Grandma's, you shouldn't have merged the two together. It took more than ten minutes to change the forbidden words, and the changes made me dizzy and my temples hurt.

  I won't write a big chapter next time.

  Really uncomfortable o(╥﹏╥)o.

Chapter 137


  Under the gaze of countless eyes, one after another thick and incomparably thick golden lightning-like gravitational light ripped apart the night sky and instantly spanned a distance of thousands of meters.

  It slammed hard on the outer armor of the Battle Angel mecha, which could not be avoided in time, and with a thud, a wave of air swept away in an instant.

  The powerful impact contained in the gravitational light directly pushed the battle angel back quickly, and the next moment, it exploded in the air.

  boom! ! !

  At that moment, the deafening sound of the explosion resounded through the universe, and the void seemed to be shaken. The dazzling dazzling light suddenly bloomed at this moment, the flames shot up into the sky, and the shock wave generated by the explosion swept away in an instant. The smoke billowed and countless stones flew everywhere.

  And this scene.

  Naturally, it was the people in the City of Angels who had not yet been able to evacuate in time, as well as the hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

  When they saw that the Battle Angel, a mecha with extremely excellent and superior performance, was blown up by Ghidorah's gravitational light in just one encounter, they were all dumbfounded and stunned!

  "how can that be......"

  "Ghidorah actually blew up the Battle Angel?"

  "God! Does this mean that Ghidorah is more terrifying than the original Godzilla? You know, when Godzilla was in Jinshan City, the father of the Mud Stick Kingdom, more than a month ago, even Godzilla was quite terrified when he faced the Battle Angel. For embarrassment!"

  "Don't panic, and the King of the Earth didn't make a move!"

  "That's right! The king of the earth is the real killer!"

  "Look! The king of the earth is going to use that particle laser cannon that is enough to destroy the world! It seems that Quito 29 will definitely die now!"

  "One thing to say, the power of the particle laser cannon of the king of the earth is indeed terrifying. I have seen the particle laser cannon of the king of the earth shoot through seven or eight high-rise buildings. The power is simply terrifying and powerful!"


  No one thought of it.

  The Battle Angel mecha, which was favored by countless people, was instantly killed by Ghidorah, which made many people unable to react for a while.

  Originally, according to their assumptions, even if the Battle Angel mecha was not a lot of opponents, it should at least be able to fight Ghidorah for [-] rounds. However, what they did not expect was that the Battle Angel was actually killed by Ghidorah. Instant kill?This combat power is too naive, isn't it?


  Then everyone's eyes turned to the king of the earth, but when they saw the golden fuselage of the king of the earth, there were faint blue currents flashing.

  at the same time.

  The angel-level main engine on the king of the earth's chest is emitting a brilliant golden light at this moment, and the light is overflowing, as if there are hundreds of millions of particles flowing, the golden light is more and more condensed, and finally the chest of the king of the earth is on the chest. On the engine, a golden-yellow energy group condensed directly.

  It looks like a small sun!

  This mass of golden energy exudes a terrifying high temperature atmosphere, causing the surrounding space to be slightly distorted, and the huge body of the King of the Earth is trembling slightly at this moment, as if it can't bear this terrifying energy.

  inside the cockpit.

  Albert said in a deep voice: "Brothers and sisters, let this monster know the power of the king of the earth, listen to my order, the particle laser cannon will start firing!".


  The other seven immediately nodded and said yes.


  Everyone could see that the golden energy group on the engine in front of the king of the earth suddenly exuded a bright golden light, and there were bursts of humming sounds.

  The golden energy group became more and more dazzling.


  In the next instant, a golden particle laser cannon about four or five meters in thickness suddenly shot out. On the way, it rose directly into a ten-meter thickness. The thick golden particle laser cannon ripped through the night sky at this moment, containing the The terrifying power roared and shot towards Ghidorah.


  On the way, a modern building with a width of twenty or thirty meters and a height of several hundred meters was directly shot through by the golden particle laser cannon.

  Then it burst into pieces, and countless large and small stones flew away, smashing on the ground, like a rain of stones in the sky.


  Seeing the incomparably thick, terrifying golden particle laser cannon blasting towards him, Ghidorah's three dragon heads roared loudly.

  Then, seeing Ghidorah's body surface, a layer of golden brilliance flickered again, following the three necks toward the mouths of the three dragon heads, Stewart, Bob, and Kevin, and quickly gathered away.

  But in the blink of an eye.

  It was in the mouths of Ghidorah's three dragon heads that condensed three groups of golden thunderbolts exuding an aura of destruction. The next moment, three golden gravitational rays in the shape of lightning suddenly shot out of Ghidorah's mouth. .

  It is gravitational light!

  Boom! ! !

