But seeing him solemnly said: "I immediately sent my order, ordering all citizens of the City of Angels to retreat immediately, be sure to evacuate all before Ghidorah arrives!".

  "Your Mightiness."

  "We don't send troops?" Ralph asked.

  "no need."

  Orlink waved his hand and said, "Do you think we can beat Ghidorah with our regular troops? Even if we send our most powerful mecha army over, it will only weaken our army in vain!" .

  The ministers looked at each other and nodded with a sigh.

  indeed so.

  Ghidorah, who can't even kill two hydrogen bombs, is simply not something that conventional mechas can deal with.


  Ralph frowned and said, "Are we just handing over our city of angels to Ghidorah in vain? That's the heavy city in our west!"


  Hearing this, O'Lincoln couldn't help but fell into contemplation, and then saw him say in a deep voice: "Pass my order, order the King of the Earth to dispatch immediately!"

  He thought about it.

  Continued: "At the same time, send the last Battle Angel heavy mecha to help the king of the earth. If even our two mechas can't kill Ghidorah, then we.... Only use that weapon!".

  The King of the Earth heavy mecha is a super-large mecha of land siege that has been conceived by the Sky Eagle Federation since [-] or [-] years ago.

  It took more than ten years to build it successfully. The heavy-duty mecha of the King of the Earth is 135 meters high and weighs 157854 tons. Although it is huge and heavy, it is equipped with eight angel-level main engines and thirty-six patriotic engines. The King of the Earth mecha with the auxiliary engine of the No. [-], plus this mecha, is driven by powerful nuclear fusion energy. Therefore, this makes the King of the Earth mecha even though it is a behemoth and incomparably huge, but it is The power is extremely strong!


  The outer armor of the Earth King's mecha is made of the most advanced tqs in the world today, the tough alloy.

  This alloy is smelted from the unique ore collected by the Eagle Federation from the center of Mars. It has two characteristics of extreme hardness and extreme heat resistance. Various human missiles and laser weapons hit it on its body. It doesn't work at all, and only a few ultra-conventional weapons such as nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs or super electromagnetic guns can cause some damage.

  The Earth King mecha is not only powerful in defense, but even the firepower of this mecha is extremely terrifying. The Earth King mecha is not only equipped with eight super electromagnetic shells that can easily penetrate hard shells with a diameter of more than ten meters. Cannon, but also equipped with a powerful particle laser cannon.

  This particle laser cannon emits particles, and its speed can approach the terrifying speed of light, and it can emit a particle laser cannon whose temperature reaches a terrifying one million degrees Celsius. Its destructive power is considered extremely terrifying.

  This particle laser cannon is the only one in the world, and the only one that can surpass this weapon is the plasma laser beam of Daxia. First.

  But they had to admit it.

  In the research of laser weapons, Daxia is indeed ahead of them, and even they are envious of Daxia's laser weapon manufacturing technology.

  This is not the most terrible.

  The most terrifying is the King of the Earth mecha, equipped with a nuclear warhead with a yield of one hundred and a half million tons, the King of the Earth is simply a mobile nuclear arsenal!

  In the past, the Sky Eagle Federation just let their mecha fleet take this King of the Earth mecha to the door of other countries.

  They can be scared half to death.

  It can be seen what a terrifying deterrent the King of the Earth Mecha possesses!

  But no matter what.

  The Mecha King of the Earth is undoubtedly an invulnerable giant-level terrorist war machine, in the war against a small country more than ten years ago.

  They only sent the King of the Earth mecha from the Eagle Federation.

  They will completely destroy that country. Their mechas and other attacking weapons will not do any harm to the King of the Earth mecha at all.

  It can be said.

  The King of the Earth mecha is definitely the most powerful mecha in the world today. The various cross-era high-tech mecha manufacturing technologies possessed by this mecha have made many countries such as the Great Xia Kingdom and the Sand Bear Empire greedy. .

  This is also the confidence that the Eagle Federation has always held the throne of the world's No. [-] empire. There are not many countries with the mecha of King of the Earth alone.

  Dare to challenge the Eagle Federation!

  However, it is precisely because the King of the Earth mecha is too strong that this mecha cannot be mass-produced at all. On weekdays, it is almost like a treasure hidden in the house and carefully maintained. It will not be dispatched unless it is absolutely necessary. .

  As for the Battle Angel heavy mecha, although her performance is not as good as that of the Earth King mecha, its superior performance is enough to easily rank in the top ten in the world's heavy mecha rankings. .


