The gravitational light hit Godzilla's chest, and the severe pain caused it to let out a painful low roar, a bang, and then it slammed heavily on the ground, the ground suddenly shook violently, and the air waves swept away. Come.. .........

  All of a sudden, the smoke is rolling in!

  "hold head high--"

  After Godzilla was knocked down by the gravitational light, Ghidorah's three dragon heads let out a roar like a dragon's roar. The next moment, it violently flapped its huge wings and rushed towards the fallen Godzilla. Obviously Invincible monsters.

  It's not going to give Godzilla a chance to fight back.


  Seeing Ghidorah rushing towards Godzilla, King Kong, who had just climbed up on the other side, immediately roared at Ghidorah, his fists slammed into his chest, and then saw him grab his brother next to him. Sla's battle axe, strode out and rushed towards Ghidorah.

  The earth is shaking at this moment!


  King Kong stepped on the roof of a building with one foot, and then jumped up suddenly, its huge body [-] meters high actually flew [-] meters high in the air at this moment, and it held Godzilla's battle axe in both hands. The handle of his axe slashed hard towards Ghidorah, and Godzilla's battle axe shone with a faint blue light.

  It looks extremely sharp!

  "hold head high--"

  Ghidorah, who was originally rushing towards Godzilla, was so frightened that she quickly backed away and avoided when she saw King Kong slashing at him with an axe.


  But seeing King Kong crashing to the ground, the Godzilla battle axe in his hand slashed fiercely on a [-]-meter-high building. Bursting and collapsing.

  One hit.

  King Kong held the handle of Godzilla's battle axe in his right hand, roared and then slashed across the three heads of Ghidorah on his right hand.

  The wind howled.

  Ghidorah couldn't avoid it, so he had to quickly block in front of him with the huge golden wings on his right, and with a snort, King Kong's powerful Godzilla battle axe, although it could not directly tear through the incomparably tough Ghidorah. Golden wings, but also left a shallow scar on it.

  Immediately, golden blood spurted out!

  "hold head high--"

  And this also caused Ghidorah to let out a painful roar, and he couldn't help but hurriedly flapped his wings and flew backwards, flying backwards to a place hundreds of meters away.

  Ghidorah just fell to the ground, but seeing its three dragon heads looking at King Kong with resentment, then, golden light appeared on its body surface again, and golden currents raged, finally converging to Ghidorah's In the mouth of the three dragon heads, in the blink of an eye, three golden energy clusters condensed.


  In the next instant, three violent and thick golden lightning-like gravitational rays suddenly shot out from the mouths of Ghidorah's three dragon heads.

  Towards the King Kong lasing!

  It is gravitational light!



  ps: The first update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 142


  Under the gaze of one after another, the three thick golden lightnings with a terrifying aura shot towards King Kong from Ghidorah's mouth.

  The three gravitational rays ejected from Ghidorah's mouth can change the gravitational force at will. If the target hit by the gravitational rays is not strong enough in physical defense, they will inevitably be hit by the chaotic and violent power of the powerful gravitational rays. Gravity, to open the direct big explosion.

  It can be said to be extremely powerful!

  But seeing the three gravitational rays burst out and condensed into a thicker golden lightning in the air, the violent aura of destruction made one's heart palpitate.


  Looking at the gravitational light that shot at him, King Kong roared suddenly but was completely unafraid, and the Godzilla battle axe in his hand hurriedly lay in front of him.


  The next moment, the thick and powerful gravitational light, wrapped in terrifying power, directly hit the Godzilla battle axe on King Kong's chest, and a tyrannical energy wave swept away in an instant.


  The powerful impact contained in the gravitational light directly pushed back the top of the diamond, and its two huge soles wiped two deep grooves on the ground, and the diamond feet retreated several times. It only stopped a hundred meters away, but the gravitational rays of light coming from Ghidorah 29's mouth made him not dare to relax in the slightest.

  Still clenching Godzilla's battle axe tightly in front of him.


  At this moment, the sound of electromagnetic pulse sounded.

  But seeing Godzilla standing up at an unknown time, its backstab lit up with a faint blue light, and the blue energy quickly condensed into a dark blue energy group in its mouth, with a terrifying temperature at this moment. spread out.


  In the next instant, a thick blue energy ray burst out of Godzilla's mouth and shot towards Ghidorah with terrifying power.

  It is the breath of the atom!


  The atomic breath in the shape of a flame jet slammed heavily on Ghidorah's body. The powerful impact contained in the atomic breath immediately pushed Ghidorah back again and again, and finally his huge body.


  It fell directly to the ground.

  The gravitational light disappeared, and King Kong put down the Godzilla battle axe that was blocking his chest and gasped for breath. At this time, Godzilla roared at King Kong a few times, and then looked at the female Muto in the distance. and male Muto.

