At this moment, Nakagawa Haruki and Oda Yuki on the helicopter were all dumbfounded, and there was a strong look of shock on their faces.


  They didn't understand what was going on!

  "Look at that!!!"

  Suddenly Oda Yuki pointed at the dark hole and shouted.

  Nakagawa Haruki hurriedly looked towards the dark hole, and his face suddenly became horrified, because he saw a dense number of flying monsters flying out of the dark hole towards the helicopter they were riding in. Come, those flying monsters, with the body of a sturdy snake like a rock, and a pair of blood-red bat-like wings!

  It's like a combination of snakes and bats!

  It is the war bat Nozuchi!

  "Get out of here!!!"

  Nakagawa Haruki recovered from the shock, and hurriedly yelled at the helicopter pilot, who hurriedly controlled the helicopter and quickly climbed away.


  However, their helicopter hadn't climbed very high yet. A Nozuchi, about [-] meters long, was already flying fast. Its big mouth, full of sharp and dense fangs, roared at Friends Oda in the helicopter. Expensive bite.


  Nozuqi plunged into the cabin, its fangs slammed into Oda Yuki's body fiercely, and with a puff, blood spurted out of Oda Yuki's body like a fountain, splashing everywhere in the cabin. Both are.


  In the shrill scream of Oda Yuki, Nozuqi directly opened his mouth and swallowed it into his stomach. Then, Nozuqi's sturdy tail was like a dragon flicking its tail, slamming, ruthlessly. on the fuselage of the helicopter.

  Drop drop! ! !

  The helicopter immediately lost control and crashed into a building with a screeching alarm sound. With a bang, the helicopter immediately exploded.

  More and more war bat Nozuchi flew out of the dark tunnel, or they hovered in the air, and a sharp roar spread.


  "It's a monster! The monster has appeared again!"

  "What exactly is going on!?"


  The huge dark hole that suddenly appeared, and the dense war bat Nozuchi that flew out of the dark hole also terrified countless people in the city, screaming, crying, and shouting.

  Like a movement full of fear, it once again shrouded the sky above the huge East Imperial City, and the entire city was once again plunged into chaos and fear.

  But soon.

  In the distance in the sky, there are flying mechs flying over.

  These mechas are the air mecha units responsible for guarding the Eastern Imperial City.

  These mechas quickly fought with Nozuqi in the air, the sound of missile whistling, the sound of mecha falling to the ground and exploding, machine guns roaring wildly, pouring dense bullets on these monsters, and a chain of bullets swept through the air.

  Compared to the iron-clad mechas with powerful firepower, the War Bat Nozuchi is a little weaker. Although their rock-like scales can withstand the large-caliber bullets of the mecha, those powerful Missiles, hitting them, can still cause some damage.


  The overall situation is obviously biased towards the side of the mecha guards.

  As each Nozuchi was shot to death by the mecha, countless people in the city couldn't help but get excited when they saw this, and they shouted wildly with excitement.

  "Kill them!"

  "Damn monsters! Now it's your luck!"

  "It seems that the monsters are not invincible, and the armor that was killed by our mecha is not left!"

  "Don't let these monsters run away!"


  Seeing that Nozuqi was shot and killed by their mechas one by one, the people who were still extremely frightened suddenly felt at ease, and even more excitedly shouted and whistled on the street.


  But at this moment, people closer to the city center suddenly felt the ground under their feet tremble violently, and then everyone quickly followed the sound and looked towards the huge hole.

  But I saw a thick and powerful tiger claw covered with black and white striped hair slapped heavily on the ground on the edge of the dark hole, in the eyes of countless horrified eyes.

  A tiger monster about [-] meters high climbed out of the dark hole. This tiger monster looked unusually majestic and mighty. Stripes, the muscles on the body bulge, and the claws on the limbs are as sharp as steel knives!

  The most eye-catching thing is that the head of this tiger monster is staring at two antlers like antlers, and the two horns are shining with crystal clear light.


  The city-destroying monster Sacred Tiger!



  ps: Second update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~

  Click on the bottom right corner to see the image of the holy tiger. .

Chapter 155

  Under the gaze of countless eyes, a tiger-shaped monster with a height of about [-] meters and two crystal clear antlers on its head climbed out of the dark passage.

