He was completely stunned.



  ps: The third update.

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Chapter 151

  He You opened the system's monster store.

  Search directly for the evil god Gatanjee.

  next moment.

  A small monster model appeared before me.

  The appearance of this monster model is very strange. There is a huge threaded shell like a snail shell on the back of the monster, and there are dense black holes on the threaded shell, and a pair of eyes of the monster are long under the mouth. The sound was like that of an elephant, and a large number of tentacles and huge pincers stretched out from the mouth of the monster's shell.

  It's Gatangjee!

  Below the monster model is the information about the monster.

  【Name】: Gatanjee.

  [Level]: Surface level.

  [Skills]: Shadow black fog, petrified light, tentacle entanglement.

  【Form】: Normal form.

  [Height]: 200 meters.

  【Weight】: 200000 tons.

  [Required emotional value]: 588 billion.

  When He You saw the exchange price of Gatanjie's emotional value, known as the evil god, he was also slightly startled, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


  After a long time, He You took a deep breath, but in his heart he couldn't help but scold the system for being a profiteer. The emotional value of [-] billion is too much, and he has only just broken through the emotional value of [-] billion. what!

  Even if he sold him, he couldn't exchange it at all!


  He couldn't help but scolded in shock: "I originally thought that even if the evil god Gatangie'e was more powerful, the exchange for this monster would only be about [-] or [-] billion emotional points, but who would have thought that it would take five hundred and eighty? [-] billion emotional value, this motherfucker is almost reaching [-] billion emotional value!".

  He is only in the early [-] billion emotional value, which means that he is still more than [-] billion emotional value before he can exchange Gatangjee.

  But don't forget.

  From the appearance of the system to the present, in the past few months, the emotional value he has gained is scattered and added up. In fact, it is only less than [-] billion emotional value. However, now, the exchange of Gatangjee is It takes more than [-] billion, nearly a huge emotional value of [-] billion!

  This is too much!

  At this stage, he can't redeem it at all!

  Thinking like this, he clicked on the detailed explanation of Gatangie's skills.

  [Shadow Black Mist]: Gatanjee releases a black mist with a large amount of special electric ions. The black mist can quickly cover the entire earth in a short time, and the electric ions in the black mist can paralyze the earth. All of the electronic devices have caused the entire earth to enter a dark age. The black fog cannot be eliminated by physical means, and any creatures that are shrouded in the shadow black fog, if they inhale even a little black fog, they will be paralyzed. May die directly in the black fog!

  [Petrochemical Light]: The petrified light is the nirvana skill of the evil god Gatangie. The dark purple light emitted by Gatangie can directly penetrate the enemy's body and turn the enemy's body into a stone statue in just a few seconds. But its consciousness will still exist, and Gatanjee will let the enemy live in such an extremely painful way that life is worse than death!

  [Tentacle entanglement]: Gatangie's melee skills, its tentacles are extremely hard and powerful, and can be freely stretched and stretched, and can also be entangled and beaten to achieve the purpose of blocking the enemy's actions. The enemy that is entangled and bound by Tangier's tentacles is not only unable to break free, but also the energy in his body will be quickly absorbed by Gatangier until he is sucked out of energy by Gatangier and dies!

  "It's pretty strong..."

  After reading the detailed explanation of Gatangie's three skills, He You can't help but nod slightly. At present, the power of Gatangie's shadow black mist tentacle winding and petrified light is really powerful!

  It can block all electronic devices, make the entire earth enter the shadow black fog of the dark age, and even make any creature shrouded in the shadow black fog paralyzed or even killed, this effect alone.

  For the human world, it is a world-annihilation level!


  The current human world is completely inseparable from electricity.

  The petrochemical light skill is even more terrifying. Any creature that is hit will immediately become petrified. It can be seen that the power of this skill is indeed extremely overbearing!

  The tentacle entanglement is also not weak, but it is similar to Ghidorah who was beaten by Red Lotus Godzilla. After all, Ghidorah can also absorb the energy in the enemy's body to achieve the effect of replenishing his own energy!

  "In this way..."

