
  Ghidorah, who was enveloped by the terrifying temperature emanating from Godzilla's body, couldn't help but be frightened by Godzilla's roar. It seemed a little high-pitched, like a dragon-like roar.

  At this time, it seems a little hoarse!


  Seeing the red lotus Godzilla walking towards him step by step, Ghidorah was so frightened that he could not help but back away. , At this time, he couldn't help but feel extremely hot as if he was about to be melted.

  Looking at Ghidorah, who was so frightened that he retreated back and forth, the corner of Guren Godzilla's mouth could not help but raise a ferocious arc, and then when he saw it open its mouth, its backstab that flashed red light suddenly had a strong intensity. The electric current is raging, and there is a buzzing electromagnetic pulse sound between heaven and earth.

  But seeing the crimson energy, it was continuously condensed towards the mouth of Red Lotus Godzilla, but in the blink of an eye, a crimson energy group exuding a terrifying temperature was condensed in his mouth, and the red energy group was extremely dazzling.


  The next moment, I saw a beam of energy that was only half a meter in diameter, like a crimson laser, suddenly shot out of Godzilla's mouth.

  It is a super uranium energy hotline!

  But I saw the red super uranium energy hotline, with terrifying power tearing the night sky and shooting away at Ghidorah, where the super uranium energy hotline passed.

  The space is violently distorted, as if penetrating the space!

  this moment.

  The whole world watched nervously.

  They understand.

  This earth-shattering monster war is finally coming to an end!



  ps: Fourth update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 148

  at the same time.

  Located in the black castle in Syracuse, the capital of the Sky Eagle Federation, O'Lincoln and many ministers, at this moment, are looking at the big screen in front of them with extremely solemn expressions. The picture on the big screen is the brother who has entered the red lotus form Sila, all objects within a kilometer radius with Godzilla as the center, are rapidly burning and melting at this moment.

  On the huge body of Red Lotus Godzilla, there are crimson lines like flowing magma, and a terrifying temperature radiates from its body unscrupulously, and the surrounding space is violently distorted at this moment.

  This scene.

  It was exactly the same as when Godzilla dealt with Destroyia in the imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom. That terrible scene seemed to be repeating at the moment. At this time, Red Lotus Godzilla was like a demon from the fiery hell. , set everything around it on fire!

  "Damn it!"

  One of the ministers said with a horrified expression: "The temperature inside Godzilla is soaring sharply, and the external temperature has reached a terrifying one million!".

  This statement came out.

  All the ministers looked at each other in dismay, and they could see fear and disbelief on each other's faces. You must know that even the maximum temperature of the particle laser cannon of the Earth King, who is known as the strongest mecha of mankind, is only one million degrees Celsius. Moreover, even if the particle laser cannon of the king of the earth is in a [-]% energy state, it is impossible to keep the temperature of the particle laser cannon at one million degrees Celsius for a long time!

  And now.

  The temperature emanating from the body of Red Lotus Godzilla easily exceeded one million degrees Celsius. Obviously, this is undoubtedly extremely terrifying!


  Another minister couldn't help sighing: "It seems that our city of angels is going to be completely destroyed. Your Excellency, what should we do next?".

  As soon as the words came out.

  All the ministers looked at O'Lincoln, and there was a desire to ask in those eyes. Obviously, they were asking O'Lincoln's opinion.


  Looking at the huge monster that exuded a terrifying temperature, it seemed like it came from a fiery hell, O'Lincoln couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

  He said: "Now it seems that when our Eagle Federation has no absolute certainty that we can defeat the monsters, we should not act rashly, just quietly watch the end of the monster war!".

  When the ministers heard the words, they all nodded silently.

  indeed so.

  Godzilla, these monsters, the fighting power displayed by these monsters is really terrible, and it is simply not something that most of the weapons of the Eagle Federation can resist. These monsters are undoubtedly a great disaster for them. They don't want to be the first country to be destroyed by monsters, so naturally they have to wait and suffer silently.


  [Fear value +8]

  [Excited value +5]

  [Excited value +7]

  [Faith value +9]


  At the same time, He You, who was located in Wu'an City, Daxia, had system prompts constantly appearing in front of his eyes. His emotional value was like riding a rocket, soaring upwards at an extremely alarming speed.

  He You has not carefully calculated how much emotional value has risen from just now, but he has roughly estimated that it has risen by at least one billion or more!

