
  Surprised voices sounded one after another, and no one expected that this powerful monster who had been defeated by Godzilla's red lotus form in the imperial capital city of the Peacock Kingdom would choose to help Godzilla at this time!


  But Destoroyah roared at Godzilla.

  It's like saying, "I'm here to help you!".

  Godzilla also roared in response.


  But Godzilla turned his head to look at Ghidorah.

  The next moment, it suddenly opened its fangs and big mouth, and directed at Ghidorah, who was thousands of meters in front, and let out a low roar full of the majesty of a king.


  "hold head high--"

  Ghidorah is also completely unafraid, but seeing its three dragon heads open their mouths wide, roaring at Godzilla, the roar resounds like a dragon.

  next moment.

  Godzilla and Ghidorah rushed towards each other at the same time, but seeing that although Godzilla was huge, at this moment, it was sprinting towards Ghidorah.

  The speed is not slow in the slightest, and it takes a few tens of meters in one step!

  Godzilla strode towards Ghidorah, and the ground beneath his feet trembled.


  Under the gaze of one after another, Godzilla and Ghidorah, who were sprinting quickly, collided fiercely, and a tyrannical shock wave swept away in an instant, like an overwhelming shock wave swept away.

  The shock wave hit the surrounding high-rise buildings, causing those buildings to rumble violently, and countless glass shattered at this moment.

  At the same time, almost at the moment when Godzilla and Ghidorah rushed out at the same time, King Kong thumped his chest with his fists and burst into roars, but saw it grabbed Godzilla's battle axe and strode. rushed out.

  It can easily step forty or fifty meters away in one step, only to see its foot stomping on the roof of a building, and then jumping up suddenly.

  It held the handle of Godzilla's battle axe in both hands, and the incomparably sharp Godzilla backstab flashed with faint blue light, and slashed fiercely towards the female Muto, but at this moment, a crimson The colored flame rays were ejected from Raton's mouth, containing a volcanic fiery temperature.

  Unceremoniously, he shot at King Kong's head.


  King Kong roared and had to give up attacking the female Muto.

  The Godzilla battle axe in its hand quickly blocked in front of him, and the flame ray banged directly on the Godzilla battle axe. However, the tyrannical impact contained in the flame ray hit King Kong. Fly out.

  It turned into a perfect parabola in the air, and slammed heavily on the moving building. The entire building hundreds of meters high fell down at this moment.


  King Kong roared angrily at Raton in the air.

  as if to say:

  "Boy, you don't talk about martial arts!"

  "It came to sneak attack!"

  But no matter what.

  At this moment, the battle for the king of monsters, carefully laid out by He You, spanning tens of thousands of years...

  It has officially started!



  ps: The third update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 140

  [Fear value +8]

  [Shock value +7]

  [Excited value +4]

  [Faith value +8]


  At the same time, in front of He You from Wu'an City, the Great Xia Country, on the other side of the ocean, system prompts appeared continuously, and news of emotional value was coming into the account, so densely packed that he was almost unable to read it carefully.

  But no doubt.

  At this moment, his emotional value is undoubtedly skyrocketing at a terrifying speed, and He You is shocked by the speed of growth.


  The effect of this carefully laid out battle for the king of the monsters is still very objective.

  "Open the properties panel."

  So He You said silently in his heart.

  next moment.

  A panel displaying his various attribute information appeared in front of him.

  [Host]: He You.

  [g cells]: 1128 million.

  [Strength]: Level 6 extraordinary.

  [Skills]: Incandescent light, universe shift, global launch, shining barrier, atomic breath.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monsters]: King Kong, Godzilla, Mothra, Destoroia, Scylla, Muto and his wife, Radon, Methuselah, Behemoth, King Ghidorah.

  [Emotional Value]: 18+.

  "It actually reached [-] billion?"

  Seeing this, He You couldn't help being a little surprised, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. I have to say that the effect was somewhat unexpected.

  From the time King Ghidorah landed in the City of Angels, to the appearance of Godzilla, it was only a few hours, but it was just a few hours.

  It actually made him madly harvest [-] billion emotional points!

  This effect is simply no one!


  His current emotional value is still soaring rapidly, and it is soaring upwards from tens of thousands to tens of thousands. Looking at this posture, it is obvious that it will not take long for him to break through the [-] billion emotional value mark again, and this is just a monster. It's just the beginning of the war, and it is estimated that after this monster war is over.

  His emotional value can definitely easily break through the five billion emotional value mark. According to his estimation, even if it reaches an astonishing seven billion or even eight billion emotional value, it is not impossible.

  Perhaps the bottleneck of [-] billion emotional values...

  He can make a run too!

  Thinking like this, He You couldn't help rubbing his chin, and his face showed a contemplative look: "Although the battle for the king of monsters is very effective."

  "But this monster war will eventually end, and at that time, the increase of my emotional value will inevitably be limited again. If I want my emotional value to maintain such a speed and increase at a high speed."

  He murmured: "I have to prepare for the next battle before this monster battle is over, and the shocking effect of the next deed must also be far away in this monster battle. Above!".

  Speaking of it.

  He couldn't help frowning in thought.

  Right now, the only shocking effect in his hands that can be caused by this monster battle is the geocentric world he conceived!

  If, like before, he exchanged a monster to destroy the human city, and then let Godzilla come forward and kill these monsters, the result would inevitably be inferior to the battle for the king of monsters this time.


  If he wants his emotional value to continue to grow at a high speed like it is now, he must develop the geocentric world he conceived, presumably after he has fully developed the geocentric world.

  The shocking effect it had on the world at that time...

  Absolutely unimaginable!

  And then...

  His emotional value will definitely usher in a leap-forward growth!


  Thinking of this, He You couldn't help sighing: "My emotional value is only one billion at the moment, even after the battle for the king of monsters is over."

  "My emotional value is sky-high, and it can reach seven or eight billion or nearly ten billion. With such a small emotional value, I am afraid that it is difficult to fully develop the inner world at one time, and I don't need to think about developing a brand new one. In a world of monsters crisscrossing the center of the earth, the emotional value required must be unimaginable. Therefore, my primary goal at the moment is to harvest emotional value as soon as possible. Only when I have enough huge emotional value in my hand, I will In order to develop the inner world as much as possible!".

  In other words.

  His primary goal now is to quickly harvest a large amount of emotional value at the fastest speed, and then develop the geocentric world to create a geocentric world ravaged by mysterious and vast monsters. He can gain more emotional value.

  And this way.

  When he holds hundreds of billions of emotional values, he may be able to exchange for the evil god Gatangie, the cosmic dinosaur Hypagedon, or the earthly python Yemengade, the black dragon king Nidhogg, and Ye rotted these terrifying monsters. To be honest, he was quite looking forward to it.

  And when these monsters are redeemed and have a certain degree of powerful strength, at that time, it is when he He You leads the army of monsters to conquer the universe, because at that time, he must be in urgent need of a lot of emotional value, and at that time the earth's The emotional value that humans can provide.

  It's not enough to support him to feed so many monsters.

  After thinking about it.

  He You's face couldn't help but smile: "I'm looking forward to the expression on their faces when the so-called sea spirit civilization comes to earth and sees powerful monsters raging everywhere on the earth?".

  It must be wonderful!

  Think so.

  He once again looked at the virtual screen in front of him. The picture was exactly the scene of Godzilla, Mothra, Ghidorah, King Kong, and Destoroyah fighting each other. The battle scene was shocking.

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