There is a violent aura of destruction emanating.

  Gives a feeling of trembling, numb scalp fear!


  The next moment, Ghidorah's three dragon heads suddenly lowered their heads and aimed at Godzilla under his feet, and the dazzling golden lightning energy group condensed to the extreme in his mouth was ready to go, and it seemed that the next moment would be violent towards Godzilla. shoot away.


  At this moment, behind Ghidorah, a low roar suddenly came, but seeing King Kong striding towards Ghidorah with Godzilla's battle axe in hand, it stepped on the ground heavily. Struggling to jump up.

  The man was in the air, and the Godzilla battle axe, which was incomparably sharp in its hand and flashed with a faint blue light, was already slashing towards Ghidorah's head!

  "hold head high--"

  Kevin turned his head and saw King Kong slashing towards it from the air with Godzilla's battle axe. ........

  With a crackle, he shot towards King Kong.


  The golden gravitational light hit King Kong's body, and a golden electric light exploded in an instant. King Kong roared and was knocked upside down by Kevin's gravitational light. After turning into a parabola in the air, it smashed heavily. On the ground, the ground could not help shaking violently.


  But looking at King Kong's chest, it was hit by Kevin's gravitational light, showing a large area of ​​charred black, and the hard fur and flesh were directly blasted.

  The blackened flesh and blood that had been scorched by the electricity was exposed, and the blood gurgled out from the wound. The pain caused King Kong to roar in pain. It struggled to get up, but was unable to get up for a long time.

  And this side.

  The golden lightning energy group in Stuart and Bob's mouth exudes a dazzling golden light, and the currents are raging, and the violent breath spreads out.


  This means that the energy in its mouth is still accumulated to the extreme!


  The next moment, two thick golden gravitational rays suddenly shot out from the mouths of Stuart and Bob, and shot towards Godzilla's head with terrifying power. The aura of destruction was shocking.

  And right now.

  A purple lightning-shaped energy ray suddenly burst from the side, and with a thud, it directly hit the two gravitational rays that shot towards Godzilla, and the two energies collided and merged instantly. It formed an energy group composed of two kinds of purple and gold, with a diameter of several meters.


  Two terrifying energies, less than [-] meters above Godzilla's head, madly eroded each other, the terrifying energy was compressed by the crazy collision, the oxygen destroyed the light and the purple gold energy generated by the collision center of the gravitational light. The group also expanded rapidly at this time.

  Rumble boom!

  The next moment, as if unable to withstand the energy, the huge diameter purple-gold energy group exploded with a bang, and the bright light, like a small sun burst, suddenly burst at this moment, and the dazzling light shone for thousands of meters. The world, followed by a terrifying explosion.

  The explosion instantly enveloped Ghidorah and Godzilla.

  boom! ! !

  The earth-shattering loud noise that shook the sky broke out at this moment, and the incomparably strong sound waves made the void seem to be shaken.


  At this moment, the world seemed to be quiet for it, but all eyes were staring at the center of the explosion, obviously wanting to know about Godzilla...

  Is it dead?



  ps: The third update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~

  Click on the bottom right corner to view the image. .

Chapter 147


  The oxygen destruction light and the gravitational light were continuously shot out from the mouths of Destoroia and Ghidorah. The two terrifying energies of different attributes eroded each other, forming a huge purple-gold energy group with a diameter of seven or eight meters. , The purple gold energy group exudes golden lightning, with terrifying energy fluctuations, spreading from the inside of the energy group.

  Rumble boom!

  As more and more energy compresses and condenses, the purple gold energy group also expands rapidly. In the end, it seems that it can't bear the huge energy. The terrifying capital energy group flashes and explodes. Come, brighter light than a miniature sunburst.

  At this moment, it suddenly bloomed.

  The strong light instantly enveloped Ghidorah and Godzilla, and at the same time illuminated the sky and the earth for thousands of meters in a radius. Like a thunderclap on the ground, a bang suddenly exploded.

  Terrifying energy fluctuations suddenly swept all around!

  Where the energy wave passes, destroy all tall buildings!

  In an instant, thick smoke billowed.

  The citizens who were still stranded in the City of Angels, as well as the countless viewers in the live broadcast room, were all looking at this scene with shock at this moment.

  There are barrages in the live broadcast room.