  I have to say that the battles between Godzilla, Radon, Mothra and Destoroia, Ghidorah, King Kong, these ancient gods on the earth are still very good, and this wave will allow him to gain Quite a lot!

  "Open Properties Panel '"."

  He You said silently in his heart.

  next moment.

  His attribute information panel appeared in front of him.

  [Host]: He You.

  [g cells]: 1128 million.

  [Strength]: Level 6 extraordinary.

  [Skills]: Incandescent light, universe shift, global launch, shining barrier, atomic breath.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monsters]: Skull Island King Kong, Natural Balancer Godzilla and Monster Queen Mothra, Demon Destroyia, Scylla the Kraken, Drowned Raton, Methuselah the Mountain Monster, and Bessie the King of Desires Moss, King Ghidorah.

  [Emotional Value]: 38+.

  "Not bad!"

  Looking at the emotional value of [-] billion, Rao Yi He You couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Such gains were somewhat unexpected. According to his estimation, this game spanned tens of thousands of years. The battle for the King of the Monsters is, of course, an earth-shattering and extremely shocking one.

  But that day at most, it would provide him with more than two billion emotional points. However, what he did not expect is that he has obtained nearly four billion emotional points so far, and it is certain that it will exceed [-] billion emotional points.

  Clearly out of the question!

  Estimated at six billion or seven billion emotional value.

  can also be achieved.


  With this monster war that shocked the world, and gradually spread in the third world where the information is relatively backward, his emotional value will inevitably usher in another surge. By then, his emotional value will exceed [-] billion emotional values. Absolutely nothing, and it is even possible to sprint a wave of tens of billions of emotional values!

  thought here.

  He You couldn't help but rubbed his chin and muttered: "Speaking of which, should I immediately start to exchange some new monsters and start the next monster spectacle, or wait until my emotional value exceeds [-] billion?".

  He frowned and thought for a while, and decided to wait until his Emotion Points exceeded [-] billion. If he immediately spends a lot of Emotion Points to exchange for new monsters, he will create a more shocking next game. It was a monster spectacle or a monster battle, but the system told him that it only needed [-] billion emotional points to exchange for the evil god Gatanjee and these monsters.

  That time.

  Does he have to die?

  Therefore, it is not too late to start preparing for the exchange of new monsters to create new monster wonders after his emotional value reaches tens of billions.

  He would like to see.

  How much emotional value does it take to exchange the evil god Gatangie?


  Thinking like this, he once again turned his eyes to the projected three-dimensional city map of the city of angels in front of him. In the city are Godzilla, who has entered the red lotus form, and Ghidorah, whose voice is hoarse. , Ghidorah at this time does not have the kingly demeanor of the previous one!



  At this moment, Godzilla's body exudes an extremely dazzling red light, and the extremely terrifying temperature spreads unscrupulously from his body.

  The surrounding space is violently distorted, and all the objects around it are burning and melting at this moment, and its eyes are reflected red.

  It opened its fangs and roared at Ghidorah.

  The low roar spread far and wide, but it caused Ghidorah in front of him to be frightened and retreated. It was also roaring at Godzilla, but at this moment, its voice was like It was frightened and became hoarse, and the faces of the three dragon heads were clearly fearful.


  The next moment, the sound of electromagnetic pulses sounded between heaven and earth at this moment, but when I saw Godzilla's scarlet backstab, there were suddenly a series of electric currents flickering around, and the scarlet energy condensed in Godzilla's mouth. Go, in the blink of an eye, a red energy group is condensed.


  A crimson energy light with a thickness of about half a meter suddenly burst out of Godzilla's mouth. It contained incomparable heat, as if to melt and penetrate everything. With Godzilla's anger, it shot towards Ghidorah. .

  It is a super uranium energy hotline!


  Ghidorah did not dare to be careless, but seeing the golden electric current raging on its body surface, the golden lightning quickly condensed three bright golden lightning energy groups in the mouths of its three dragon heads (Wang Zhao), emitting three dazzling golden lightning energy groups. With a violent breath.


  The next moment, three rays of gravitational light in the shape of golden lightning and powerful gravitational rays suddenly shot out from the air of Ghidorah's three dragon heads.

  Contains terrifying power to shoot the super uranium energy hot ray!


  Under the gaze of countless eyes, the red-red energy rays like lasers collided with three golden lightning-shaped gravitational rays!

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