There were two men and a woman arguing.

  One of them, Marlovsky, said to his daughter impatiently: "I said, I live very well here by myself, I don't need you to take care of me, I also I don't want to go to a big city!".

  Mallovsky's daughter pinched her hands around her waist, and she frowned helplessly and said, "Dad, I'm not joking with you, you have to come with us today, even if you don't want to see your mother, but you have to do it for you. For the sake of your safety? Let me tell you, the Arctic Plains will soon have problems!".

  "Is something wrong?"

  Malowski sneered disdainfully: "I have lived here for twenty or thirty years, and this beautiful place has never had any problems!".


  His daughter sighed helplessly, and finally had no choice but to look at the middle-aged man beside her. The middle-aged man spread his hands, and he said solemnly:

  "Beth is not kidding you, although I know it's unbelievable to say this, but I'm sorry, what I'm going to say next is absolutely true, there are many terrible monsters on our earth! "

  "These monsters are as tall as dozens of floors, and our human mechas are no match for these monsters. Many cities, such as Jinshan City, the father of the Mud Stick Kingdom, and the City of Angels of the Eagle Empire, have been destroyed and trampled by monsters" "!"

  "All in all, those monsters are very terrifying, so I hope you can go to the capital with us. The defense force there is very strong and reliable. It's much safer than staying here alone, isn't it?"

  "......Ha ha."

  However, Malowski sneered disdainfully at the words of the middle-aged man. He patted his round beer belly and waved his hand:

  "Do you think I'm deceived because I'm already senile dementia? Even if you want to deceive me, you should find a reasonable excuse? What are you talking about monsters? Do you think I'm a three-year-old baby? ?"

  Speaking of it.

  He shook his head: "It's okay to lie to those three-year-olds with such a cheap excuse, but you actually used it to lie to me? Do you really think the old man is easy to deceive?"

  He bowed his hands impatiently and said, "If you have nothing to do, you two can go back quickly, don't disturb me hunting, I don't have so much time to accompany you to discuss boring monsters here, if there are monsters, let them come. Find me, I have lived most of my life, and I really want to see what a monster looks like!".


  Hearing Mallovsky's words, his daughter and son-in-law couldn't help looking at each other with speechless expressions, but seeing his daughter helplessly sighed:

  "Dad, don't you watch the news?"


  Malowski shook his head and said: "I said that I am either hunting or hunting every day, and I haven't paid attention to the news for a long time!".

  "Ah this..."

  When his daughter and son-in-law heard this, they suddenly looked at each other in astonishment. They didn't expect that in this age, how could someone not pay attention to outside news for such a long time?There is no network here.


  But at this moment, Mallovsky and his daughter and son-in-law felt the ground under their feet tremble. Scattered.

  "Wang Wang Wang!!!"

  And the seven or eight huskies that were tied up barked anxiously at this moment, and then broke free from the chains around their necks and ran towards the distance.

  The ground shaking violently underfoot made the three of Mallovsky's feet unstable and almost fell to the ground. Mallovsky said with a look of surprise:

  "What's the matter! Could it be an earthquake? But this is the Arctic Plain!"

  "There's even an earthquake here?"

  "Look over there!"

  Suddenly, Mallovsky's daughter pointed at a snow mountain about [-] meters high a hundred meters away with a shocked expression. Mallovsky and his son-in-law hurriedly looked over. A violent contraction!

  because they see.

  The snow-capped mountain more than [-] meters high suddenly collapsed downward.


  In the sound of roars, the three of them were shocked to see that the snow-capped mountain more than [-] meters high collapsed directly into the ground and disappeared from the horizon.

  Although far apart.

  But the three of Mallovsky could still see that a huge hole with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared there. The next moment, they saw a dense gray bipedal monster crawling out of the hole. .

  An eerie roar resounded.


  The next moment, an extremely thick and sharp claws covered with brown hair suddenly slammed into the ground from the depths of the hole with a bang.

  Followed by.

  A tall monster crawled out of the hole. It was a huge monster about [-] meters high. This monster had the head of a sheep with two sturdy, backward-curved horns on its head. Brown hair, and what made the three of Mallovsky feel terrified.

  Every strand of this monster's hair is actually covered with human skulls, making this monster look like a demon that has climbed up from hell. It is the legendary goat head demon Ba Feng. special!


  But seeing Bafeng roaring up to the sky, the low and hoarse monster roar spread far away at this moment, and the three of Mallovsky in the distance heard this roar, and suddenly felt a tingling in their heads, and their temples seemed to be pierced by needles. Painful!

