Unwilling thoughts appeared in the hearts of the mecha pilots.

  "¨"What are you doing? The country supports you, and that's how you repay us?" A commander in the command room snatched the microphone and spoke to the members of the mecha squad.

  He believes that the power of the electromagnetic railgun is absolutely enough to knock over the monster. The reason why it is useless and does not exert its power is because of the problems of these mecha pilots.

  "Che, what do they know, a bunch of guys who haven't been on the battlefield." Alexander Xi couldn't help but complained in his heart.

  The next second, I saw Baphomet's tail suddenly lifted up and straight, and a breathtaking green flame emerged from it.

  "Oops!" Before the captain could finish his words, he saw the incomparably dark tail streaking across the sky.


  With a loud bang, the tail like a giant whip had pierced through all the mechas, and in the blink of an eye, those mechas had turned into a pile of scrap metal.

  But it wasn't over yet. I saw that the cluster of green fire on Bafengt's tail also jumped to the mecha, and quickly madly ignited them and wrapped them. The mecha group fell weakly from mid-air, not yet touched It turned into a green flame when it hit the ground.

  "Well, it's actually useless. Chong."

  "This monster is not ordinary strong!"

  "Are humans going to play?"

  In the live broadcast room, netizens began to despair, and the newly born hope was dashed.



Chapter 159

  This is not over yet, and then a densely packed flying monster is flying out from the horizon.

  It's the War Bat Nozuchis.

  "Attack, do your best!"

  The survivors of the mecha squad can only bite the bullet and rush up, or the entire country may be destroyed here.

  Before they could finish dealing with Nuo Zujiqi, Bafengte waved the giant claw covered with brown hair long ago, and smashed all the remaining mechas to the ground with a whistling whistle.

  "Roar!" Bafeng screamed up to the sky, and the skeletons on his hair shook and collided, making a terrifying crashing sound.

  It seems to be the king of heaven and earth at this moment.


  Before Ghidorah could stretch out his body, another violent roar came from the tunnel of the black hole.

  In between, a monster with blue eyes and a blue thorn on its back was slowly walking out of it. Every time he took a step, the snow in the snowfield trembled.

  "This, this is?"

  The officers in the command room of the Sand Bear Empire couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking.

   That majestic figure...

  The king of monsters!Godzilla!

  Above the icy pure white snow field, two behemoths are looking at each other from a distance.


  Baphomet screamed with some trembling, it had a feeling that this was an opponent it couldn't handle at all.


  Godzilla didn't think much about it, only to see it strode towards Baphomet.


  The next second, Godzilla and Baphomet collided fiercely, and Baphomet was knocked out by Godzilla as if he was completely powerless to fight back.

  This is the power of the king!


  Baphomet screamed in shock and anger.

  It raised its claws and slapped Godzilla with a strong wind.

  The power of this palm is enough to sever the mountain.

  Godzilla opened his mouth unhurriedly, revealing his sharp fangs.


  Godzilla's fangs pierced straight through Baphomet's palm, spilling a handful of dark red blood, and when its bloody mouth closed, Baphomet's palm also bit only half.

  At the same time, Godzilla slammed his fists hard, and the force of tens of thousands of tons directly shook Bafengte away.


  Baphomet covered the wound and stepped back again and again, and there was only panic in his eyes.

  Is this the power of the king of monsters?

  In the command room, there was only shock and submission left in the hearts of those senior officials. This battle did not seem to be in the City of Angels. It happened in front of them, and it was the most intuitive way for them to feel Godzilla's strength.

  The monsters that their all-out mechs can't fight against, the enemies that their most advanced weapons can't injure, are hit hard in the face of Godzilla, what a powerful power this is!

  Bafeng looked at his broken palm and looked at the other party's leisurely appearance, and his anger was even greater in his heart.

  Hand-to-hand combat is not the opponent's opponent at all, so you can only use your skills to compete.

  It took two steps back and began to paint the garden with its hands in the air.

  One after another dark symbols gradually formed in the air, and wisps of evil aura began to emerge.

  Godzilla stood with his arms crossed, as if to say, please start your show.


  A black halo of death appeared out of nowhere and headed straight for Godzilla.

  Baphomet, as a well-known demon in Christianity, the evil god that witches are worshiping, naturally controls several kinds of dark magic.

  The black halo flew to the top of Godzilla's head and turned into a slender rope under Baphomet's pull, binding Godzilla's whole body.


  Baphomet roared proudly.

  What king of monsters?Aren't you still bound by me?

  It swiped its arms again, and was about to launch its next magical attack...

  Evil magic gradually condensed in mid-air, and the surrounding space was also affected by this and began to ripple in circles.


  Baphomet roared, his hands slammed together, and a huge black fireball took shape.

  The size of the fireball is extremely huge, half the size of Godzilla, like a meteorite that is about to fall to the blue star.

  "Sir! The report of the base's scientific research room said that in terms of the size of this fireball, its power is enough to blow up the entire Arctic plain!"

  The assistant officer next to him hurriedly handed over a stack of reports to the commander.

  "Fuck, is this going to end the world?"

  After reading it, Commander was also ashamed and couldn't help but utter a dirty word.

  Incomparably pitch-black fireballs burned and whistled towards Godzilla.

  "Can Godzilla stop it?"

  "Even if he is the king of monsters, he will have to suffer a heavy blow if he doesn't die!"

  "I think it should be the Baphomet Demon who won."

  The water friends in the live broadcast room also talked a lot. This is a fireball of the world-annihilation level, even if it is a Godzilla-level existence, it should be a bit overwhelming.

  The remarks in the live broadcast room have begun to tilt in the direction of Baphomet's victory. Some people even say that Godzilla is now bound by black ropes, thinking that it can't even make a counterattack.



Chapter 160

  As the fireball got closer, feeling the heat of melting everything, the leisurely look on Godzilla's face began to slowly fade away.

  It's about to get serious.

  The spikes on its tail began to flash a dangerous red light, and the crimson light began to pass up along its backstab, and the eternal snow of the entire snow plain began to melt.

  At the same time, the black ropes on Godzilla's body began to break one by one, and they simply couldn't bear the fluctuations brought about by such a strong energy gathering.

  Both Baphomet and the onlookers in the command room felt an indescribable pressure, as if their heart was being pinched by someone else's force.

  "What is this?"

  The commander supported the podium with both hands and barely kept his standing position, but his back was already wet with cold sweat.

  What is the attack that makes people feel such a majestic deterrent just by looking at it...  

  Suddenly, electromagnetic humming began to sound around the command room, and all electronic instruments failed.

  Not only that, the electromagnetic field of the entire snowfield has undergone drastic changes, as if in fear and trembling.

  More and more red energy began to condense in Godzilla's mouth, and even its eyes began to turn red, and the surrounding temperature began to soar sharply, as if the high temperature of the sun was spreading here, and the entire snowfield began to melt.

  The ecosystem here is starting to change gradually!

  The ice and snow kingdom in the North Pole, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years, begins to collapse!

  The surrounding space also began to gradually distort under the heat wave!

  The blazing heat that will burn everything is coming!

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