Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 152

  "Now that the time has come to July, there will only be less than eight months before the huge battleship of the Sea Spirit Civilization will arrive on Earth in March next year, and no one can guarantee that it will happen during this period. What kind of accident, for example, the Hailing civilization achieved a technological explosion and reached the earth ahead of time? Or was it discovered by a higher civilization?"

  He You rubbed his chin solemnly and fell into deep thought.


  Now he must hurry to complete his plan as soon as possible!

  Today's Godzilla is only a country destroyer, and already has many powerful skills such as red lotus form, super uranium energy hotline, spiral hotline, or red lotus ray, and its destructive power is extremely terrifying, but this And only for humans on Earth today.

  Today's Godzilla is powerful in combat, but it also has very huge limitations. Once the huge alien battleship of Shanghai Spirit Civilization is attacked, if Sea Spirit Civilization has a star destroyer, it can blow up a planet. Level of super technology, how can Godzilla be its opponent?

  and so.

  He must exchange a large number of monsters as soon as possible, and at the same time upgrade Godzilla, Ghidorah or Mothra as soon as possible, so that these monsters have the ability to fight in space, otherwise, after the arrival of the alien warships of Sea Spirit Civilization When the earth is 29 balls, Godzilla, Ghidorah, and these monsters cannot be allowed to be beaten by the sea spirit civilization in vain on the earth, right?

  And now his more than ten billion emotional points, it is naturally impossible to say that all of them are used to upgrade monsters. After all, once his more than [-] billion emotional points are completely consumed, then he will not have any extra emotional points to exchange for new ones. Monsters, create new monster wonders, so that his mood value rises.

  Isn't it about to fall into a trough?

  In his previous life, he was also a good young man in the new era. He had received a good education, so he naturally understood the simple truth of money making money.

  And now.

  He has to use the more than [-] billion emotional points to get more emotional points for him, but the key is... How can he use the more than [-] billion emotional points in his hands? Get more emotional value for him.

  To maximize profit?


  He You couldn't help rubbing her chin and fell into contemplation.

  After a long time.

  His eyes suddenly lit up: "There is a way, aren't the eyes of all countries in the world now on the inner world? Aren't they looking for the entrance to the inner world? If so, then I will fulfill their wishes!" .

  That's right.

  He wants to use his more than ten billion emotional values ​​to create passages to the inner world all over the world. When these passages to the inner world, at the same time, suddenly appear in all human beings. In the eyes, is it not a big shock to human beings?

  Not only that.

  He also has to exchange a large number of evil monsters, such as the skeleton reptile of Skull Island, the horrific vulture, the knife-ridged jackal, the flying snake Nozuchi, or the bat monster Kamazoz and many other monsters. He will make these monsters from the ground. Appeared in the passage of the heart world, to attack the city inhabited by humans.

  Although this way.

  Although it will cause a large number of casualties, it will undoubtedly bring him a huge emotional value. Of course, he can be sure that the fear value will account for the vast majority. However, the replacement of a new era and an old era will inevitably cause A lot of bloodshed, this is the eternal truth!

  At most, he would have a second of silence for these people.

  after all.

  He is not a so-called Virgin, and it is not his style to sympathize and even cry for the life and death of such a small group of people.

  He You rubbed his chin and pondered: "Then what I have to do next is to set up passages to the inner world all over the world, and at the same time exchange a large number of monsters to attack the cities inhabited by humans!"


  He continued: "Another, I may also start from the myths and legends of various countries in the world. After all, there are many monsters in the myths and legends, such as Typhon, Feathered Serpent, Bafeng, or Yaqi. Serpent, black dragon Nidhogg, Leviathan or Yermengard!".

  Think so.

  His mind moved.

  next moment.

  A small chaotic space appeared in front of him, so He You then created passages one after another in this small chaotic space in front of him, but in the end, He You only created five passages.

  It's not that he doesn't want to create more passages, but the most important thing is to create a passage to the inner world. It's such a special consumption of emotional value!

  One channel billion emotional value!

  With the emotional value in his hand in the early ten billions, it is only enough to create ten channels to the inner world, so he thought about it and decided to create five channels first, and then wait for the emotional value in his hand. Enough is enough, then it will not be too late for him to create more passages in the inner world!

