

  But seeing Godzilla making a low roar, it opened its big mouth and bit Kevin's neck fiercely. The hard golden scales did not stop Godzilla's sharp teeth at all. The teeth penetrated into the flesh and blood of Kevin's neck, and golden blood spurted out immediately.

  "hold head high--"

  Kevin screamed in pain immediately, as if asking for help from his elder brothers Stuart and Erlang Bob, but saw Stuart and Bob open their fangs and bite Godzilla's neck fiercely.

  The sharp teeth pierced into the flesh instantly!

  Bang bang bang!

  At this moment, the earth trembled violently, but I saw the female Muto, a [-]-meter-high giant like a black chariot, slammed towards Godzilla quickly, and finally, slammed hard. on Godzilla.

  Contains tens of thousands of tons of terrifying impact force, directly knocking Godzilla to the side, with a bang, Godzilla's huge body smashed heavily on a building, and the building hundreds of meters high was smashed. It collapsed, and countless large and small stones buried Godzilla in it.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????


  Godzilla let out an angry roar, and just as the female Muto was about to rush towards Godzilla again, suddenly, King Kong's roar came from behind her, but King Kong jumped up, holding the Godzilla Warfare. The axe slashed hard at the female Muto, and the female Muto hurried back and dodged when she saw this.


  King Kong slammed to the ground, and the Godzilla battle axe in his hand slashed directly into the ground. For a while, King Kong was actually a little bit unable to pull it out.


  King Kong is also smart, unable to pull out the Godzilla battle axe, its huge fist hits the female Muto's cheek with a right uppercut.

  The strength of tens of thousands of tons exploded, and the female Muto was directly dumped to the side, and fell to the ground with a bang. Then, King Kong held the handle of the Godzilla battle axe in both hands, and in the roar, struggling to Its pulled out.


  King Kong roared at the female Muto, and then strode towards the female Muto. The ground under his feet was shaking with rumblings at this moment.

  And here.

  Godzilla stood up and shook the gravel on his body, but when he saw the spikes on its tail hanging on the ground, it suddenly lit up with a crimson light.


  The crimson rays of light lit up one by one, until finally the sharp backstabs on Godzilla’s back all flashed with dazzling crimson rays of light, and there was a buzzing electromagnetic pulse sound in the heaven and earth.

  The crimson energy quickly condensed into a crimson energy group with a diameter of several meters in Godzilla's mouth, as more and more energy converged.

  The crimson-red energy group became more and more dazzling, and Godzilla's eyes were all illuminated into crimson.

  5000 degrees Celsius!

  10000 degrees Celsius!

  100000 degrees Celsius!

  As the temperature soared, the space of several hundred meters centered on Godzilla was violently distorted, as if a terrifying scorching hot breath that was about to burn everything out. Obviously, Godzilla was going to use it. .....

  Super Uranium Hotline!

  "hold head high--"

  Ghidorah did not dare to be careless at all, but saw the golden electric light flickering on its body surface, and the golden electric light quickly converged towards the mouth of its three dragon heads along its three strong and powerful necks. .

  But in the blink of an eye.

  In the mouths of the three dragon heads, three dazzling golden energy clusters exuding violent thunder and lightning, and the space around the golden energy clusters condensed.

  All twisted violently at the moment.

  This is caused by gravitational rays.


  In the next instant, a crimson energy ray with a diameter of less than half a meter and a thickness like a red laser burst out from Godzilla's mouth. Although this energy ray is not as thick as an atomic breath or a spiral heat ray, However, this crimson energy ray is extremely condensed, as if there is no trace of energy scattered outside.

  It's amazing...

  Super Uranium Hotline!



  ps: Fourth update.

  Three thousand character chapters......

  Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for flowers~~~

  The protagonist is about to exchange for the next monster. You can say what monsters you want the protagonist to exchange in advance in the book review area.

  The author will write it after considering it.

  Otherwise, the author will let the protagonist exchange for the next upcoming monster according to his own ideas.seven.

Chapter 141


  Everyone could see that Godzilla's sad backstab flashed a dazzling crimson light, and between vaguely, there were blue currents raging around, and the crimson energy quickly condensed the crimson energy in his mouth. The regiment, which illuminated Godzilla's eyes into crimson.


  The next moment, a beam of crimson-red energy that was only half a meter thick, like a laser, suddenly shot out of Godzilla's mouth.

  It is a super uranium energy hotline!

  The red-red super uranium energy hotline, emitting an extremely terrifying temperature of millions of degrees Celsius, tore apart the space and shot towards Ghidorah.

  The space around the super uranium energy hotline is violently distorted.

  Apparently it was caused by the terrifying high temperature.


