and Ghidorah. I hope this monster battle will not disappoint me!"

  It's time for the monster wars to begin!



  ps: The first update.

  Three thousand words chapter.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 134

  Eagle Federation.


  Black Castle.

  The President's Office was already dead silent. O'Lincoln and all the cabinet ministers present had heavy expressions on their faces. Occasionally, when they glanced at each other, they could see a deep disbelief on each other's faces.


  What they didn't expect was that they fired two [-]-megaton hydrogen bombs at Godzilla and Ghidorah, and they failed to kill Ghidorah?

  How terrifying vitality is this? !


  Orlink let out a long sigh, and he said solemnly: "Since Ghidorah can't be killed, that's fine, at least it seems that our two hydrogen bombs have caused some damage to him, and now we can only hope that Ghidorah can't be killed. Dora doesn't know that these two hydrogen bombs were launched by our Sky Eagle Federation, and I hope Godzilla can hunt down Ghidorah as soon as possible!"

  The ministers looked at each other.

  Or Lincoln was right in what he said.

  Except for the Great Xia Kingdom and the Sand Bear Empire.

  It is obviously impossible for the monster Ghidorah to know that the two hydrogen bombs were fired by them, and naturally they will not find them on their heads, right?


  Although their two hydrogen bombs did not kill Ghidorah, at least they should have caused a lot of damage to him. This will undoubtedly greatly increase the chance of Godzilla hunting him down. This is undoubtedly true for all mankind. It's a good thing, after all, they don't want Ghidorah to beat Godzilla.

  If so...  

  That will be the end of mankind!


  But at this moment, the office staff were suddenly pushed away.

  A blond man in a black suit strode in with a heavy expression, O'Lincoln frowned and said, "Didn't you see we were having a meeting? Also, didn't you know to knock on the door before you were at the Golden Gate 460? ".

  The person who came was the director of the Space Operations Bureau of the Skyhawk Federation.


  "Your Excellency the President..."

  Ralph put the notebook in his hand on the heavy mahogany table and looked around, he said solemnly: "And ladies and gentlemen, I have a video here, you better watch it! ".

  Saying so, but seeing him operate on the notebook.

  Then a picture appeared on the big screen in the office.

  O'Lincoln and others looked at it, and what appeared on the big screen was obviously a radar picture. The radar picture showed that a huge storm was rapidly approaching a certain place. The ministers looked at each other with puzzled faces.

  "What is this?"

  Orlinn looked at Ralph.

  Ralph said: "Everyone, it is obvious that this is the lightning storm that Ghidorah generates when he flies, and now, this thunder and lightning storm is rapidly flying towards the City of Angels, which means the goal of King Ghidorah. , is the second largest city of the Sky Eagle Federation, the City of Angels!".


  As soon as this statement came out, it was like a bomb in an instant, setting off a huge wave in the quiet office, but seeing all the ministers' faces changed drastically.

  Especially Orlinn.

  He even stood up from his seat with a bang, with horror and shock on his face, he pointed at Ralph and said, "Are you sure your information is not wrong?".


  Ralph said solemnly.


  After receiving Ralph's affirmative answer, O'Lincoln's whole person was as if he had lost his soul, and his face turned pale. The city of angels was located in California, the western state of the Eagle Federation. California was his vote storage warehouse!

  The City of Angels is the largest city in the west and the second largest city of the Eagle Federation. Its importance is self-evident. Once the King Ghidorah landed in the City of Angels, the terrible consequences it will cause are unimaginable!


  Orlinn took a deep breath.

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