  It's like saying, "Go kill them both!".

  The Muto family is Godzilla's natural enemies. Their electromagnetic pulse waves are too powerful to suppress Godzilla's atomic breath, spiral heat line, and even the red lotus form. With Muto and his wife, it is difficult for Godzilla to play. Unleashing its full power, this puts Godzilla in a match against Ghidorah.

  Inevitably will not fall into the wind!

  So whatever.

  The Muto couple must be solved first, otherwise this monster war will be too disadvantageous for Godzilla, and it is likely to be suppressed to death.


  King Kong nodded, but saw that it opened its fangs and mouth, and roared at the Muto couple in the distance. Then, it grabbed the Godzilla battle axe and rushed towards the Muto couple. Appears seventy or eighty meters away.


  Godzilla, on the other hand, roared at Ghidorah, and then sprinted towards Ghidorah without fear, and the ground under his feet rumbled and trembled.


  But seeing King Kong stomping heavily on the ground, it jumped up suddenly and flew into the air, holding the handle of Godzilla's battle axe in both hands, and facing the female Muto was fierce. chopped down.

  Yet at this moment.

  The male Muto suddenly swooped down from the air and slammed into King Kong's body heavily. With a strong impact, the directly hit King Kong flew out.


  King Kong smashed heavily on a [-]-meter-high building.

  The building collapsed with a rumble, burying it in it.

  And this time.

  The female Muto rushed to the front of King Kong, who was lying on the ground, lifted its thick and sharp forelimbs, and slammed it down heavily towards King Kong's chest.


  King Kong roared. Although it fell to the ground, its right hand was holding Godzilla's battle axe, and it slashed directly towards the thick thigh of the female Muto. The wind whistled and the battle axe flashed. Has a blue glow.


  The Godzilla battle axe in King Kong's hand slashed fiercely on one of the sturdy legs of the female Muto, and instantly tore a shocking tens of centimeters deep on her sturdy and incomparably hard leg. The wound came, and the blood gushed out like a stream.

  The female Muto immediately let out a painful roar, and its huge body staggered, fell to the side, and slammed on the ground with a loud bang, while King Kong took advantage of the situation to climb up, and it raised the Goth in his hand. Pulling the battle axe, he roared that he was just about to slash at the female Muto's head, but at this moment, the male Muto swooped down again.


  The heavy impact hit King Kong, directly knocking King Kong to the side again, staggering backwards, and finally hitting a building with a bang, the building rumbled and trembled, and King Kong stopped.


  Seeing that the male Muto was flapping his wings, he wanted to fly into the sky again and dive towards King Kong. King Kong roared, but he looked around.

  Seems to be looking for something to hold.

  But it looked around and couldn't find it, and finally it looked at the Godzilla battle axe in its hand, it didn't hesitate, but when it saw it roaring at the male Muto, it seemed to say: "Little bunny. Die for me!".

  The roar fell.

  King Kong slammed the Godzilla battle axe in his hand and threw it fiercely towards the male Muto who flew into the air. Wait for the male Muto to react.

  The Godzilla battle axe, flashing with a faint blue light, pierced the male Muto's right wing with a thud, and the powerful force contained in the Godzilla battle axe directly smashed the male Muto Like a bird with broken wings, it let out a scream and slammed into the ground with a bang.


  King Kong slapped his chest with his fists, roaring and roaring in his mouth full of sharp fangs, and then saw it strode towards the falling male Muto.

  And this time.

  The female Muto rushed towards it, but King Kong jumped up hard on the ground. It stepped on the back of the female Muto who was rushing like a black chariot, and knocked the female Muto with one foot. At the same time that he fell to the ground, King Kong took off again and took off into the air.

  Then, with a bang, King Kong landed firmly in front of the fallen male Muto, looking at the male Muto who was struggling on the ground, but couldn't get up for a long time, and King Kong stepped on the male Muto ruthlessly. on the body.

  Then it bent down and pulled out the Godzilla battle axe that was inserted into the male Muto's wings. King Kong raised the Godzilla battle axe high and slammed it towards the male Muto's head without hesitation. , it was cut directly.


  The sharp-edged Godzilla battle axe thumped directly into the male Muto's neck, and the blood spurted out like a fountain.

  The male Muto immediately let out a shrill scream, and couldn't help struggling violently under King Kong's feet, but as King Kong bent over and grabbed its head with one hand, he pulled its head from its neck. After coming down, the male Muto also lost his struggle and screams.

  Blood gushed out from the neck of the male Muto like a river, as if he didn't want money, but in the blink of an eye, the ground was dyed red.

  Kong Kong turned around, but saw that it was holding a Godzilla battle axe with a faint blue light in his left hand, and the male Muto's head was held high in his right hand.

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