  "This is shocking!!!"

29 "Yeah! It's better than watching a sci-fi movie!"

  "The quality of this special effect is incredible!"

  "By the way, why do I feel that you don't realize how terrifying the appearance of monsters is? Shouldn't you be afraid of it at this time?"

  "I'm afraid, but what's the use of being afraid? Isn't it necessary to honestly accept the fact that monsters appear? Don't you think so?"

  "That's right! When the monster appeared more than two months ago, I didn't think the monster was terrible. I thought that our human mecha could definitely kill the monster, but now, when I see the so-called strongest mecha of our human beings. After the king of the earth was beaten by the king Ghidorah so helplessly, I understood that in the face of monsters, human beings can only submit!"

  "That's right! Human beings have never been the overlords of the earth. The overlords of the earth are these monsters, and now...the ancient gods of the earth are now back!"

  "Do you think Godzilla will be directly killed by this terrifying energy explosion?"


  "Godzilla is so powerful, how could he be killed by a mere energy explosion?"

  "I won't die, but serious injuries are absolute! After all, Godzilla is almost at the center of the energy explosion. No matter how strong he is, he can't be unscathed!"


  Everyone looked at the center of the explosion worriedly. The explosion just now was too terrifying, so they were worried that Godzilla would be directly killed by the energy explosion. If Godzilla was really killed .


  The situation will undoubtedly fall into a bad situation!


  When the strong light dissipated, everyone looked intently, and immediately found that at the center of the explosion, a huge crater with a diameter of hundreds of meters and a depth of [-] to [-] meters was blasted out, and the man lying in the crater was impressively It's Godzilla!

  At this moment.

  Even though Godzilla wasn't injured by the terrifying energy explosion just now, the powerful energy explosion still blew it to pieces. Incomparable.

  At this time, Godzilla's state is obviously extremely bad.

  after all.

  Just now, it was hit directly on the head by Ghidorah's two powerful gravitational rays, and then, it was compressed by Destoroia and Ghidorah's oxygen-destruction rays and gravitational rays. The explosion of energy blew up the direct front.

  Such a series of blows, even if Godzilla's physical defense is extremely tyrannical, but at this moment, he can't help but suffer a lot of injuries, but see Godzilla slowly get up from the ground.


  But seeing it opened its fangs and mouth, and roared angrily at Ghidorah in front of him, at this moment, Ghidorah spread its huge wings.

  One after another golden lightning strikes its body from the thick clouds in the sky. As more and more golden lightning strikes Ghidorah's body, the energy aura in its body also soars.

  "hold head high--"

  Ghidorah was also completely unafraid of Godzilla's provocative and angry roar, and roared like a dragon.


  Godzilla's face has a humanized rage.

  next moment.

  Whether it was the countless citizens of the City of Angels, or the countless viewers in the live broadcast room, they all saw that Godzilla's sharp backstab suddenly flashed a crimson light, and there were vague currents raging, And Godzilla's body also began to shine with crimson brilliance, and as the crimson light in Godzilla's body became stronger and stronger.

  to the end.

  Godzilla's entire body turned crimson, and a terrifying temperature radiated from his body. That terrifying temperature caused the space around Godzilla to distort violently at this moment. .

  Godzilla's eyes were illuminated crimson.

  at the same time.

  On its crimson body surface, lines like flowing magma also appeared, and the terrifying temperature in its body soared sharply.

  Everyone was horrified to see that all the ruins of the buildings around Godzilla were spontaneously burning without fire at this moment, and they began to burn and melt rapidly.

  Everyone knows.

  Godzilla is about to enter that terrifying form again!

  When he was in the imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom, Godzilla defeated the mighty Destroia by entering this terrifying form. Now, in order to deal with Ghidorah, Godzilla has entered such a terrifying form again. The form of the extreme is the red lotus form!


  With the temperature in Godzilla's body soaring at an extremely alarming speed at this moment, the sound of Weng humming electromagnetic pulses is also coming from its body, with it as the center, all objects within a radius of several thousand meters.

  It's melting fast!


  Godzilla raised one foot on the ground, and the ground under his feet was quickly melted by his big feet that exuded a terrifying temperature!


  But seeing Godzilla roaring at Ghidorah, with hot gas spewing out of his mouth, distorting the space, this scene is extremely terrifying!

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