  This tiger-shaped monster has a strong and majestic body, and its muscles are entrenched like a horned dragon. Its sharp claws flash with a steel-like cold light under the sunlight, and there are black stripes on its pure white hair.

  It is a holy tiger!


  At this moment, I saw the huge holy lake that was taller than dozens of floors screaming in the sky, and the low tiger roar that contained the majesty of a king spread.

  All the people on the nearby streets looked at the huge tiger-shaped monster with shock and horror, and their faces were filled with fear.

  "God! What kind of monster is this!"

  "so big!"

  "How can these monsters climb up from the ground? Do they all come from the inner world?"



  Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the city center of Donghuang City suddenly appeared a dark passage with a diameter of several hundred meters leading to the ground. Then, there were countless bats and snakes. A collection of monsters flew out from the passage, and now such a huge tiger-shaped monster climbed out, which made them guess in their hearts.

  at their feet...

  Is there really a world in the center of the earth where monsters are ravaged? !

  "Whoosh whoosh!"

  At this moment, more than a dozen flying mechas rushed towards the Holy Tiger, and immediately there were more than a dozen missiles, dragging their tail flames and tearing the sky and whistling towards the Holy Tiger. Under the gaze of one after another.

  Rumbling hit the holy tiger's body.

  The missile exploded on Shenghu, and the deafening sound of the explosion resounded in the sky above the city. The flames bloomed, and the shock wave swept away.


  These powerful missiles were enough to blow up the high-rise buildings in an instant, but they failed to cause the slightest damage to the Holy Tiger!


  The missiles launched by these mechas, although they failed to cause any damage to the holy tiger, undoubtedly angered the holy tiger completely, but seeing it roared at those mechas angrily, and then everyone saw it The two horns on the top of the head suddenly flashed blue currents at this moment.

  One after another blue electric current surrounds the antlers of the holy tiger, causing its antlers to flash with blue electric light, the electric light becomes more and more condensed, and a violent aura is emitted.


  The next moment, everyone saw that there were two lightning energy rays condensed by lightning, which suddenly shot towards the flying mechs from the two antlers of the holy tiger, and the lightning rays radiated. Violent aura of destruction.

  And those mechas saw the lightning ray shot towards them, and the mecha masters of those mechas were so frightened that they hurriedly controlled their mechas to avoid them.


  After seeing the various terrifying ray functions of monsters.

  They don't dare to use their mechas to resist the energy ray skills of these monsters!


  Although these mechas tried their best to avoid the thunder and lightning rays of the holy tiger.

  However, there were still two mechas that failed to escape in time, and were directly hit by the two thunderbolts of the holy tiger, which immediately exploded with a rumbling explosion.

  Like two groups of exploding fireworks.

  The parts of the mecha are flying everywhere.

  The rest of the mecha masters who avoided the mecha were all startled when they saw this. However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they widened their eyes again, because they saw that the two from the holy The two lightning rays shot from the two antlers on the tiger's head turned out to be like two lightning lasers, swept toward the mecha they were driving quickly.


  One of the commanders hurriedly shouted.

  Rumble boom!

  A few mechas failed to dodge in time, and were immediately swept away by the two lightning rays of the holy tiger, and immediately exploded with a bang, and the parts of the mecha flashed everywhere. People were terrified.

  But seeing the remaining flying mechas, holding alloy war knives or energy laser blades, they dived towards the holy tiger rapidly, obviously wanting to start a close-to-hand combat with the holy tiger. One of the mechas holds two in both hands. The incomparably sharp alloy sword slashed towards the right front leg of the holy tiger.


  The Holy Tiger let out a low roar, and it raised its right paw and slapped fiercely at the mecha that was rushing towards it, but the mecha flexibly avoided it.


  Before the mecha master of the mecha breathed a sigh of relief, he saw a thick tail, like a dragon flicking its tail, and slammed it towards it head-on.

  Rumble boom!

  The next moment, the strong and powerful tail of the holy tiger slammed into the fuselage of the mecha, and the mecha immediately exploded in the air with a bang, and the flames shone like fireworks. Explosion in the air!

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