Among the thick clouds in the night sky, suddenly there was a sharp roar similar to the cry of a pterosaur. Everyone could not help but look up to the sky, but when they saw the dark clouds, it was a crimson color at this time. .

  next moment.

  A monster with a red body all over and with lines like volcanic lava flowing on its surface, from the scarlet cloud.

  Dive down quickly.

  Wherever it passed, it left a dense mass of Mars in the air, its whole body exuding volcanic fiery temperature, and finally under the annotations of one after another.

  The crimson-red monster with two horns bent back like a pterosaur landed on the central square behind Ghidorah with a bang.

  It is the flame demon Raton!

  The Balrog Raton, the lustful king Behemoth, the female siren Scylla, the mountain monster Methuselah, and the Muto couple, all the monsters from Ghidorah's camp are here, there are a total of seven monsters, this scene can be described as It's terrifying!

  Everyone looked towards Godzilla.

  However, Godzilla was found alone.

  It does look a little shabby.

  "It's over, Ghidorah's younger brothers are all here, but Godzilla is still one. No matter how strong Godzilla is, it's impossible to beat seven!"

  "Isn't Godzilla's wife Mothra coming to the rescue?"

  "Even if you come, it's useless, right?"

  "That's right, Mothra is powerful, but Godzilla and the others are only two monsters, but Ghidorah really has seven!"

  "I feel like Godzilla is not good..."


  Seeing that Godzilla was completely at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, everyone couldn't help but worry for a while. In their opinion, no matter how strong Godzilla was, it was impossible to beat King Ghidorah, Balrog, Behemoth and the others. Seven monsters, besides, King Ghidorah is not weak at all.

  Godzilla is extremely difficult to deal with Ghidorah alone.

  Not to mention dealing with seven monsters at once!

  this moment.

  The hearts of the whole world could not help but hang up.

  after all.

  They know very well that once Godzilla is defeated, it will be a nightmare for all mankind. Ghidorah is a terrible existence that destroyed the ancient civilization of Atlantis. Therefore, they are naturally willing to see Godzilla win!

  but now.....

  For Godzilla, the situation is clearly not good!

  "Look at the sky!!!"

  I don't know who suddenly shouted in surprise, and everyone couldn't help but look up to the sky, but saw the night sky covered by thick cloudy clouds.

  Suddenly, hundreds of millions of holy lights descended, and a pair of beautiful wings hidden behind thick clouds slowly unfolded, just like angel wings!

  The splendid holy light shines down, it is simply beautiful!

  Everyone knows.

  This is obviously Mothra!



  ps: Second update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~~

  Click on the bottom right to see a picture of Godzilla. .

Chapter 139

  And just when everyone was worried that Godzilla would not have an advantage.


  In the night sky covered by thick dark clouds, there was an ethereal and pleasant voice, and then, everyone was surprised to see that there were hundreds of millions of divine rays of light tearing through the dark clouds.

  shine down.

  The endless divine light shone on the earth, as if to bring hope and light to this city of angels, which is shrouded in a doomsday scene.

  And behind the thick cloud cover, a pair of beautiful wings exuding blue holy light slowly unfolded, covering the clouds and the sun just like angel wings, so beautiful, it made everyone look at it for a while. .

  next moment.

  But I saw a butterfly-like, slender monster exuding divine brilliance, tearing apart the thick cloud, and swooping down from the sky.

  At last.

  The monster slowly flapped its wings and landed on the top of a building not far from Godzilla. When the monster appeared, all eyes gathered, and everyone was stunned for a while, and then they looked surprised.

  "It's Mothra!"

  "I knew Mothra would not be absent!"

  "Even if Mothra comes, it won't change the situation in which Godzilla and the others have an absolute disadvantage, right? After all, there are seven monsters on Ghidorah's side. Not weak!"

  "One Mothra is obviously not enough!"


  While everyone was pleasantly surprised by the arrival of Mothra, they did not think that Godzilla and Mothra alone could defeat the monster camp headed by Ghidorah.


  Behind Ghidorah, the Balrog Ralton, the lustful king Behemoth and the female siren Scylla, the mountain monster Methuselah, and the Muto couple are all powerful!

  Especially the Muto couple, the electromagnetic pulse waves of the Muto family are born to suppress Godzilla, Godzilla's atomic breath or all ray skills such as spiral hot lines, their power will be greatly suppressed!


  Just the monster King Ghidorah, its combat power is definitely not weak. After all, Ghidorah is a terrifying monster that destroyed a powerful civilization. Tens of thousands of years ago, Godzilla was even beaten. forced to sleep.

  Where can its combat power be weak?


  Only then did everyone feel that Godzilla and Mothra alone would never be able to beat Ghidorah and the seven monsters, and the situation was still very dangerous!


  And at this moment, on the other side of the city, there was a sudden burst of low roar, accompanied by the sound of the earth shaking.

  It was as if some huge creature was approaching quickly.

  Everyone looked for fame.

  But seeing a black gorilla with a height of [-] meters, holding a huge blue battle axe, is running wildly, its huge body of [-] meters high, like a fast-moving mountain, makes the earth rumble and tremble.

  I saw it stomped heavily on the roof of a building more than fifty meters high, and then took advantage of its strength to jump into the air, and then its huge body directly banged and landed steadily on Goth. Pull's right hand side is not far away.

  And the building that it took advantage of.

  It was directly crushed by its foot!


  But after seeing the monster landed, the battle axe in its hand slammed heavily on the ground, and the Godzilla battle axe shone with faint blue light.

  Directly and deeply penetrated into the earth.

  Boom boom boom!

  Then it thumped its muscular chest with its fists, making a dull sound like rolling thunder, it opened its fangs and roared at Ghidorah, and the low roar spread far away. .

  "My God! It's King Kong!"

  "God, why even King Kong is here!"

  "I really don't understand. Skull Island is located in the endless Pacific Ocean. How did King Kong cross the boundless sea to come to the City of Angels? Could it be that it also came through the passage of the inner world?"


  "It seems that every mysterious area of ​​the earth is full of passages leading to the inner world, and the passages of these inner worlds are connected to each other!"

  "But even King Kong is here, but there are still only three monsters on Godzilla's side, and Godzilla still can't dominate in numbers!"

  "That's right, and from the previous battles, King Kong seems to have no other skills besides brute force. Such King Kong is not at all the opponents of Scylla, Raton, and the Muto couple, right? "

  "Not always!"


  One after another discussion sounded, but it was not waiting for everyone to discuss.



  A low roar came from the distant horizon again.

  Everyone looked for fame.

  But seeing a monster flying in the distance in the distance, and the monster's whole body was dark red blood color, there were bone spurs on its huge body, and the huge blood-colored wings like bats were flapping slowly.

  But in the blink of an eye.

  This monster like a demon from hell flew to Godzilla and landed on the ground with a bang, and everyone saw this monster clearly. When they saw the appearance of this monster, they suddenly exclaimed. Aloud:

  "It's the demon Destroyah!!!"

  "It's here too!?"

  "I'm going! This is a powerful master!"

  "That's right! It was the one that destroyed most of the urban area of ​​the Imperial Capital New City of the Peacock Kingdom!"

  "I didn't expect that even the demon Destoroia would come. If that's the case, then, Godzilla and the others have no chance!"

  "Hard to say......"

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