  He You rubbed his chin and muttered: "I feel that although Gatanjie has only three short skills, the power of each of these skills is extremely powerful. It really deserves to be a surface-level monster, but it is worthy of more than [-] skills. The exchange price of [-] million emotional value, but I can't even exchange [-] billion emotional value, after all, I only have a mere [-] billion emotional value!".

  thought here.

  He couldn't help but sigh.

  Originally thought that after the emotional value exceeded [-] million, he was not far from exchanging the evil god Gatangie, but how could he have imagined that it would take a full [-] billion emotions to exchange for the monster, the evil god Gatangie. value!

  "It seems that it will take some time to exchange Gatangieo. After all, the emotional value of [-] billion is not a small amount, but this is not a bad thing. At least I know how much it takes to exchange Gatangieo. Emotions are worth it, aren't they? It would be nice if you didn't give me another check without permission, although [-] billion Emotional Values ​​are indeed quite a lot!"

  He You can only comfort himself in his heart.

  Think so.

  He turned off Gatangie's information panel, looking at his emotional value of more than ten billion, he couldn't help rubbing his chin and fell into contemplation.

  Right now, this battle for the king of monsters that he has carefully laid out can be said to be a perfect end. The reason why he did not let Godzilla directly kill Ghidorah.

  Mainly because of two aspects.


  He spent 25 billion emotional points in exchange for Ghidorah!

  If he just let Godzilla kill Ghidorah.

  Isn't the [-] billion emotional value a loss?


  The main reason is that Ghidorah is strong enough and has a lot of room for growth. It will obviously play a great role in defending against alien civilizations in the future!

  Of course he couldn't commit to killing Ghidorah!

  As long as Ghidorah chooses to surrender to Godzilla............

  As for the Mutos....

  These two monsters must die. First of all, the Muto family and the Godzilla family are natural mortal enemies. In ancient times, either the Muto family was hunting the Godzilla family, or the Godzilla family was hunting the Muto family. .

  one more.

  Muto's own electromagnetic pulse wave has a strong suppressing effect on Godzilla. If Muto is present, Godzilla's atomic breath, spiral hot line, super uranium energy hot line and many other ray skills will be affected. Greatly suppressed and weakened, which is for Godzilla.

  Undoubtedly, it has been greatly adversely affected!


  Muto must die!

  He You groped his chin and murmured: "I just don't know which of the two monsters, Godzilla and Gatangiee, will be more powerful after I exchange Gatangjee in the future? Why don't I let them two in the future? A monster fight?".

  Thinking like this, he looked at his emotional value.

  he was thinking...

  What should I do with his emotional value of more than [-] billion?

  Is it all used to improve his own strength?

  Or upgrade and evolve Godzilla Mothra these monsters?

  Or continue to exchange for new monsters?

  He You rubbed his chin and pondered for a long time, and decided not to improve his realm of strength. After all, he is currently a sixth-level extraordinary person.


  He also has many skills such as atomic breath, universe movement, global launch, shining barrier, or incandescent light, and now he is looking at the world.

  Are already invincible existence!

  Few people can threaten his life!

  Therefore, there is no need to continue to improve his strength.

  As for upgrading Godzilla and these monsters, there is no rush for now. After all, Godzilla is undoubtedly the most powerful monster today.

  No country or monster can threaten the existence of Godzilla, so naturally there is no need to rush to improve, and now he has more than ten billion emotional points, so he can speed up his plan to transform the world. There are, first of all, many human beings in the world today.

  They no longer have confidence in their mechas. After all, their proud achievements have been ruthlessly destroyed and trampled in front of monsters.

  Not a monster's opponent at all!

  Even the king of the earth, who is known as the strongest mecha of mankind, was completely crushed by Ghidorah. If Godzilla had not appeared in time, he would have been blown up long ago!


  How can humans trust their mechas anymore?

  All next.

  What he has to do is actually very simple, that is to make the inner world appear in front of the world as soon as possible, and at the same time, exchange a large number of various monsters, such as Angelas, Biolandi or Nidhogg , Yemengarde, Leviathan, Water Dragon Tiamat and Gomora, etc., he wants to build a huge and mysterious monster world as soon as possible!

  this moment.

  He wants to make the earth...

  Fully enter the age of monsters!



  ps: The first update.

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