  Under the gazes of countless eyes, Ghidorah's gravitational light and the particle laser cannon of the King of the Earth collided like a meteor at a height of [-] meters. At that moment, a loud noise resounded. The world seemed to be shaken, and a wave of energy swept away in an instant with the power of destroying the dead and sweeping everything.

  Bang bang bang!

  Where the energy wave passed, all the high-rise buildings within a kilometer radius were instantly blown up by the energy wave, and one building after another burst into collapse at this moment.

  Countless large and small stones flew out.

  The energy wave continued to sweep away into the distance, and all the glass fragments of the buildings within a radius of ten kilometers were shattered at this moment.

  Many people in the energy wave sweeping range were directly thrown away by this energy wave containing tyrannical energy, banging bang bang bang on the building, and the bones of the whole body were directly shattered at this moment. Come.

  Smoke billows.

  The gravel is flying.

  It's like the scene of a nuclear explosion!

  One after another, they looked at the center of the collision between the gravitational light and the particle laser cannon. There, two energies with completely different properties were frantically eroding each other, and there were continuous waves of energy aftermath spreading out.

  Every energy aftermath exudes a terrifying aura.


  Gravitational light rays and particle laser cannons eroded each other, and no one could do anything for a while. However, Ghidorah and the King of the Earth did not dare to stop easily, because they knew that once either side stopped.

  The opponent's energy ray will hit directly!

  This lasted for a full minute, and the two powerful energies were like water and fire, eroding each other, and in the cockpit of the king of the earth.

  Look at the rapidly declining energy on the screen in front of you.

  Albert's face paled and said: "The energy of the king of the earth is dropping sharply!".

  The Earth King's particle laser cannon is certainly powerful.

  But the speed of energy consumption is also extremely terrifying. Even when the king of the earth is full of energy, it can only let the king of the earth launch the continuous firing time of the particle laser cannon, which is only a short one minute!

  as predicted.

  After the energy of the king of the earth dropped sharply, the power of the particle laser cannon became obviously weakened. The particle laser cannon, which was originally solid like a laser, now appears to be overflowing and spreading with particle energy.

  "hold head high--"

  Ghidorah seized this opportunity and directly increased the output energy of the gravitational light, which made the power of the gravitational light suddenly surge at this moment.

  Boom! ! !

  In the terrified eyes, Ghidorah's gravitational light directly defeated the particle laser cannon of the King of the Earth, and the terrifying power instantly roared and hit the golden outer armor of the King of the Earth.

  Then everyone looked horrified and saw that the huge body of the King of the Earth, which was more than [-] meters tall and weighed more than [-] tons, was directly hit backward by Ghidorah's powerful gravitational light. Fly away.

  After passing a parabola in the air, the King of the Earth slammed into the ground like a hill. I don't know how many buildings and buildings were smashed down by it. The ground trembled violently, and the air waves spread around.

  In an instant, the smoke billowed.

  Countless viewers in the live broadcast room saw that the King of the Earth's golden-yellow outer armor, which is said to be invulnerable, actually had cracks at this moment, as if the King of the Earth would explode in the next moment!


  This scene undoubtedly made everyone stunned, with their mouths wide open and their faces stunned. Obviously, who would have thought that even the most powerful mecha, the King of the Earth, would not be the opponent of Ghidorah's Gravitational Light?

  Was beaten upside down and flew away?

  Almost got blown up?

  "Big brother!"

  In the cockpit, a man said to Albert, who was sitting in the main driver's seat, with a horrified expression: "The damage rate of the external armor of the King of the Earth has reached [-]%, which is not enough to withstand another attack! ".


  As soon as these words came out, the cockpit seemed a little quiet, and the rest of the people looked at each other, and they could see the deep disbelief and shock from each other's faces.


  Since the King of the Earth has been in service, in the dozen or so wars it has participated in, no country's weapons can destroy the external armor of the King of the Earth, even the explosive power of a dropped nuclear bomb can affect the Earth. The damage rate of the king's outer armor.

  It's only three percent!

  Yet now.

  It was just a gravitational light from Ghidorah that hit the body of the Earth King, and actually caused an [-]% damage rate to the outer armor of the Earth King?The damage of this gravitational light is too terrifying, right?

  "hold head high--"

  But seeing Ghidorah directed at the king of the earth, he made a low roar like a dragon's roar, and then it flapped its huge wings like bat wings.


  It landed in front of the King of the Earth, but seeing it lifted its foot and stepped on the body of the King of the Earth, Ghidorah's three dragon heads were once again condensed with golden electric light, a terrifying death. The aura emanated, causing the faces of the eight people including Albert to show fear.

  The breath of death enveloped their hearts at this moment!


  And just when Ghidorah was about to launch a gravitational ray and blow up the King of the Earth mecha, suddenly a thick and rapidly spinning blue energy ray burst from the sky and hit Ghidorah fiercely. On his back, he directly dumped Ghidorah forward.

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