The noise filled the whole city, and the citizens of the City of Angels were naturally extremely frightened by the news that the King Ghidorah was about to land in the City of Angels.

  However, there are still some people who confidently believe that the King Ghidorah will surely die. After all, the King of Earth mecha is the strongest mecha of the Eagle Federation, and it is praised by many experts and mecha makers as the most powerful mecha. The most powerful mecha in human beings, coupled with the powerful achievements of the earth king mecha that shock the world, make the earth king mecha extremely famous.

  Countless people worship the King of the Earth mecha.

  in their hearts.

  No matter how powerful the so-called King of Monsters Ghidorah is, can it surpass the so-called King of the Earth mecha?That's obviously impossible!


  The vast majority of people who have such ideas are people who don't care about monsters at all. Naturally, they don't know the power of monsters and the horror of King Ghidorah, and even many people who have never cared about what monsters are.

  This is the first time I heard the word monster!

  But no matter what.

  Ghidorah's landing in the City of Angels and the news that the Eagle Federation will dispatch the King of the Earth mecha naturally swept the world at a storm-like speed, and everyone's eyes were on the City of Angels at this moment!

  The evacuation of the citizens of the City of Angels is proceeding in an orderly manner.

  There are large transport planes parked at the airport, passenger car transport vehicles parked on the road, one or two trucks and the high-speed rail in the sky are all turned on efficiently, transporting waves of citizens to inland cities.

  have to say.

  The efficiency of the Sky Eagle Federation is obviously still very fast. It has only been four or five hours since the order to evacuate the whole city was issued.

  But [-]% of the citizens of the City of Angels have been evacuated by now, those who are evacuating and those who have not yet evacuated.

  Almost all are civilians.

  And those rich people had already gotten the news in advance and left.

  "Look at it!!!"

  I don't know who suddenly exclaimed loudly. This exclamation made the surrounding people immediately look for the reputation, but when they saw the sky in the distance, there was a huge thunder and lightning storm, which was rapidly approaching, and there were streaks of golden lightning raging in the thunder and lightning storm. , golden electric light, illuminated the night sky into golden yellow, rolling overcast clouds, like the shadow of doomsday quickly pervading.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  This scene.

  As if the end is coming, it is extremely shocking!

  And in the huge thunder and lightning storm that was illuminated by golden electric light into golden yellow, a demon-like figure was flapping its bat-like wings and quickly approaching the City of Angels.

  "Look! It's Ghidorah!"


  "It's really coming!"

  "The end! It is the end!"




  The appearance of Ghidorah undoubtedly made those people in the City of Angels who had not yet had time to evacuate become frightened and horrified. The crowd that had been evacuated in an orderly manner became panicked instantly, and the line of defense formed by the army was instantly broken by these panicked and chaotic crowds. , crying and shouting and other noisy sounds intertwined to form a tragic and terrifying movement.

...... 0

  Filled the sky over the whole city!

  People who didn't care about monsters at first, when they saw Ghidorah's coming, all of them were like dumb chickens, stunned in place.

  They thought that the monsters mentioned by other people were nothing more than larger ancient creatures, and they were always within their understanding of the world view.

  But how could they have imagined.

  The arrival of the so-called King Ghidorah actually caused the surrounding world to change color, the sky became dark, and thick golden lightning bolts continuously fell from the thick cloud layer.

  Make the night sky golden.

  Makes the whole sky look like a doomsday twilight!

  This scene happened in the doomsday movie, but now it actually appeared in front of their eyes, and even worse, they were there.

  How can this not make them feel extremely frightened?

  At this moment.

  The whole city became chaotic and noisy.

  The arrival of Ghidorah has brought doomsday fear and death to this prosperous city of angels, which is hailed by countless people as the city of faith in their hearts!

  this moment.

  The eagle sauces of the entire Tianying Federation are terrified!

  And this scene will also be recorded in the annals of history, and future generations will record that on a certain night in a certain year, the death-like king Ghidorah is the city of angels.

  Brings fear and despair!



  ps: The third update.

  cough cough.

  Ask for a wave of flowers, the flowers are not rising at all.

