The city with a radius of [-] meters centered on Ghidorah instantly turned into a mess of ruins. All the buildings within the area were smashed to pieces by golden thunder and lightning. Countless people watching this scene were shocked and terrified!

  And now I still think Ghidorah is nothing but such a person.

  At this point, I was even more frightened!

  They just feel that the world view has been refreshed!

  "Whoosh whoosh!"

  At this moment, suddenly in the distance in the sky, there was a whistling sound that broke through the air, but I saw a missile, dragging the firelight and blasting towards Ghidorah. The dense rain of missiles came from the night sky. A scene whizzing by.

  It is very shocking!

  this moment.

  The night sky was illuminated like day by the strong light emitted by the missile's tail flame.


  Ghidorah raised its huge wing on the right, and blocked his three heads and body behind him. The next moment, dense missiles roared.

  Boom boom boom!

  The densely packed missiles hit Ghidorah's wings and exploded, bursts of fire, and shock waves swept away.


  These missiles, which are powerful and dense enough to blow up a city with a radius of more than ten kilometers, can't cause the slightest damage to Ghidorah at all, just like scraping Ghidorah!

  This sudden scene made countless people look for fame.

  So everyone saw it.

  In the night sky in the distance, there is a dazzling meteor emitting a dazzling golden light, which is speeding towards this side at a terrifying speed that exceeds the speed of sound.

  The sonic boom roared like a cloud-piercing rock.


  The golden meteor stopped high in the sky in front of Ghidorah.

  The people saw it clearly.

  This is a white gold humanoid mecha with a height of about [-] meters and an unusually slender body. The body of this mecha presents a perfect streamlined shape. Alloy laser blade.

  On the back of the mecha, there are a pair of golden-yellow mechanical wings like angel wings.

  "This is the Battle Angel mech!!!"

  Countless people couldn't help but look surprised when they saw this beautiful mecha, and those citizens in the City of Angels who had not yet had time to evacuate were immediately excited when they saw the Battle Angel mecha.

  It was like taking a reassurance pill.

  "Look over there!"

  I don't know if it was an excited shout, and everyone quickly looked around.

  they see.

  In the distance in the air, ten heavy helicopters were lined up in two rows and flew towards this side, and below these helicopters, there was a huge humanoid machine suspended by dozens of extremely hard ropes. First.


  The helicopter queue hung the huge humanoid mecha and came to the right side of the Battle Angel mecha [-] meters away. Then, the helicopter disconnected the rope, and the mecha hanging below also fell rapidly. .


  The next moment, the huge mecha that looked like a giant landed on the ground with a bang, and some small houses under his feet were directly smashed to pieces!

  The earth was shaken, and billowing smoke swept away.

  The eyes hurriedly looked at it and found that it was a humanoid mecha with a height of more than [-] meters. The outer armor of the mecha showed a darker golden color, and the armor of the mecha looked very hard and thick. .

  In the middle of the mecha's chest is a main angel-level engine with a diameter of about seven or eight meters. At this moment, the engine is humming, and particles can be vaguely seen flowing, emitting a bright golden light.

  The shoulders of the mecha are equipped with a super electromagnetic gun newly developed by the Sky Eagle Federation. The two small arms of the two mechas are also equipped with two super electromagnetic guns, and the remaining four super electromagnetic guns are installed on the mecha. The inside of the armor, when it needs to be fired, the outer armor will open.

  Although this mecha does not look as beautiful and beautiful as the Battle Angel mecha beside him, it gives people a sense of strength and strength.

  But no one dared to underestimate this mecha.

  Because he is...

  The King of the Earth Mecha!

  "I'm so excited! Not only my favorite Battle Angel mecha, but also the King of the Earth mech appeared!"

  "The King of the Earth is a mecha that combines all the most advanced mecha manufacturing technologies in the world. It is known as the strongest mecha of the Sky Eagle Federation!"

  "Moreover, it is also known as the most powerful mecha in the past few hundred years that humans have entered the era of mechas. Its external armor is not only invulnerable, but can even withstand the bombing of small nuclear bombs. It is definitely the steel of action. fortress!"

  "No, no, the most terrifying thing is not these, but the terrifying firepower of the Earth King mecha. The eight super electromagnetic guns it carries can blow up any aircraft carrier in the world with one shot. As well as the external armor of various mechas, and the particle laser cannon it carries, it is said that when the full power is turned on, the temperature can reach one million degrees Celsius. What is the concept of one million degrees Celsius? I don’t need to say it? It’s so scary. So, the King of the Earth mecha is a big killer, and the Eagle Federation will not be dispatched until it is absolutely necessary!"

  "That's right! Not to mention anything else, just talk about the [-] nuclear warheads on his body. Each of these nuclear warheads is above the minimum megaton equivalent. That's all, which country will be afraid of it?"