  "My God..."

  After reacting, Malowski didn't even think about it, and ran towards the villa. His daughter said loudly, "What are you doing? We (Zhao's) have to leave quickly!".

  But not for a while.

  The two of them listened to the villa, and suddenly there was a sound of the mecha engine starting. The next moment, with a bang, a mecha directly broke through the roof of the villa, and the engine on the back of the mecha spurted four orange-red jets. flame.

  A strong thrust suddenly erupted.


  This mecha directly soars into the sky and gallops away into the distance!

  "Daughter run!!!"

  Malowski's voice came from a distance.


  The daughter and son-in-law were completely stunned. They looked at Mallovsky's mecha, which quickly disappeared into the sky, and at their petrol car parked outside the yard. .

  It seems like [-] grass and mud horses are galloping past...

  Are you too old to take us on a journey?



  ps: The first update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~

  Click on the lower right corner to see the picture of Baphomet, the sheep-headed demon~~~.

Chapter 154

  Kingdom of the Red Sun.

  East Imperial City.

  Today's East Imperial City is undergoing reconstruction work in an orderly manner. Although Godzilla, Mothra, Radon and Muto had a battle in the East Imperial City some time ago, fortunately, the damage to the city is mainly concentrated in The city center is about [-] meters in radius, and most of the urban areas of Donghuang City are still well preserved.

  As the main person in charge of the reconstruction of Donghuang City Center, Haruki Nakagawa is directing the cleanup of the ruins of the building caused by the monsters.

  His deputy, Oda Yougui, adjusted his glasses, and said cursingly: "These damn monsters, why didn't they go to destroy the city of the Great Xia Kingdom, but instead ran to our East Imperial City to carry out wanton destruction! "

  He complained: "I originally planned to take my wife and daughter on a trip this month, but I never wanted to be temporarily transferred to rebuild the urban area!"

  Nakagawa Haruki sat in the helicopter, looking at the vehicles and many other facilities on the city street below which were being cleaned up, he said lightly:

  "Don't complain here, anyway, after all, this monster war is finally over, isn't it? Next, we just need to rebuild the city center, and, aren't you happy with the money? "


  He continued: "Furthermore, the City of Angels of the Sky Eagle Federation is much better than our East Imperial City, at least our East Imperial City is just the center of the city was destroyed, while their Angel City was directly destroyed. For the ground!".


  Oda Yuki, who was beside him, sighed: "How can you say that these monsters are so powerful? Even the strongest mecha of our human beings are not the opponents of these monsters. It's really unimaginable, in the extremely distant period of the earth. What a terrifying era there is, and how powerful those ancient human beings and civilizations should be, do you think we humans can really acquire the extraordinary abilities of monsters as the murals say?".

  Haruki Nakagawa said: "How do I know, but even if we humans can acquire the extraordinary abilities of monsters, do you think we can be the opponents of monsters? Obviously not, we humans can still only be ants in the eyes of these monsters. , it couldn't be easier for the monsters to destroy us!".

  "Not always."

  Oda Yougui smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true. If we can really acquire these extraordinary abilities of monsters in the future, after we have a strong strength, then we must find a way to make these monsters pay a painful price!".

  Nakagawa Haruki didn't speak again.


  But at this moment, the two suddenly discovered that the city below suddenly trembled violently at this moment, and the high-rise buildings on the ground were shaking left and right at this moment.

  "what happened?"

  Oda Yuki had a look of surprise on his face.

  "Look over there!"

  Nakagawa Haruki pointed somewhere in shock, Oda Yuki hurriedly looked in the direction Nakagawa Haruki pointed, and the next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly.

  because he saw it.

  On the ground in the city center, which was turned into a ruin, there were thick cracks, like spider webs, that quickly spread around.

  But in the blink of an eye.

  These sturdy cracks covered a radius of [-] meters with the city center as the center, and they did not wait for Haruki Nakagawa and Yuki Oda to react from their shock.

  they see it.

  All the ground covered by cracks suddenly collapsed towards the ground in an instant, and the sound of rumbling sounded like thunder.

  Smoke billows.

  obscured their vision.

  And when the thick smoke dissipated, they hurriedly widened their eyes to look there, and immediately their pupils shrank to the tip of a needle, because they saw that the ruined city center had disappeared, replaced by a five hundred meters in diameter. The huge hole, the dark hole has been extending towards the ground.

  It seems to lead to a mysterious geocentric world!


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