  After all, flowers do not cost money, they are free every

Chapter 136


  Huge thunder and lightning storms roared from day to day, the sky was covered with a thick layer of dark clouds, and the thick, violent golden lightnings continued to chop down, and the golden electric light illuminated the night sky into golden yellow, far away. From a distance, it looks like the end of the world is coming!

  That terrifying sense of oppression almost made the crowds in the City of Angels who had not yet evacuated in time looked terrified.

  Ghidorah flapped its huge wings like bat wings and flew towards the city of angels, which made it look like a demon from hell. The huge golden wings enveloped the world like the wings of destruction. .

  And Ghidorah's appearance was naturally presented to everyone through the live broadcast for the first time. When they saw the apocalyptic scene and the devilish Ghidorah, everyone in the live broadcast room discussed one by one.

  "Did Ghidorah really land in the City of Angels!"

  "Hahaha! The city of angels is over. It seems that the final battleground of the monster war is in the city of angels, and let the people of the Eagle Federation also experience the pain of losing the city! We can't just let the city of our Peacock Kingdom be destroyed by monsters! "

  "And our mud stick kingdom!"

  "Human's strongest mecha against Ghidorah, I don't know who will have the last laugh?"

  "Godzilla has ten seconds to reach the battlefield..."


  For everyone in the live broadcast room, this is just a "movie" that is more shocking than a sci-fi blockbuster. Unless monsters land in their country and city, what does this have to do with them?


  In the eyes of many people, the appearance of monsters is a great opportunity to change their life. After all, in today's relatively developed mecha era, the social class mobility has been completely fixed.

  It is impossible for them, the ordinary people at the bottom of the society, to rise to the top society. All kinds of powerful things such as powerful mechas and strong financial resources are all in the hands of the top social elites.

  It can be said.

  Ninety-nine percent of the world's social resources are in the hands of that one percent of people, while the remaining ninety-nine percent of people are like mad dogs and hungry wolves, frantically robbing the leftovers. [-]% of the rare resources under the sky, these people are going to be crazy about it even at the cost of their lives!

  You can't become a mecha without money, and you can only be the bottom of a society if you can't be a mecha. Repair fees.

  It's enough to drag you down!

  Unless you are the kind of person with extraordinary talent, who is favored by those powerful chaebols and families, and then signs a contract to work for these forces for the rest of your life.

  all in all.

  The champion comes out of the cold door...  

  In this day and age, it is becoming more and more impossible!

  And now.

  The appearance of monsters such as Godzilla and Ghidorah undoubtedly marks the arrival of a brand new era. Under the washing of a brand new era, the pattern of the world must be changed due to the emergence of the new era.

  Heroes emerge in troubled times!

  If they seize this opportunity and obtain the gift of monsters and possess the powerful extraordinary abilities bestowed by monsters, this will undoubtedly be a good opportunity for them to turn around. Therefore, many people are very happy about the appearance of monsters.

  The rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation!

  And the appearance of the monster...

  It is the beginning of the change of fate for the vast majority of people at the bottom of society!


  Most people are eager for the era of monsters to come full circle.


  At this moment, the sky above the entire city of angels has been shrouded in a thick cloud. The screams, cries and shouts resounded throughout the city. This prosperous city has become chaotic and fearful. stand up.

  in the air.

  Ghidorah flashed its huge wings and landed on the central square of the City of Angels with a thud. The ground shook, but seeing its bat-like wings spread out, streaks of golden lightning flashed from the wings. It erupted, and streaks of golden lightning slammed into the ground.

  "hold head high--"

  Ghidorah's three dragon heads roared up to the sky, making a low roar like a dragon's roar. At this moment, it was bathed in the golden thunder sea like a powerful golden king who brought despair, fear and death to the world!

  at this time.

  Everyone was shocked to see that the city of angels, which was originally shining with colorful rays of light, suddenly at this moment, a large area of ​​darkness fell.

  The lights of the city after another went out, as if the electrical energy of the entire city of angels was absorbed by Ghidorah, and as the electrical energy of the entire city was absorbed by Ghidorah, more violent and dense golden thunder and lightning.

  It erupted from Ghidorah’s body, and the violent thunder and lightning aura ravaged the world at this moment, one after another sturdy golden thunder and lightning hit the high-rise buildings, and all the buildings hit by the golden thunder and lightning burst into pieces. Countless large and small stones collapsed and flew around.

  But in the blink of an eye.

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