  But seeing the super uranium energy hotline, like a knife stabbing tofu, it shot through a [-]-meter-high building with a width of about [-] to [-] meters, leaving a hole half a meter in diameter in the building, and the edge of the hole was melted into a The circle was crimson red, and drops of magma-like liquid slowly fell down.


  As for the super uranium energy hotline, a powerful skill with terrifying power and terrifying temperature, even Ghidorah would naturally not dare to be careless.

  But seeing the mouths of Ghidorah's three faucets condensed energy groups exuding bright golden light, the next moment, one after another thick golden lightning-like gravitational rays, suddenly, from Ghidorah's three faucets. It shot out of the mouth, carrying a terrifying power to shoot the super uranium energy hot rays that were rapidly shot, and the gravitational rays exuded a destructive aura.


  Under the gaze of one after another, these two terrifying and incomparably powerful energy rays collided in the [-]-meter-high night sky.

  First, there was a loud, earth-shattering noise, which resounded in the sky above the City of Angels, which was shrouded in the night, and the strong sound wave spread to all around in an instant, and everyone within a radius of dozens of kilometers could clearly hear it. .

  I just feel the eardrums rise!

  The next moment, it was an energy wave mixed with eating red energy and golden lightning, like a landslide and tsunami, quickly swept away towards the surroundings.

  Bang bang bang!

  This energy wave containing terrifying energy swept through, like a circle of sharp blades of the gods, hitting the modern high-rise buildings that were hundreds of meters high at every turn, cutting these buildings directly from the middle.


  Where the energy wave passed, all the high-rise buildings within the range collapsed at this moment, the ground trembled violently, and countless gravels flew everywhere.

  Smoke billows.

  This scene is truly terrifying and shocking!

  Everyone's eyes are not here, but when they see the countless citizens outside the city center of Angels, they are all staring at the collision of the super uranium energy hot line and the gravitational light in the sky. Energy, at this moment, madly erodes the other side.

  At the collision center of the two energies, the space there is completely distorted violently. It is caused by the terrifying high temperature emitted by the super uranium energy hot line and the gravitational light, and the space is violently distorted.

  But seeing Godzilla's huge body trembling slightly, and a steady stream of crimson energy spurting out of its mouth, its atomic energy is being rapidly consumed.

  The same is true for Ghidorah. Powerful golden energy is continuously ejected from the mouths of its three dragon heads to maintain the continuous output of gravitational rays.

  this time.

  Neither of them dared to stop easily, because they knew very well in their hearts that once anyone could not hold on, the other's ray that had accumulated terrifying energy would hit them directly and ruthlessly.

  This will definitely cause a lot of damage to them!


  Right now, it depends on which of the two can't stand it first.

  As these two terrifying energies like water and fire continue to erode each other, there are circles of energy waves containing a powerful and terrifying aura.

  It swept away like a torrent.

  the other side.

  King Kong held Godzilla's battle axe and fought fiercely with Muto and his wife like a god of war. It jumped up, grabbed a thick thigh of the male Muto who wanted to fly into the sky, and dragged him fiercely. It came down and slammed on the ground heavily, and then it lifted its foot and stepped on the male Muto, if it was stepped on.

  With the thin body of the male Muto, it is bound to be hit hard!

  But right now.

  The female Muto was like a black chariot, rushing towards King Kong from behind, and with a bang, she slammed into King Kong's back ruthlessly, and the powerful force exploded, directly knocking King Kong out. .

  He slammed his head into a [-]-meter-high building!

  The male Muto quickly stood up, flapping his wings and flying into the sky. The female Muto glanced at King Kong, who was buried under the collapsed building, and then looked at Godzilla and Godzilla with his scarlet eyes. On the battlefield over Ghidorah, when it saw that Godzilla and Ghidorah were spraying energy rays at each other, it did not hesitate to lift its strong and powerful forelimbs, and then slammed heavily on the ground. .


  An invisible electromagnetic pulse wave swept away in an instant with its forelimb as the center, but in the blink of an eye, this electromagnetic pulse wave spread to Godzilla, when the electromagnetic pulse wave swept to Godzilla. , Godzilla suddenly seems to be the operation and output of energy in the body.

  Suddenly there was a caton.

  This caused the super uranium energy hot ray ejected from its mouth to become weak instantly, and Ghidorah seized the opportunity to sharply increase the energy output of the gravitational light, and the gravitational light that appeared in the shape of golden lightning suddenly became strong and thick. , which directly defeated Godzilla's super uranium energy hotline in one fell swoop, and burst into Godzilla with terrifying energy.


  The terrifying gravitational light directly hit Godzilla's chest in countless eyes, and the energy exploded. Godzilla's huge body more than [-] meters high was directly hit by the gravitational light and leaned back. Fall away.


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