  "That's right! Many experts say that to deal with the King of the Earth, you have to defeat it outside your own country, otherwise, once he landed in other countries, if other countries want to survive and live in their own country, they will Never dare to attack him, because he is a mobile nuclear arsenal, and once it explodes, the nuclear radiation will definitely travel for hundreds of years!"

  "I don't know why! No wonder the King of the Earth mecha can be regarded as the strongest mecha of human beings. Mechas from other countries are considered a fart in front of the King of the Earth?"

  "Since the Eagle Federation has even dispatched the King of the Earth, then the King Ghidorah should be dead, right? After all, this is known as the strongest mecha of mankind!"

  "Definitely must die!"

  "Hmph, let Ghidorah see the power of our human's strongest killer! Let these monsters know that the overlord of the earth will always be our human beings!"

  "The overlord of the earth has never been human!!!"

  "That's right! The overlords of the earth are these monsters!"


  Whether it is the countless citizens in the City of Angels who have not yet had time to evacuate, or the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, all of them are very excited after seeing the king of the earth...  ......

  after all.

  The King of the Earth is known as the strongest mecha of human beings. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, no matter how powerful Ghidorah is, in the face of the King of the Earth who is invulnerable and terrifying to the extreme, his final fate is bound to be death!

  after all.

  The various properties of the king of the earth are indeed strong to pervert!

  And many citizens of the City of Angels, after seeing the King of the Earth mecha, seemed to have taken a reassurance, and they all felt at ease.

  At this moment.

  In the seats in the cockpit of the King of the Earth, there are a total of eight pilots, six men and two women. They are all one of the most powerful ninth-level mecha divisions in the Sky Eagle Federation. It is because of the King of the Earth aircraft. A powerful performance.

  As a result, the requirements for the pilots of the King of the Earth mecha are extremely strict. At least eight pilots are required, and each pilot must be at least a ninth-level mecha division. This is not the most important thing. of.

  The main thing is.

  These eight drivers must be a family, not required to be born at the same time, but must have lived together since childhood, and the age gap should not exceed three years, and they must have a strong tacit understanding before each other. Only then was he able to drive the mecha, the King of the Earth.

  And their eight brothers and sisters were selected by the Eagle Federation as the pilot of the King of the Earth not long after they were born, and they were trained and cultivated extremely severely since childhood. The Eagle Federation has invested countless resources on them.

  And sitting in the main driver's seat is the eldest brother of their eight brothers and sisters.

  The name is Albert.Byrd!

  Looking at Ghidorah, the huge golden figure bathed in a sea of ​​golden thunder on the screen in front of him, Albert said solemnly: "Just now, His Excellency the President gave me an order, let us not fight and solve it as quickly as possible. Ghidorah, so, just fire up the particle laser cannon!".


  The remaining seven brothers and sisters naturally had no objection, and immediately entered the command on the operating system in front of them. After the command arrived at the super mecha computer processor of the Earth King, the Earth King immediately activated the particle laser cannon!

  "Battle Angel is in charge of cover!"

  Albert said in the mecha communication channel.


  The voice of the pilot of the battle angel came from the communication channel.

  So the next moment.

  The square-arranged auxiliary engines on the back of the Battle Angel mech suddenly ejected tail flames, and a strong thrust burst out, making the [-]-meter-high slender fuselage of the Battle Angel mech immediately rushed towards Ghidorah.

  "hold head high--"

  Ghidorah's three dragon heads roared at the rapidly rushing Battle Angel mecha. The next moment, the three dragon heads' mouths were swollen and quickly condensed with golden electric light, but in an instant, they condensed into three golden lightning bolts. The energy group, the violent thunder and lightning aura raged unscrupulously.


  The next moment, one after another sturdy golden lightning suddenly shot out from the mouths of Ghidorah's three dragon heads, and the gravitational rays of terrifying power shot towards the rapidly rushing Battle Angel mecha.


  The golden gravitational light ripped apart the night sky, roaring across a distance of thousands of meters in an instant, and directly hit the Battle Angel, which was unable to dodge.

  The moment the gravitational rays hit the Battle Angel mech.

  In an instant, an energy wave wanted to sweep away.

  And the huge fuselage of the Battle Angel mecha was also pushed back by the tyrannical impact force contained in the gravitational light.

  At last.

  It exploded with a bang!


  The deafening explosion resounded through the night sky, and the dazzling light suddenly bloomed at this moment, illuminating the sky and the earth, and a dazzling fire burst into the sky in an instant.


  And at this moment, everyone opened their mouths in shock!

  What did they see?

  The powerful mecha Battle Angel, which is enough to rank in the top ten in the world's heavy-duty mecha rankings, was even met by Ghidorah...

  It was directly blown up! ?



  ps: the fourth update,

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