  "Then next, just think about where to put these passages to the inner world?" He You rubbed his chin and fell into contemplation.

  After thinking for a long time.

  He finally decided to put the five passages to the inner world in the Kunlun Sacred Mountain of the Great Xia Kingdom, the Arctic Plain of the Sand Bear Empire and the ninth district of the Eagle Federation, as well as the Bermuda Triangle and the last Red Sun Kingdom. The center of the capital, Donghuang City, after the passage is completed.

  Then next.

  Naturally, it is to exchange monsters!

  Think so.

  He opened the system's monster store.

  What catches the eye are all kinds of strange monsters.

  He directly searched for monsters below level five.

  next moment.

  All kinds of monsters appear in front of you, such as skeleton reptiles or flying snake Nozuchi, frightened vultures, knife-ridged jackals and other small monsters.

  of course.

  Compared with Godzilla, King Kong, and Ghidorah, these monsters are naturally much smaller, but for humans.

  Still a behemoth!

  Below these monster models, is their information.

  【Name】: Skull reptile.

  [Level]: Level [-] monster.

  [Skills]: Bite, Flick, Tear.

  【Form】: Normal form.

  [Height]: 35 meters.

  【Weight】: 586 tons.

  [Required emotional value]: 220 million.

  "It's pretty cheap."

  Seeing that only more than two million emotional points were needed, He You couldn't help but nodded secretly. After exchanging more monsters that cost tens of millions or even billions, now look at this kind of emotional value that only requires a few million monster.

  He suddenly felt that these monsters were so cheap!

  "How much to exchange?"

  He You rubbed his chin and fell into contemplation: "Why don't you exchange a hundred or so first!".

  Think so.

  He directly chose to exchange for one hundred third-level skeleton reptiles.

  Although the exchange price of a single skeleton crawler is not expensive, he has exchanged a lot of money. One hundred third-level skeleton crawler has consumed more than [-] million of his emotional value, and then he clicked to view the flying snake. According to the information of Nozuchi and Horror Vulture, most of these monsters are low-level monsters with weak combat power of third-level, fourth-level, or even first-level and second-level.


  The emotional value required is naturally not much.

  So next.

  In addition to exchanging for [-] level [-] monster skeleton reptiles, He You.

  He also exchanged for one hundred fourth-level monsters, Flying Snake Nozuchi, one hundred second-level monsters, Horror Vultures, and one hundred third-level monsters, such as the sword-spine jackal, and many other small monsters. Although the individual exchange prices of these small monsters are not high. many.

  However, He You exchanged a lot of money, so the total exchange of these monsters has consumed nearly two billion emotional points!

  In addition to exchanging these small monsters, He You exchanged three more city-destroying monsters, namely the holy tiger worth [-] million emotional points, the monster demon Baphomet worth [-] million, and the monsters worth [-] million. Angelas with emotional value, then he put the holy tiger in the East Imperial City, the capital of the Red Sun Kingdom, and the demon Bafeng in the Arctic Plain of the Sand Bear Empire. Finally, he put Angelas in the Great Xia Kingdom. .

  After doing all this.

  He You consumed almost two billion emotional points in total!

  Looking at the emotional value that fell below [-] billion again, his heart was bleeding continuously at the moment, but seeing him mutter: "I hope this time the result is good, then next, please enjoy the world. Have a good show!".



  ps: Second update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~

  Click on the lower right corner to see a picture of the flying snake Nozuchi. .

Chapter 153

  Sand Bear Empire.

  Arctic plains.

  Due to the special geographical location, this makes the huge Arctic plain extremely cold and abnormal, covered by ice and snow all year round.


  There are also many vicious thugs gathered here. Many people who cannot survive in the Sand Bear Empire will travel thousands of miles to this cold Arctic plain, although the Arctic plain is one of the coldest places in the world.

  But it is undeniable.

  There are endless resources buried in the ground of the Arctic plain.

  Many experts of the Sand Bear Empire said: "This vast area of ​​the Arctic Plain is known as an inexhaustible treasure trove of resources. The prosperity and strength of the Sand Bear Empire is based on these inexhaustible and powerful resources. superior!".

  On the endless white snow field, next to a road, there is a small two-story villa with thick snow on the roof of the villa.

  A car was parked outside the courtyard of the villa.

  And in the yard.

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