  After obtaining the authorization of Orlinn, Ralph couldn't help but nodded affectionately. After more than ten years, the King of the Earth, known as the most terrifying world-destroying mecha, finally showed its anger to the world again. !

  "If the King of the Earth mecha is dispatched, we may really have a chance to kill the King Ghidorah. After all, it is also in a weak period, isn't it?"

  The ministers are very confident in their mecha.

  after all.

  Confidence comes from strength, and the King of the Earth mecha obviously has this strength in their opinion. After all, this is their trump card at the bottom of the box!

  Arguably one of their strongest weapons!

  They dare to say.

  There are not many countries in the world that can stop the mecha of the King of the Earth!

  And now...

  The strongest mecha of their Sky Eagle Federation will fight against Ghidorah, who is known as the Golden King.

  Whoever loses wins.

  Apparently not yet known!


  Castle Black's order for all citizens of the City of Angels to evacuate immediately spread throughout the world.

  The world was startled at first, and then understood.


  Ghidorah is about to land in the City of Angels!

  this moment.

  The eyes of the world are on the City of Angels!

  Because people know that with the style of the Eagle Federation, it is obviously impossible to watch Ghidorah destroy the city, and it must be counterattacked.

  A battle between monsters and the strongest mechs of mankind...

  Obviously it is inevitable!



  ps: Second update.

  Three thousand words chapter.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~~

  Click on the lower right corner to see a picture of the Earth King. .

Chapter 135

  The city at night glows with charming neon lights.

  It is like a tech city full of cyberpunk style.

  The city is called the City of Angels.

  This prosperous international metropolis is the second largest city in the Sky Eagle Federation, and at the same time, it is also the largest city in the western region of the Sky Eagle Federation.

  The City of Angels is not only a metropolis that integrates the most important industrial and commercial and international trade, medical education, entertainment and sports centers of the Eagle Federation.


  It is also one of the main base cities for the energy, marine, aerospace industries and mecha manufacturing industries of the Skyhawk Federation. The City of Angels also has many world-renowned higher education institutions, including the California Imperial Mechamaster Institute, the Royal Mechamaster Academy and many other top mecha schools in the world, these academies have cultivated many world-famous and powerful ninth-level mecha divisions, and even many generals in the Pacific Fleet of the Eagle Federation are from these academies, The faculty of these top mecha masters academies are extremely powerful.

  Even the Battle Angel, a powerful heavy-duty mecha with extremely superior performance, came from the City of Angels, so it was named Battle Angel.

  Say without hesitation.

  The City of Angels has a very high status in the entire Free Federation, and it is unmatched by other cities. Its status is extremely important!

  In the ranking of cities around the world -...

  The City of Angels is enough to rank in the top ten!


  However, at this moment, the rushing and piercing alarm sound reverberated over the entire City of Angels, making this city, which was originally full of lively and noisy atmosphere, shrouded in a terrifying shadow that made people palpitate and terrified.

  On the streets of the City of Angels, one after another chariots stopped.

  Many soldiers armed with firearms are evacuating the citizens, and the dense crowds are flowing in the streets, making noises like waves.

  It made the whole city very noisy.

  "What's the matter, why do you have to evacuate the city all of a sudden?"

  "Don't you know yet? King Ghidorah is flying towards our city of angels!"

  "What!? Can't our powerful mecha army intercept Ghidorah in the sea? Why let Ghidorah land in the City of Angels?"

  "Hehe, there is an obvious problem. Our conventional mechas are not Ghidorah's opponents at all. According to the information I have received, it seems that our Sky Eagle Federation has dispatched two mechas, the King of the Earth and the Battle Angel. Going to our city of angels, it seems that we want to use the city of angels as a decisive battle ground! After more than ten years, the king of the earth has finally shot!"

  "Shit! The King of the Earth was dispatched!?"

  "My God! How serious the situation is! Is this so-called King Ghidorah so powerful? How can we send out the King of the Earth mecha?"

  "Since the King of the Earth mecha has been dispatched, no matter how powerful the so-called King Ghidorah is, it must surely die!"

  "That's right! The King of Earth mecha, but the strongest mecha owned by our Sky Eagle Federation, is also known as the strongest heavy mecha of mankind!"

  "Don't you all watch the news? You don't know Ghidorah's power yet, do you?"

  "Watching the news? Does the news read the fragrance of beauties?"

  "That is, what's so beautiful about monsters? Is it better than beautiful women? I just like to see all kinds of beauties. Looking at beautiful women can make me feel good. When I am in a good mood, I will feel comfortable and live longer! "


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